Radio-diagnosis - Research
Dr. Devendra Patil, Dr. Prashant Naik, Dr. Sachin Dagade, Dr. Poorva Patil, Dr. Abhijeet Jadhao-,
Importance of ductus venosus doppler in prediction of perinatal morbidity and mortality- International Journal of Innovative science and Research Technology, Volume-8 | Issue - 03 | March - 2023 | PRINT ISSN No. 2456 - 2165Dr. Nikita Garg, Dr. Amol Sasane
Evaluation of Role of Imaging Technique in Blunt Injury Abdomen: An Institutional Based Study, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Volume 9| Issue 7| Summer 2022| ISSN 2515-8260Dr. Prashant Komatwar1, Dr. Sachin Dagade , Dr. Prashant Naik, Dr. Mohammed Aarif
Linear Correlation of Uterine Artery Pulsatility Index (PI) in Mid Trimester in Pregnant Female with Foetal Birth Weight – International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Volume 8| Issue 2| February – 2023| ISSN No:-2456-2165Dr. Mohammed aarif, Dr. Abhijeet Jadhao, Dr. Santosh konde, Dr. A. Ansari
A rare case pancreatic head hydatid cyst – International Journal of medicine – 2023.Dr. Pooja Shah
Ultrasound and Mammogram Evaluation of Breast Lesions with FNAC Corelation INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH (Print ISSN: 2249-555X) for June 2022 issue 2249 - 555XDr Santosh Konde(Professor), Dr Pallav Bhatter. Dr. Pranit Pantawane
ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING ICU STAY IN COVID-19 PATIENTS WITH PULMONARY AND VASCULAR MANIFESTATION. – Indian Journal of Applied Research Volume -11 | Issue - 02 | Feb - 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijarDr. Sarang Gosavi, Dr. Prashant Naik
Role Of Computed Tomography In Evaluation Of Cervicallymphnode Metastsis In Head And Neck Malignancies. Volume - 11 | Issue - 07 | July - 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijarDr. Pooja Shah
Colour Doppler And Its Patterns In Lower Limb Venous Insufficiency: A Descriptive Prospective Study. Indian Journal of Applied Research Volume -10 | Issue - 3 | March - 2020 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijarDr. Pooja Shah
MDCT & USG findings in blunt abdominal trauma a comparative study.Indian Journal of Applied Research, volume: 9 | Issue: 4 | April 2019 |Page 01-02 | ISSN-2249-555XDr. Pooja Shah
CT Evaluation of lesions of paranasal sinuses. Indian Journal of Applied Research, volume: 9 | Issue: 4 | April 2019 |Page 01-02 | ISSN-2249-555XDr. Abhijit D Pawar, Dr. Varsha R Rangankar, Dr. Priya R Bhole
Comparison of Two Different Glenoid Bone Loss Calculation Methods using Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography. Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research. Volume: 13(11): TC01-TC03 | November 2019 |Page 01-03.Dr. Abhijit D Pawar, Dr. Varsha R Rangankar, Dr. Priya R Bhole
Comparison of Two Different Glenoid Bone Loss Calculation Methods using Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography. , Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research. Volume: 13(11): TC01-TC03 | November 2019 |Page 01-03.Dr. Abhijit Pawar Dr Santosh R Konde, Dr.Priya Bhole
Assessment of depth of olfactory fossa in pre-functional endoscopic sinus surgery computed tomorgraphy scan of paranasal sinuses . International Journal of otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery. volume: 4 | Issue: 1 |Januray- February 2018 | eISSN-2454-5937X| Page No.01-04Dr.Amol Sasane, Dr. Amar Sangapwad
Differentiation of Lung Masses with Radiondensity Determined Contrast Enhanced computed tomography. Indian Journal of Applied Researchvolume: 8 | Issue: 1 | January 2018 |Page 06-07 | ISSN-2249-555X | IC Value-86.18 | IF:4.894.Dr. Amol Sasane, Dr. Santosh R Konde
Association of anatomic variants of paranasal sinuses and chronic sinusitis.Indian Journal of Applied Research volume: 7 | Issue: 7 | July 2017 | Page 1-2 | ISSN-2249-555X | IF: 4.894 | IC Value: 79.96.Dr. Santosh R Konde , Dr. Prajakta R Jagtap, Dr. Priya R. Bhole
MR imaging of the brain in children with developmental delay. Indian Journal of Applied Research volume: 7 | Issue: 7 | July 2017 | Page 46-48 | ISSN-2249-555X | IF: 4.894 | IC Value: 79.96.Satishkumar S. Chavan, Abhijit Pawar, Sanjay N. Talbar
Multimodality Medical Image Fusion using Nonsubsampled Rotated Wavelet Transform for Cancer Treatment Int. J. of Computational Systems Engineering, Vol. xx, No. xx, 2017.Dr. Santosh R.Konde, Dr. Abhijeet Pawar, Dr. Priya Bhole
Types of Optic nerves: Their anatomical significance for endoscopic nasal surgery.Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2017Dr. Varsha Rangankar, Dr. Abhijit Pawar, Dr. Aditi Dongre, Brig Dr. Hariqbal Singh.
Multislice Computed Tomography Imaging with Clinical Outcome in inflammatory Appendiceal Masses.International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. Volume: 5 (2) | April 2016 | Page 6-10.
Dr Anand Kamat, Dr Prashant Naik, Brig Dr. Hariqbal Singh, Dr. Sharda Bapat.
Stroke and Carotid Ultrasound.. our Experience.Indian Journal of Applied Research volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | April 2016 | Page 54-56 | ISSN-2249-555X | IF: 919 | IC Value: 74.50.
Dr Vikram Shende, Dr. Punit Agrawal, Dr. Santosh Konde, Brig Dr. Hariqbal Singh.
Dandy Walker Malformation with Parietal Encephalocele Case Report.Indian Journal of Applied Research volume: 6 | Issue: 3 | April 2016 | Page 57-58 | ISSN-2249-555X | IF: 3.919 | IC Value: 74.50.
Dr Vikram Shende, Dr. Anand Kamat,Dr. Swapnil Raut, Dr. Prajakta Jagtap, Dr. Pranjal Bobade Dr. Sumit Kuthe
Sassone Scoring System in Differntiating Benign and Malignant Adnexal Masses.Indian Journal of Applied Research volume: 6 | Issue: 3 | March 2016 | Page 59-62 | ISSN-2249-555X | IF: 3.919 | IC Value: 74.50.
Dr Prashant Naik, Dr Anand Kamat. Dr. Brig. Hariqbal Singh
High Resolution Carotid Ultrasound in Diabetics and Hypertensive Patients.Indian Journal of Applied Research volume: 6 | Issue: 1 | January 2016 | Page 564-567 | ISSN-2249-555X
Dr. Varsha Rangankar, Dr. Abhijit Pawar, Brig Dr. Hariqbal Singh.
Role of Multislice Computed Tomography Imaging in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors.Indian Journal of Applied Research volume: 6 | Issue: 3 | March 2016 | ISSN-2249-555X | Page 578-582 | IF: 3.919 | IC Value: 74: 50.
Dr. Varsha Rangankar,Dr. Kishor Taori, Dr. Rajesh Mundhada, Dr Atul Rewatkar.
Accuracy of Common Femoral Artery Doppler Waveform Analysis in Predicting Aaemodynamically Significant Aortoiliac Lesions.Journal of Clinical and Diagnosis Research. Volume: 10 (2) | February 2016 | Page 26-28.
Dr. Aditi Himaunshu Dongre, Dr Atul Tukaram Tayade, Dr Sushil Kumar Kale.
Clinical, Radiographic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Cervical Spine Trauma.Indian Journal Of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. Volume: 5(1) / January 2016 / Pages 35-39
Dr. Santosh R. Konde Dr. Varsha Rangankar Dr Hariqbal Singh
Fibrolipomatous Hamartoma of Median NerveIndian Journal of Applied Research Volume: 4 / Issue: 1 / Jan 2014 / Pages 444-445 / ISSN - 2249-555 X.
Dr Amol Gorakhnath Sasane , Santosh R Konde , Brig . Dr. Hariqbal Singh
Unusual Case of PDA with VSD in a Young Patient Developing Eisenmenger Syndrome Indian Journal Of Applied Research Volume : 4 | Issue : 2 | Feb 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X Page 6-7Dr. Varsha Rangankar, Dr Manisha Hadgaonkar , Dr. Santosh R. Konde, Dr Hariqbal Singh
Congenital Muscular Dystrophy: Report of Two cases. Indian Journal Of Applied Research Volume : 4 | Issue : 3 | March 2014: 235-237 | ISSN - 2249-555XDr. V. Rangankar, Dr. A. Dongre Dr. M. Hadgaonkar , Dr. Brig. H. Singh,
Subcortical cysts in anterior temporal regions: unusual imaging finding in congenital Cytomegalovirus infection. MJAFI (2014), (published online)Dr Abhijit Pawar Brig Dr Hariqbal Singh Dr Manisha Hadgaonkar
Schizencephaly with septo-optic dysplasia.Indian Journal Of Applied Research Volume : 4 Issue : 1 / Jan 2014 / Pages 379-381 ? ISSN - 2249 -555 X
Dr. Aditi H. Dongre Dr Manisha Hadgaonkarm Dr. Varsha Rangankar, Dr Harqbal Singh
. Atypical Contrast MRI Findings in Marchiafava-Bignami DiseaseIndian Journal Of Applied Research Volume : 4 / Issue : 1 / Jan 2014 / Pages 391-392 / ISSN - 2249-555 X
Shekhar Shivam, Archana Chaudhari, Abhijit Pawar, and JayantV. Kulkarni
Segmentation of TOF-MRA Blood Vessels Using GMM & EM Algorithmpp.31500-31503