Undergraduate Quiz on A.I. in Medical Education at AFMC, Pune.
• A CME on ‘Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education’ was organized by the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune on 20th – 21st December 2024. Theme of the CME was ‘the evolving technology of AI and its use in optimizing Medical Teaching/learning’ which is an immensely explorable area now a days. The event was attended virtually by the faculty of SKNMC.
• As a part of this event, an Intercollegiate Undergraduate Quiz was organized on 21st December at AFMC, Pune. The following two students from Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital, Narhe, Pune were deputed for the Quiz on "A I in Medical Education".
1. Faraj Shaikh- Batch - 2021 - (Phase- III Part I student)
2. Geetak Patil- Batch - 2023 (Phase- II student)
• With immense pleasure we share that our students stood second in the above said quiz and brought laurels to the SKNMC & GH.
First prize at Cynosure - RESPIRARE
Heartiest Congratulations to Dr. Siddharth Nimal (PG student – Medicine) for winning First prize at Cynosure - RESPIRARE an International Conference for Case presentation held at B. J. Medical College Pune on 29/12/2021.
He was guided by Professor & HOD Dr. Jitendra Ingole and Dr. Shreepad Bhat.
Dr. Siddharth is thankful to Dr. A. V. Bhore Director of SKNMC and Dean Dr. Krishnakant B. Patil for encouragement to participate in academic events both in SKNMC as well as in other Institutes.
Undergraduate Stroke Symposium Competition
On the occasion of world stroke day, an undergraduate Stroke Symposium competition was organized by the Department of Medicine and Department of Neurology at Bharti Hospital, Pune on 29th October 2021. Six colleges participated in this competition. Apoorv Nimbvikar (Final Year MBBS) and Yash Pargaonkar (Final Year MBBS) represented Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital. They presented the topic “Stroke in the Anterior and Posterior Circulation” and were guided in their preparation by Dr. Jitendra Ingole(Professor, MD Medcine) They won the first prize for their presentation which included a trophy and a cash prize.