Department - Physiology

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    Physiology - Research

    Dr. Santosh Rohidas Bokre
    Evaluation Of Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) Parameters In Male Traffic Police In A Metropolitan City Pune, Maharashtra, India. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, January-February -2024
    Dr. Santosh Rohidas Bokre
    Does Smoking Affect Sensory Nerve Conduction Velocity Earlier In Lower Limbs As Compared To Upper Limbs?-A Cross –Sectional Comparative Study. Afr. J. Biomed. Res.December-2024
    Dr. Santosh Rohidas Bokre (SR/ Tutor)
    Evaluation of Spiro Metric Parameters in Traffic Police Men in a Metropolitan City . Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y.Patil Vidyapeeth, June-2022 .
    Dr. Leena Sanjay Phadke (Professor)
    Implementation of machine learning model-based decision support system for healthcare professionals to predict T2DM risk using Heart Rate Variability features : Journal of Engineering and Material Sciences . Scopus, SCI ,May -2021.
    Dr. Leena Phadke
    Gaussian process-based kernel as a diagnostic model for prediction of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus risk using non-linear Heart Rate Variability features. Biomedical Engineering Letters, June-2021.
    Dr. Minal Kusalkar (Assistant Professor) ,Dr. Priya Mardikar (Professor & HOD)
    How 2019’s Noble Prize Winners are Revolutionising Medicine. Medical Journal of Basic and Applied Research.Vol. 1,Issue 1,February 2020,Page - 30-32.
    Dr.Mrs. Leena Sanjay Phadke (Professor)
    "Sleep Hours In Children Between 5 To 12 Years 01 Correlation 01 Overweight And Obesity With Duration 01 Age: A Cross Sectional Study”Indian Journal Of Western India,Vol. No.47,Issue No.1 February 2019.ISSN No.0972 - 9798,IC VALUE 65.50
    Dr. Mrs. Leena Phadke (Associate Professor)
    certify that the scientific coordinator for the paper: “Cross- sectional correlation study of Body Mass Index with number of sleep hours in children between 5 to 12 years of age” at the International Congress for Students, Young Physicians and Pharmacists “MARISIENSIS” 28th March - 1st April 2018 , 22nd edition.
    Dr. Leena Sanjay Phadke (Professor)
    EEG waveform changes on application of alpha Binaural beat frequency in healthy individuals; An exploratory study.Indian Journal Of Western India.August 2018.Vol.46,Issue-2,0972 - 9798,65.50.
    Dr. Mrs. Leena Sanjay Phadke (Professor)
    Effect of different modalities of Aanand Yoga on cardiac autonomic modulation & subjective wellbeing score exploratory study. Indian Journal Of Scientific Research,November
    2018,Vol.7,Issue-11,2277 - 8179,93.98.
    Dr. Mrunal Shenwai ( Assistant Professor)
    “Assessment of learning style preferences and their influence on gender and academic performance among first year medical undergraduate students”, National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine (NJIRM) 2017, Vol - 8 Issue -1, January - February 2017, page: 109 - 115. E ISSN No. 0975 - 9840 , PISSN : 2230 - 9969
    Dr. Mrs. Mrunal Rahul Shenwai (Assistant Professor)
    "Integrated Approach Towards Holistic Health: Current Trends and Future Scope".IJCRR(Int J Cur Res Rev)April 2017 7, 9, 11-14
    Dr. Mrs. Monika Gavali ( Assistant Professor) third author
    Comparision of Dextmedomedin & Clonidine as an adjuvant to 0.25% Bupivacaine in surpacaine in surpaclavicular brachial plexus block using nerve locator : A randomized double - blind prospective study Indian Journal of Basic and Basic and Applied Medical Research; December 2016 : Vol.- 6, Issue - 1, P. 455-462(P ISSN : 2250-284X, E ISSn: 2250 - 2858
    Dr. Leena Phadke
    “Heart Rate Variability (HRV) : Cardiac Autonomic Modulation Marker : Advances & Clinical Scope” Medical Journal of Western India; August 2016:44(2) :3-8
    Dr. Ruth N. Joshi, Dr. Nitin B. Joshi
    “Group students Seminar : An intractive way to learn Physiology”, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Septemberr 2013: 3(9):1-3.

    Dr. Prreeya R. Mardiikar, Dr. Krishnakant B. Patil
    “Question card Break as a Novel method for effective Learning of Physiology in Dental Students”, Indian Journal of Applied Research, September 2013: 3(9):20-22.

    Dr. Leena S. Phadke, Dr. Prreeya R. Mardiikar
    “Paradox of Low BMI & High Body fat & Correlation of Body composition parameters in over weight & obese Indian women”, Journal of Advance researches in Biological Sciences,June 2013:2(5):121-125.