The Respiratory Medicine department primarily evaluates and treats people with diseases of the respiratory systems such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, tuberculosis, sleep-disordered breathing, interstitial lung diseases, cystic fibrosis, occupational lung diseases including exposure to fumes, dusts, metals, and various chemicals, chronic respiratory diseases due to tobacco smoke and household biomass fuel smoke exposure. In addition to in-patients and IRCU patients, OPDs are conducted daily. The department is well equipped with Computerized Spirometry, Fibre-optic & video bronchoscopy, Skin Prick Allergen testing, Rigid Thoracoscopy, Polysomnography, Body Plethysmography & Diffusion studies. These are done regularly for proper diagnostic evaluation & treatment of patients wherever indicated.
The department has recently started specialty clinic facilities for patients suffering from Asthma, COPD, and Pulmonary Rehabilitation clinic for patients with chronic lung diseases. The department also runs a dedicated smoking cessation programme. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy is also done on OPD basis, indoor as well as daycare basis.
The department has also conducted several group education programmes for patients. Multiple health awareness programmes were conducted by the department for hospital staffs like World TB Day programme was conducted for awareness & education regarding tuberculosis for our hospital nursing, clerical, technicians, security & MPW staff .