Department - Psychiatry

The department of Psychiatry ensures availability of comprehensive mental health services for the patients and relatives. It provides multidisciplinary intervention for the clients by active participation of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and psychiatric social workers. Clinical work continues to rise in quantity as well as quality, as in last few years. We encourage feedback about services rendered by arranging for feedback forms from services users as well as cares. Work of clinical psychologists and psychiatric social workers is expanding to provide better quality of comprehensive psychosocial services In-patient psychiatry care is provided in well-equipped 30 bedded wards with facilities for managing all kinds of mental health problems. Regular programs including outreach ones for public awareness about mental health problems are conducted on various special days related to mental health including ‘World Schizophrenia day’, World mental health day’ and World Suicide prevention day. Importantly, our services are being shaped on the recovery models of care and support.

Department is also actively involved in teaching communication skills to the budding doctors of the institute apart from its routine academic programs for the undergraduate and post-graduate students. Teachers are conducting stress management workshops for students and interns so as to increase their resilience.

Psychiatry department is involved in wider teaching in form of Lectures, Clinics of Physiotherapy and Nursing students too.

Undergraduate and post-graduate students as well as faculty members are actively involved in research in the department. They enthusiastically participate in intercollegiate quiz programs in Psychiatry and various academic conferences to present their work. Post-graduate students undergo regular academic training in the form of Lectures, Case presentation, Group discussion, Journal Club, Seminar, and Guest Lectures etc.. Our teaching programme also encourages active learning principles based on student feedback and their supervision.

The Postgraduate course in MD Psychiatry was started in 2015. First student passed successfully this year.