In life many personal decisions are required to be made and problems solved through discussions. These discussions usually can be with friends or family. However, at times it is appropriate to seek help away from one’s familiar daily environment. Seeking help through counselling is about making a positive choice to get help by talking confidentially with a knowledgeable trained listener.

Counselling is a process that attempts to help you focus on and understands more clearly the issues that bother or trouble a person. The Counsellor’s role is to offer support and understanding, and to listen and respond in a non- judgmental way. They do not solve your problems, however! But they do support your decision making. It is always helpful not to wait until a problem has grown more serious. More serious problems are managed by Psychiatrists with the help of appropriate medication in addition to counselling.

Our team is comprises of the following professionals, who are there to help, while maintaining confidentiality. Significant mental health problems with risks however may mean sharing of confidential information, with appropriate authority.

Reconstitution of Students counselling cell

Sr.No. Name Name of Member
1 Head Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande
2 Consultant Psychiatrists 1. Dr. Vinod Chaugule
2. Dr. Bhushan Mhetre
3. Dr. Trupti Torane
4. Dr. Sankalp Nirmal
5. Dr. Chinmay Deshpande
3 Teacher representative 1. Dr. Priya Mardikar (Dept. of Physiology)
2. Dr. Vinod Agarwal (Dept. of Forensic Medicine)
3. Dr. Noopur Singh (Dept. of Anaesthesiology)
4. Dr. Ketki Junare (Dept. of ObGy)
4 Counselors Mrs. Parnika Kulkarni (Clinical Psychologist)
Mrs. Avani Naik (Clinical Psychologist)
Ms.Dhanashree Veerkar (PSW)