Department - Pharmacology

The Department is involved in teaching & training of undergraduates of II MBBS, Physiotherapy, BSc. Nursing & postgraduate students of Pharmacology through a variety of educational modules.

For the II MBBS student’s knowledge & skills in Pharmacology are imparted, through theory lectures, tutorials & practical classes with therapeutics in table work classes, group discussions, students’ seminars. This clinical orientation makes the subject more interesting & meaningful for the students.

Active participation from students is ensured through, group discussions, Students seminars with integrated teaching & interactive problem solving activity in the form of Poster ‘Pose a Problem’ Displays. Arrangement of additional teaching learning sessions viz.Video lecturedemonstrationsfor select lecture series, Museum study & quiz, demonstrations on models & Drug displays reinforce knowledge of drugs

A few projects have been assigned to UG students.

PG students receive their training through regular monthly journal reporting sessions, lectures & seminars conducted by faculty & postgraduate students. Technique demonstrations & animal screening experiments conducted by PG students are assessed by the faculty.

Final year PG students cleared the M.D Pharmacology University Examination of MUHS with 100% pass result. Second year students did a .month’s clinical rotation posting in Medicine & allied subjects. Second & final year students conducted clinical research projects in addition to their dissertation study.

Department of Pharmacology had conducted one day workshop on Pharmacovigillance & Rational Prescribing in SKNMC&GH, on 4th December 2018.

Patient care:
Central Pharmacy store is opened in hospital for procurement, storage and dispensing ofmedicines for indoor & outdoor patients of SKNMC & GH Hospital under the management of Dr. Uma Bhosale.

Central Animal House


i. Veternity Officer - 01
ii. Animal Attendants: 02
iii. Technician for Animal Operation Room: 01
iv. Sweepers: 02

No.of Animals

Rats – 00
Mice - 00
Rabbits – 02
G.pig - 00

No.of Cages

Rats – 46
Mice - 20
Rabbits – 6
G.pig - 6

Animal house is one of the most important research units attached to Pharmacology Department. This unit runs under the guidance and supervision of Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan (Professor and HOD, Pharmacology). Veterinary doctor in charge of Animal House assists her in discharging day to day function.

Our Animal House is approved by CPCSEA and has been registered under "Education and Research" with registration No.1061/ac/07/CPCSEA with renewals every 3 yrs.

The present area of the Animal House is 135 mt.sq. It has a total of 8 rooms; of these 4 are for keeping animals. The are further divided into two areas where on one side experimental animals are placed and on the other side nonexperimental animals. Animal House shelters mce ,rats and rabbits .In addition to animal rooms, there is an area for experimentation work with an enclosure for operations. a quarantine room & washing block .

Till date fifteen are project proposals have been approved by IAEC; out of these 8 proposals ongoing, are experiments which are shown to MBBS undergraduate students, Five research projects are presented and published and two are underway.