Respiratory Medicine - Research
Dr. Himanshu Pophale
Knowledge on prevention and management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma among medical officers: a multi-center pre and post-test study in 31st March 2024 Bharti Vidyapeeth Medical Journal, March 2024; Volume 4: Issue. 1 Page no. 29-33. by
Dr. Kashaf Javed
Research Paper “To study correlation between results of Gene expert and AFB Culture in Bronchial aspirate samples in the diagnosis of pulmonary Tuberculosis”.
Dr. Pranav Pandya
Research Paper “ Poncet’s disease or INH induced Lupus Erythematosus? A Diagnostic Dilemma”.
Dr. Pranav Pandya :
Research Paper : “ Applying the new Gold Taxonomy for old COPD Cases and its Implications.
Dr. Pankaj Magar
• CWT dominant frequency analysis for Electromyographical (EMG) Signals
• Study of the Bilirubin content of Pleural Fluid in Exudative Pleural Effusion
• Six Minute Walk Distance Improvements in Symptomatic Pleural Effusion Patients with Therapeutic Thoracocentesis
Dr. Suyash Patil
Dr. Himanshu pophale
Case Report – Atypical Mycobacterial Cutaneous Infection Caused by Mycobacterium abscessus Complex: An Unusual Presentation Masquerading Actinomycosis .
Dr. Himanshu Pophale
Efficacy safety and immunogenicity of the DNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (ZyCoV-D): the interim efficacy results of a phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in India.
Dr. Unmesha Pawar
Severe interstitial lung disease persisting 2 years post-COVID-19 despite anti-fibrotic therapy. Lung India. Oct.2022;39:587-8. (Research Article)
Dr. Himanshu Pophale, Dr.Anandkumar Luniya, Dr. Tejas Deshpande, Dr. Gauri Godbole, Dr. Pankaj Magar and Dr. Suhas Kulkarni
Efficacy of Smart (single maintenance and reliever therapy in management of asthma. Indian Journal of Applied Research Volume 10/Issue2/February 2020
Dr.Tejas Deshpande,Dr.Gauri Godbole,Dr.Pankaj Magar,Dr.Anandkumar Luniya
To study the efficacy of post Bronhoscopy sputum in adding to the yield of bronchial washings in diagnosis of acid fast bacilli, International journal of Scientific Research. Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2020 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr Page no 41to 43.
Dr.Himanshu Pophale,Dr.Gauri Godbole,Dr.Unmesha Pawar ,Dr.Tejas Deshpande ,Dr.Swapnil Kakad,Dr.Swapnil Thorat,
To Assess awareness and knowledge amongst nursing staff regarding teaching of nebulisation and good Nebulisation practices. International journal of Scientific. Research. Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2020 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
Page no 1to2.
Dr.Tejas Deshpande,Dr.Gauri Godbole,Dr.Pankaj Magar,Dr.Swapnil Kakad,Dr.Unmesha Pawar
To Study the efficacy of Repeated Induced Sputum versus Bronchial Washings to Diagnose Acid Fast Bacilli, Scientific Journal of Pulmonary & Respiratoty Medicine. Volume 2,Issue – 1 Page no 1 to 6, May- 2020.
Dr.Swapnil Kakad,Dr.Gauri Godbole,Dr.Suhas Kulkarni,Dr.Tejas Deshpande
Study of awareness and Utility of Cartridge based Nucleic Acid Amplification test (CBNAAT) Amongst doctors. Volume -10, Issue – 3 ,Print ISSN -2249-555Xpage no 1 to 2. March - 2020
Dr.Himanshu Pophale,Dr.Anandkumar Luniya,Dr.Tejas Deshpande ,Dr.Gauri Godbole,Dr.Pankaj Magar,Dr.Suhas Kulkarni,
Effecacy of Smat Single maintenance & Reliever Therapy in Management of asthma,Indian Jr of Applied Research.Volume- 10,Issue – 2,February – 2020,Print ISSN no.555X.DOI:10.36106, Page no 1to2.May- 2020.
Dr.Pankaj K. Magar
Utility of COPD Assessment Test in the Evaluation of COPD,Volume -9 /Issue - 4,April -2019.Print ISSN No 2249 - 555X.
Dr. Anuj Gandhi, Dr. Gauri Godbole,Dr. Bharat Toshniwal, Dr. Tejas Deshpande
“Medical Thoracoscopy: A Minimal Invasive Procedure Benefits In A Tertiary Care Centre” Global Journal For Research Analysis; volume-7, Issue-4, April-2018 - Issn No 2277 - 8160.
Dr.Vipin Aggarwal,Dr. Gauri Godbole,Dr. Shubhangi Agawane,Dr. Himanshu Pophale, Dr. Pankaj Magar,Dr. Ruchita Killedar, Dr. Bharat Toshniwal
Correlation of breath holding time with spirometry test - An alternative non technician dependent surrogate test for spirometry.2018.MedPulse International Journal of Medicine. March 2018; 5(3): 69-73.
Dr.Luniya Anadkumar ,Dr. Kapse V ,Dr. Mhaisekar D G
Study of relationship between DLCO and other spirometric parameters in patients with obstructive and restrictive lung diseases.2018.MedPulse International Journal of Medicine : November 2017; 4(2):63-68.
Dr. Anuj Gandhi, Dr. GauriGodbole, Dr. Bharat Toshniwal, Dr. Tejas Deshpande
Medical Thoracoscopy: A Minimal Invasive Procedure Benefits In A Tertiary Care Centre.2018.Global Journal For Research Analysis; volume-7, Issue-4, April-2018 - Issn No 2277 - 8160.
Dr. Bharat Toshniwal, Dr. Pankaj Magar, Dr. Gauri Godbole
“A study of utility of mantoux test in the suspected cases of tuberculosis at a tertiary health care center” MedPulse International Journal of Medicine, Print ISSN: 2550-7583, Volume 4, Issue 1, October 2017
Dr. Bharat Toshniwal, Dr. Himanshu Pophale, Dr. Gauri Godbole
“A study of the outcome and prognosis of various thoracic surgeries performed on patients with respiratory conditions” MedPulse International Journal of Medicine, Print ISSN: 2550-7583, Volume 4, Issue 1, October 2017 pp 05-08
Dr. Bharat Toshniwal, Dr. Pankaj Magar, Dr. Gauri Godbole
A study of utility of mantoux test in the suspected cases of tuberculosis at a tertiary health care center.MedPulse International Journal of Medicine, Print ISSN: 2550-7583, Volume 4, Issue 1, October 2017.1-4 .
Dr. Bharat Toshniwal, Dr. Himanshu Pophale, Dr. Gauri Godbole
A study of the outcome and prognosis of various thoracic surgeries performed on patients with respiratory conditions.2017.MedPulse International Journal of Medicine, Print ISSN: 2550-7583, Volume 4, Issue 1, October 2017 pp 05-08.5-8.
Dr. Gauri Godbole, Dr. Himanshu Pophale
"To study efficacy of Medical Thoracoscopy in Undiagnosed Pleural Efficacious". Journal of The Association of Physicians of India; Oct.2016; Vol:64; page 3.
Dr. Sachin Dole, Dr. Gauri Godbole , & Dr.Himanshu Pophale
To study efficacy of Medical Thoracoscopy in undiagnosed pleural efficisions.2016.Journal Of The Association of Physicians of India .Oct. 2016. Vol.64 Page 3.20-23.National.
Dr. Meenakshi Bhakare, Dr. Gauri Godbole,
Correlating Nutritional status with severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in adult females.2016.Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University, 2016 Vol 9 Issue 5.570-576.National.
Dr. Ramakrishna Ghubdey, Dr. Archana shekokar
Non Invasive positive pressure ventilation strategy in acute respiratory failure- predictors outcome on intensive respiratory care unit in tertiary care center. Volume :5 issue:6June2015 Published by Indian Journal Of applied Research.
Dr. Ramakrishna Ghubdey, Dr. Archana shekokar
Evolution of Central Venous Catheterization for its Complications in Intensive Respiratory Care Unit in A Tertiary - Level Centre. Volume :4 issue:6June2015 Published by International Journal Of Scientific Research.
Dr.Ramkrishna Ghubdey,Dr. Archana shekokar
Evolution of Central Venous Catheterization for its Complications in Intensive Respiratory Care Unite in A Teritiary - Level Centre.2015.International Jr of Scientific Research 2015;4(6).7-10.
Dr.Ramkrishna Ghubdey,Dr. Archana shekokar
Non Invasive positive pressure ventilation strategy in acute respiratory failure- predictors outcome in intensive respiratory care unit in tertiary care center.2015.Indian Jr of Applied Research 2015;5(6).33-36.
Dr.Bharat Toshniwal, Dr.Rakesh Bilagi, Dr.Hafiz Deshmukh4
Unusual presentation of pulmonary nocardiosis as pyopneumothorax in case of pemphigus vulgaris.2015.MedPulse - International Medical Journa lNovember 2015; 2(11).729-731
Dr Himanshu S Pophale, Dr Gauri P Godbole
A Comparative Study of Bronchoscopic Aspirate And Percutaneous Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Sputum Negative, Clinicoradiologically Suspect Cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. 2014; Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(12): page 457-459
Dr. Gajanan Kurundkar, Dr.Himanshu Pophale
Retrospective Study of Frequency of Pulmonary Hypertension in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)2014; Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(12) : page 400-401
Dr Himanshu S Pophale, Dr Amolkumar W Diwan., Dr Gauri P Godbole
Evaluation of Treatment Response of Freshly Diagnosed Pulmonary TB in Seropositive Patients Under Standard ATT 2014; Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(12): page 376-377
Dr. Amolkumar Diwan Dr. Himanshu Pophale & Dr. Gauri Godbole
A Prospective Analysis of 100 Hemoptysis Cases in Tertiary Care Hospital. 2014; Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(12) : page 402-403
Diwan AW, Godbole GP, Pophale HS, Kulkarni SR.
“Unusual Presentation of Kimura’s Disease” case report (SSaudi Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences)2014; Saudi J Med Med Sci 2014;2:52-56 : page 52-56
Dr. Amolkumar Diwan Dr. Gauri Godbole & Dr. Himanshu Pophale
Pneumorachis: A Benign Association In Bronchial Asthma” 2014; Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(2): page 10-11
Dr. Amolkumar Diwan Dr. Himanshu Pophale & Dr. Gauri Godbole
A Prospective Analysis of 100 Hemoptysis Cases in Tertiary Care Hospital 2014; Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(12): page 402-403
Dr Himanshu S Pophale, Dr Amolkumar W Diwan., Dr Gauri P Godbole,
Evaluation of Treatment Response of Freshly Diagnosed Pulmonary TB in Seropositive Patients Under Standard ATT 2014; Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(12): page 376-377
Dr Himanshu S Pophale, Dr Gauri P Godbole,
A Comparative Study of Bronchoscopic Aspirate And Percutaneous Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Sputum Negative, Clinicoradiologically Suspect Cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.2014; Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(12): page 457-459
Dr. Gajanan Kurundkar, Dr.Himanshu Pophale
Retrospective Study of Frequency of Pulmonary Hypertension in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)2014; Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(12): page 400-401
Dr. Shraddha Bhagwat, Dr.Pujari Vishwanath, Dr. Rajurkar Sourabh , Dr. Rahul Lokhande
Authored Research Paper” Hospital Admission for tuberculosis in ann Indian Metropolitan City” 2014; International Jr. of Science& Reasearch”2014:3(8) : page 283-285
Dr. Pujari Vishwanath, Dr. Shraddha Bhagwat, Dr. Rajurkar Sourabh , Dr. Bhaskaran Divya
Co-authored case study “A case of Bronchiolo-Alveolar Carcinema presenting as miliavy mottling” 2014; Jr. Of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences2014:3(32) ; page 8795-8799
Dr. Pujari Vishwanath, Dr. Shraddha Bhagwat, Dr. Rajurkar Sourabh
Co-authored case report “ A case of Concomitant Adenocarcinoma of Lung & Pulmonary Tuberculosis in a Young Female” 2014; Jr. Of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences2014:3(30): page 8328-8332
Dr.Diwan AW, Dr Godbole GP, Dr Pophale HS Dr,Kulkarni SR.
“Unusual Presentation of Kimura’s Disease” case report (SSaudi Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences.2014.Saudi J Med Med Sci 2014;2:52-56.52-56.
Dr. Amolkumar Diwan Dr. Gauri Godbole & Dr.Himanshu Pophale
Pneumorachis: A Benign Association In Bronchial Asthma”.2014. Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(2).10-11.
Dr.Shraddha Bhagwat, Dr.Pujari Vishwanath, Dr.Rajurkar Sourabh Dr Rahul Lokhande
Authored Research Paper” Hospital Admission for tuberculosis in ann Indian Metropolitan City”.2014.International Jr. of Science& Reasearch”2014:3(8).283-285.
Dr. Pujari Vishwanath, Dr.Shraddha Bhagwat, Dr. Sourabh Rajurkar , Dr. Bhaskaran Divya
Co-authored case study “A case of Bronchiolo-Alveolar Carcinoma presenting as miliary mottling”.2014.Jr. Of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences2014:3(32.8795-8799.
Dr. Pujari Vishwanath, Dr. Shraddha Bhagwat, Dr. Rajurkar Sourabh
Co-authored case report “ A case of Concomitant Adenocarcinoma of Lung & Pulmonary Tuberculosis in a Young Female”.2014.Jr. Of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences2014:3(30).8328-8332
Dr. Amolkumar Diwan Dr. Himanshu Pophale & Dr. Gauri Godbole
A Prospective Analysis of 100 Hemoptysis Cases in Tertiary Care Hospital.2014.Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(12).402-403.
Dr Himanshu S Pophale, Dr Amolkumar W Diwan., Dr Gauri P Godbole
Evaluation of Treatment Response of Freshly Diagnosed Pulmonary TB in Seropositive Patients Under Standard ATT.2014.Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(12).376-377.
Dr Himanshu S Pophale, Dr Gauri P Godbole
A Comparative Study of Bronchoscopic Aspirate And Percutaneous Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Sputum Negative, Clinicoradiologically Suspect Cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.2014.Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(12).457-459.
Dr. Gajanan Kurundkar, Dr.Himanshu Pophale
Retrospective Study of Frequency of Pulmonary Hypertension in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).2014.Indian Jr of Applied Research 2014;4(12).400-401.
Dr Gauri Paresh Godbole, Dr Amolkumar Diwan, Dr Himanshu Pophale, Dr Samir Singru
Study to Evaluate the Role of Single Intrapleural Steroid Instillation in Improving Outcome in Patients of Tubercular Pleural Effusions Receiving Standard Anti Tubercular Treatment.2013; Indian Jr of Applied Research 2013;3(10): page 55-57
Archana shekokar , Ramkrishna Ghubdey
Pedigree analysis and cytogenetic study in vitiligo (Genetics in vitiligo) Lambert acdemic publishing 2013; (Book Published (International) ISBN No 978-3-659-20220-9
Dr. Kurundkar Gajanan, Dr. Pophale Himanshu
Disease an unusual cause of severe febrile illness in ICU - Indian Journal of Applied Research Volume :3 | Issue : 12 | Dec 2013 Page No.383 to 385
Dr Himanshu S Pophale, Dr Gauri P Godbole, Dr Amolkumar W Diwan.
Localised Amyloidosis Secondary to Tuberculosis- A Report of A Rare Presentation 2013; Indian Jr of Applied Research 2013;3(10) page 54-55
Dr. Gajanan Kurundkar, Dr.Himanshu Pophale
Rickettsial Disease an unusual cause of severe Febrile illness in ICU 2013; Indian Jr of Applied Research 2013:3(12);383-385 : page 383-385
DrArchana shekokar ,Dr. Ramkrishna Ghubdey
Pedigree analysis and cytogenetic study in vitiligo (Genetics in vitiligo) Lambert acdemic publishing.2013.(Book Published (International) ISBN No 978-3-659-20220-9.
Dr Gauri Paresh Godbole, Dr Amolkumar Diwan, Dr Himanshu Pophale, Dr Samir Singru
Study to Evaluate the Role of Single Intrapleural Steroid Instillation in Improving Outcome in Patients of Tubercular Pleural Effusions Receiving Standard Anti Tubercular Treatment.2013.Indian Jr of Applied Research 2013;3(10),55-57.
Dr Himanshu S Pophale, Dr Gauri P Godbole, Dr Amolkumar W Diwan.
Localised Amyloidosis Secondary to Tuberculosis- A Report of A Rare Presentation.2013.Indian Jr of Applied Research 2013;3(10).54-55.
Dr. Gajanan Kurundkar, Dr.Himanshu Pophale
Rickettsial Disease an unusual cause of severe Febrile illness in ICU.2013.Indian Jr of Applied research2013:3(12);383-385.383-385.
Dr. Ramkrishna Ghubde, Dr. Archana shekokar
Comparision of fluticasone proprionate with beclomethasone diproprionate in patients of Bronchial asthma.2012.Indian Jr of applied research; volume-1,158-160.
Dr. Ramkrishna Ghubdey, Dr. Archana shekoka
Kartagener’s syndrome -A case Reportinternational.2012.Journal of scientific research volume 1.140-141.
Dr. Ramkrishna Ghubdey, Dr. Archana shekoka
A rare case : Typhoid fever with ARDS.2012.Global research analysis volume 1 Issue 2.92.
DrArchana shekokar ,Dr. Ramkrishna Ghubdey
Pedegree Analysis and cytogenetic study in vitiligo,2011.Jr of clinical and Diagnostic Research Volume 5,929-931.