Department - Pathology

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    Pathology - Research

    Shaheen Khan1, Shital Subhash Gosavi2, Bageshri Gogate3, Madhulika Hemant Katey4, Alefiya Hatim Kanpurwala5
    Clinical and Histomorphological Features of Cutaneous Adnexal Neoplasms: A Series of Eighteen Cases. National Journal of Laboratory Medicine, 2024, Volume-13, Issue-03 April-2024, Page No.13-18, ISSN No. 2277 - 8551,National, DOAJ
    Bhagyashree Dhande, Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar, Bageshri P. Gogate, Avinash R. Joshi, Shital Subhash Gosavi, Pooja Vinod Mishra .T
    Immunohistopathological Study of Papillary Squamotransitional Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix. he Gulf Journal of Oncology ,Issue-44 , Jan-2024 , Page no. 16-24 , ISSN no. 2078-2101 ,Internationa , Pubmed & Medline Database .
    Swapnali Dhatrak1, Lokesh Fegade2, Aditya Nesargi3, Avinash Borkar4*
    Incidence of Lymphovascular Emboli, Perineural Invasion and Lymph Node Spread with Relation to Tumour Grading in Oral Cancer Specimen in Konkan Region. SSR Institute of International Journal of Life Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 04Jun 2024, Page no. 5600-5606, ISSN No. 2581-8732, International, Embase
    Dr. Swastika Patil* Dr. Aditya Nesargi Dr Bageshri Gogate Dr. Siddhi G. Sinai Khandeparkar
    Study Of Platelet Indices In Differential Diagnosis Of Thrombocytopenia Cases In Tertiary Care Hospital, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Scientific Research, 2024, 13 , Issue month 10 October, Page No. 1-3, ISSN no. 2277 - 8179, International, PubMed Central.
    Gargi Madhukar Patil, Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar, Shital Subhash Gosavi, Chaitnya D. Khillare, Bageshri P. Gogate, Avinash R. Joshi, Ketki Ghanekar, Asmita S. Pawar
    Immunohistochemical Expression of Calretinin in Invasive Breast Carcinoma andits Correlation with Clinicopathological Parameters. The Gulf Journal of Oncology, 2024, Issue month 46 Sep , Page No. 7-13 , ISSN no. 2078-2101 , International, PubMed and Medline Database.
    Neha D. Newadkar, Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar, Bageshri P. Gogate, Aishawarya Gotekar, Priyanka Bhave, Rashmi Shinde, Aanchal Goyal
    Immunohistochemical Study of Cyclin D1 and HER2/neu in Pre-neoplastic and Neoplastic Epithelial Lesions of Cervix. The Gulf Journal of Oncology , 2024, Issue month 46 Sep , Page No. 14-23 , ISSN no. 2078-2101 , International, PubMed and Medline Database.
    Dr. Nesargi Aditya Milind* Dr. Bageshri P Gogate Dr. Shital Gosavi Dr. Madhulika Katey
    Clinicopathological Study of Uterine Leiomyomas in Hysterectomy Specimens at Tertiary Care Hospital in Pune, Maharashtra. International Journal of Scientific Research, 2023, Volume-12, Issue-06 June 2023, Page no. 1-2, ISSN No. 2277 - 8179, International, Pubmed Central.
    Maithili Mandar Kulkarni, Sinai Khandeparkar Siddhi Gaurish Bageshri Gogate, Pranoti Lengare
    Clinicopathological Study of Mediastinal Lesions with Immunohistochemical Study. Medical Journal of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Volume- 16, Issue-03 May-June-2023, Pg. no. 311-315, ISSN no. 2589-8302, National, DOAJ, SCOPUS.
    Chaitnya Dnyanesh Khillare*, Bageshri Parikshit Gogate, Yogesh Malwe, Dr. Sanghvi Ameya Chandrasekhar
    Data Analysis Of Laboratory Findings And Its Use In Predicting Requirement Of Oxygen In A Covid 19 Positive Patients At Tertiary Care Hospital In Pune Maharashtra.International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences. 2022, Volume-11, Issue-02 February -2021. Page no. 1-4 . ISSN no .2277 - 8179 , International , Medicus .
    Dr. Bageshri Gogate, Supriya Phadke1, Parikshit M Gogate1
    Eye screening can be used to perform anemia screening and treatment in adolescent girls using ToucHb. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, Volume-70 , Issue-02 February -2022, 0301-4738 Page no. 1-5 , National ,Pubmed Indexed.
    Neelam Sureshrao Mohanapure, Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar, Pradnya B. Saragade, Bageshri P. Gogate, Avinash R. Joshi, Sameera Rajendra Mehta
    Immunohistochemical study of epidermal growth factor receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2/neu, p53, and Ki67 in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 2022,Volume-26, Issue-01 ,January-March, Page no. 1-12, ISSN no. 0973-029X, National, Pubmed Indexed.
    Piyush D. Sahu, Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar, Avinash R. Joshi, Maithili M. Kulkarni, Bageshri P. Gogate, Neha D. Newadkar, Prajakta A. Shinde, Shivani S. Battin
    Immunohistochemical Study of p16INK4A, MIB-1 and CK17 in Pre-neoplastic and Neoplastic Epithelial Lesions of Cervix. The Gulf Journal of Oncology , Year 2022, Issue-40 September 2022, Page no. 29-37, Issue no. 2078-2101, International, Pubmed & Medline Database.
    Shaheen Khan, Nandakumar Gopinathan Nair
    Diagnostic Accuracy of FNAC and Ultrasonography in Salivary Gland Lesions in Comparison with Histopathology. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research , 2022, Volume-16, Issue No Issue- 10 October 2022, - 07-12, ISSN No- 2249-782X, International, Pubmed Indexed.
    Chaitnya Dnyanesh Khillare*, Bageshri Parikshit Gogate, Aditya Nesargi, Smita Solanke, Sujit Gore, Yogesh Malwe, and Anjali Soni
    The Comparison of Automated Urine Analyzers with a Manual Microscopic Examination for Urinalysis-Experience at Tertiary Care Hospital. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences , 2021, Volume-10,Issue-02 February -2021, Page no. 147-152, ISSN No. 2319-5886, International ,DOAJ
    Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar , Lokesh Ashok Fegade , Bageshri P. Gogate , Nikhil Talathi
    Primary malignant melanoma of the cerebellopontine angle: A rare entity. Indian Journal of Cancer, 2021, Volume- 20, Issue- 20 September-2021, Page no.1-4 , ISSN no. 0019-509X, National , Pubmed Indexed.
    Chaitnya D. Khillare1, Aditya M. Nesargi2, Bageshri P. Gogate3,Yogesh R. Malwe4,Madhulika H. Katey5, Pooja V. Mishra6
    Diagnostic Utility and Cyto-Histopathological Evaluation of Tzanck Smear For Bullous Lesions of Skin. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research , 2021 , Volume-10 , Issue-02 October -2021,Page no. 132-134, ISSN 2590-325X, International, DOAJ .
    Tejal Abasaheb Khande, Avinash R Joshi, Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar, Maithili M Kulkarni, Bageshri P Gogate, Aniket R Kakade, Piyush D Sahu, Chaitnya D Khillare
    Study of ER, PR, HER2/neu, p53, and Ki67 expression in primary breast carcinomas and synchronous metastatic axillary lymph nodes. Indian Journal of Cancer,2020.Volume-57,Issue 2 April-June 2020, Pg 190-197,ISSN 0019-509X, National, Pubmed Indexed
    Pranoti Vitthalrao Lengare, Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar, Avinash R. Joshi, Bageshri P. Gogate, Smita Ganeshrao Solanke, Sujit Hanumant Gore
    Immunohistochemical expression of cyclin D1 ininvasive breast carcinoma and its correlation with Clinicopathological parameters.Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology,2020. Volume-63,Issue 3 , July-September 2020, Page 376-381, ISSN No. 0377-4929. National. Pubmed Indexed .
    Dr. Vaishali Aphale, Dr. Ashwini Godhake, Dr. Bageshri Gogate
    Patterns Of Lesions In Hysterectomy Specimens – A Retrospective Study. International Journal of Scientific Research, 2020, Volume-09 , Issue-12 August-2020, Pg no. 5-7 ,ISSN no. 2277 - 8179 .International Medicus Indexed
    Dr. Chaitnya Dnyanesh Khillare, Dr. Amardeep Ajinath Patil, Dr. Bageshri Parikshit Gogate, Mrudul Nagapurkar
    Pancytopenia Clinical & Haematological Study at Tertiary Care Centre. International Journal of Scientific Research , 2020 , Volume-09 , Issue-12 December - 2020, Pg no. 1-3 , ISSN no. 2277 - 8179, International , Medicus Indexed.
    Dr. Pratibha Singh, Dr. Vaishali Aphale
    A Study Of Histopathological Spectrum Of Leprosy At A Tertiary Care Hospital Name of Journal : International Journal of Scientific Research Volume-8, Issue-12 December - 2019, Pages : 1-3, ISSN no. 2277 - 8179, International, Pubmed Indexed.
    Ashish Nitin Dhande, Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar, Avinash R. Joshi, Maithili Mandar Kulkarni, Nidhi Pandya, Neelam Mohanapure, Aakriti Aggarwal, Gargi Patil
    Stromal expression of CD10 in breast carcinoma and its correlation with Clinicopathological parameters.The South Asian Journal of Cancer.Volume 8,Issue 1,January- 2019, Page no.18-21,ISSN no.Print - 2278-330X, Online - 2278-4306.International.Pubmed Index
    Chaitnya D. Khillare, Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar, Avinash R. Joshi, Maithili M. Kulkarni, Bageshri P. Gogate, Shivani Battin
    Immunohistochemical Expression of Vimentin in Invasive Breast Carcinoma and Its Correlation with Clinicopathological Parameters.Nigerian Medical Journal, 2019.Volume 60 ,Issue 1
    January-February 2019,17-21 ,ISSN: Print -0300-1652, Online - 2229-774X.International,Pubmed Indexed.
    Bageshri Parikshit Gogate, Shital Subhash Gosavi
    Cytomorphological Study of Lymphadenopathy On Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in A Tertiary Care Hospital of Western Maharashtra.International Journal of Scientific Research,2019. Volume-8,Issue-8 August - 2019 ,1-3,2277 - 8179, International - Pubmed Indexed
    Dr. Gogate Bageshri P, Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh
    Histopathology Of Cryptococcosis In Patients With Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.International Journal of Scientific Research.2019,Volume-8, Issue-8 August - 2019,1-3 ,2277 - 8179.International -Pubmed Indexed.
    Dr. Bageshri Parikshit Gogate, Dr. Pradnya Bhimrao Saragade
    Cytological Study Of Thyroid Lesions By Fine Needle Aspiration And Their Histopathological Correlation In Tertiary Health Care Institute.International Journal of Scientific Research Volume-8;Issue-9;September - 2019;1-3.2277 - 8179.International.Pubmed Indexed
    Dr. Bageshri Parikshit Gogate,, Dr. Nitin Joshi, Dr.Kshitija Chandanwale
    Knowledge, Attitude And Awareness Regarding Blood Donation Amongst Nurses In A Large General Hospital.International Journal of Scientific Research Volume-8;Issue-9 September - 2019;1-3.2277 - 8179.International.Pubmed Indexed.
    Dr. Suchita Deshmukh, Dr. Vaishali Aphale*
    Immunohistochemical Study Of Estrogen And Progestrone Receptors In Breast Carcinoma.International Journal of Scientific Research.2019,Volume-8,Issue-11 November 2019,1-3,2277 - 8179.International,Pubmed Indexed.
    Dr. Sangita Bodhak, Dr.vaishali Aphale
    Study Of Cytomorphological Spectrum Of Cervical Lesions By Pap Stain.International Journal of Scientific Research,2019,Volume-8,Issue-11 November 2019,1-2,2277 - 8179,International,Pubmed Indexed.
    Dr. Vaishali Aphale, Dr. Bageshri Gogate
    Study Of Endometrial Biopsies In Abnormal Uterine Bleeding At A Tertiary Care Hospital Name of Journal : International Journal of Scientific Research Volume-8, Issue-12 December - 2019, Pages : 1-3, ISSN no. 2277 - 8179, International, Pubmed Indexed.
    Dr. Amruta Bapurao Jadhav, Dr. Aditya Milind Nesargi, Dr. Avinash R Joshi, Bageshri P Gogate, Dr Neha D Newadkar
    Cytological and analytical study of pleutal , Ascitic & pericardial effusions : one year study at tertiary care hospital in western Maharashtra.International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume-7 Issue-3 March 2018,28-30,International ,Pubmed Indexed.
    Sourabh Suresh Joshi, Irmeen Manzoor
    Assessment of Anemia in Pregnancy Prevaalence, Typing & Awaress.International Journal of Scientific Research,2018.Volume-7 Issue-6 June, International,Pubmed Indexed.
    Sourabh Suresh Joshi, Ranjit Kangale
    A Comprehensive Clinicopathological Study of Prostate Carcinoma with Correlation to Prostate Spectificantigen( PSA) and Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS).International Journal of Scientific Research,2018.Volume-4 Issue-4 April 2018.1-4,International,Pubmed Indexed.
    Dr. Bhayekar Pallavi D., Dr. Joshi Sourabh, Dr. Sinai Khandeparkar Siddhi G., Dr. Kulkarni Maithili M., Dr. Nesargi Aditya.
    Study of Cytomorphological Spectrum of cervical Lesions on Pap Smear in a Teartiary Care Hospital.International Journal of Scientific Research.2018.Volume-7 Issue-9 September 2018. 440-442.International.Pubmed Indexed.
    Dr. Shital Gosavi, Dr. Yasmin Altaf Momin
    Study of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Abdominal Lumps. International Journal of Scientific Research. Volume-7 Issue-9 September 2018. 249-255.International. Pubmed Indexed.
    Savita Sanjay Ladka, Monika Jadhav, RK Saxena Bageshri Gogate
    Impact of intervention of learning curve by deep breathing meditation to maintain the attention span for improvement of learning process in classroom lectures of dental students. Med pulse International Journal of Pathology. 2018. Vol. 8, Issue - 2 Nov. 2018. Page 98-106, Issu no. 2550-4697. International, Index Copernicus.
    Irmeen Manzoor, Siddhi Khandeparkar, Maithili Kulkarni, Danish Andrabi
    Histopathological Spectrum of Lesions of Palatine Tonsil - A 3 Year Study.International Journal of Science and Research. Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018, Issue 649-653, Page no.2319-7064. ISSN no.2319-7064,International,Index Copernicus.
    Divya Achutha, Pallavi Bhayekar, Avinash Joshi, Nidhi pandya, Anuja nasare, pranoti Lengare, Ketan Narkhede
    Clinical and Cytological spectrum of Granulomatous Mastitis and utility of FNAC in Picking up Tubercular Mastitis an Eight- Year Study; Journal of clinical & diagnostic research; 2017; Vol-11 Issue- 3 Mar-2017; page 45-49;National; Pubmed Indexed
    Maithili Mandar Kulkarni, Sidhi gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar, Avinash R Joshi, Amruta Jadhav, Neelam Kamble , Ashwini Morale
    Rare Breast Cancer Subtypes- Clinical and Immuno-Histopathological study with special Reference to Metaplastic and medulllary Carcinoma of the Breast; Indian Journal of Basic and applied Medical Research; 2017; Vol-6 Issue- 2 Mar 2017; page 234-244; National
    Dr. Preethi.S. Dr. Divya Achutha Ail, Dr. Geeta Prakash.
    Study of CK/6 expression in invasive breast carcinomas and its utillity as an independent prognostic marker; GJRA-Global Journal For Research Analysis; 2017; Vol-6 Issue-1 Jan-17; 99 -102; National; Index Corponicus
    Daxesh Shivabhai patel, Siddhi gaurish sinai Khandeparkar,Avinash Joshi,Maithili mandar Kulkarni,Bhagashree Dhande, Pranoti Lengare,Lokesh Fegade,Ketan Narkhede
    Immunohistochemical Study of MUC1 and MUC5AC Expression in primary Breast Carcinoma; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research; 2017; Vol -11 (4) April 2017; page 30-34; National; Pubmed Indexed
    Sinai Khandeparkar SG, Kulkarni MM, Deshmukh S, More YE
    SkIndia Quiz 35 A Girl With multiple papules; Indian Dermatol Online Journal; 2017; Vol-8 Issue- 2 April 2017; page 155-156; National; Pubmed Indexed
    Maithili Mandar Kulkarni, Sidhi gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar, Avinash R Joshi,Vishakha Kothikar, Anuja Nasare, Sukhada Patil, Supriya Niraspatil, Bhagyashree Dhande
    Role of CD 10 Immunoexpression in Frading Phyllodes Tumour of the Breast; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research; 2017; Vol-6 Issue- 2 Jan 2017; 14-16; National
    Nayar Musfera Abdul Masjeed, Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar,Avinash Joshi,Nidhi Pandya.
    Immunohistochemical Study of ER,PR,Ki67, and p53 in Endometrial Hyperplasias and Endometrial Carcinomas.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,Vol-11(7):EC12-EC16,July 2017,Pages 31-34,National,Pubmed Indexed.
    Amit Bhoge,Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar,Avinash Joshi, Bageshri Gogate, Maithili Kulkarni, Pallavi Bhayekar
    Immunohistochemical Study of MUC1 and MUC5AC Expression in Gall Bladder Lesions.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,Vol-11(8): EC31-EC34 Aug-2017,Pages 12-16,National,Pubmed Indexed.
    Dr.Nesargi Aditya Milind,Dr.Ramteerthakar Nayan Anant.
    Histopathological Study of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions of the ovary.International journal of scientific research,2017.Volume-6 Issue-10 Oct-2017,686-688.International.Pubmed Indexed.
    Dr. Nesargi Aditya Milind.
    Study of HIV, HBV and HCV infection seropositivity among voluntary blood donors in rural tertiary care hospital blood bank in western maharashtra.International journal of scientific research,2017.Volume-6 Issue-11 Nov-2017,19-20.International.Pubmed Indexed.
    Pradnya Saragade,Rajendra Chaudhari,and Arjun Chakravarti
    Study of Histopathological Findings of Placenta in Ceses of Deliveries at Tertiary Health Care Institute.MCP Journal of Medical Sciences,2017.Vol 4(2) July-December 2017,165-171,National.Index Copernicus
    Pallavi Bhayekar, Vandana L Gaopande, Avinash R. Joshi, Amruta B. Jadhav
    Immunohistochemical study of p53 , Ki -67, epidermal growth factor receptor, and sex - deremining region Y - box 2 in squamous cell carcinoma of tongue; 2016 BLDE University Journal of Health Sciences; 2016; Vol-1,Issue 2, Jul-Dec 2016; 102-107; National; Indexed (Google Scholar,Journal Guide)
    Divya A A, Siddhi GSK, Avinash R. Joshi, Pallavi D Bhayekar
    Renal cell carcinoma With rhabdoid differentiation: A novel entity with immunohistochemical study; Indian Journal Of Pathology & Microbiology; 2016; Vol-59 Issue -04 Oct- Dec.; page 565-567; National; Pubmed Indexed
    Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar, Maithali M. Kulkarni, Vandana Gaopande, Avinash Joshi & Pushpalata Naphade
    An Unusual Case of Paragangilioma of the Broad Ligament Presenting; Case Report In Pathology; 2016; Vol-2016 Issue -04 Oct- Dec.; 04 Pages 2016; National; Pubmed Indexed
    Maithali Mandar Kulkarni, Siddhi Gaurish Sinai Khandeparkar,Avinash R.Joshi,Pallavi V. Bhayekar.
    Unilateral gonadoblastoma with dysgerminoma in normal fertile woman having a child : Extremely rare occurrence with characteristic immunohistopathlogy ; Indian Journal Of Pathology & Microbiology; 2016; Vol-59 Issue -04 Oct- Dec; page 527-529; National; Pubmed Indexed
    Dr.Kulkarni M.M., Dr.Joshi A.R, Dr.Vinod Patil, Dr.Tabassum Ansari
    Giant cell tumor of soft tissues of low malignant potential : A rare diagnosis on fine needle aspiration cytology; Journal of Cytology; 2016;Vol-33 Issue-2; 106-08; National; Pubmed Indexed
    Dr. Kulkarni M.M., Dr. Khandeparkar S.G., Dr.Joshi A.R, Dr.Ashish N. Dhande (PG)
    A rare case of multicentric secretory carcinoma of breast in an adult female with review of literature; Indian Jourmal Of Pathology &Microbiology; 2016; Vol- 59; 209-11; National; Pubmed Indexed
    Dr. Gaopande V.L., Dr.Joshi A.R., Dr.Pathak G.S., Dr.Gogate B.P.
    Immunohistochemical study of ovarian psammocarcinoma: Report of a rare case; Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynacology; 2016; Vol-55; page 299-300; International ; Pubmed Indexed
    Dr. Vandana L. Gaopande, Dr. Avinash R.Joshi, Dr. Pallavi D Bhayekar, Dr. Siddhi G. S. Khandeparkar
    Cllinicopathology Immunohistochemical study of ogastrointestinal stromal tumor(ten cases) and extragastrointestinal stromal tumor ( six cases) teview of literature; Journal of Current Research in scientific Medicine; 2016; Vol 2 Jul - Dec 2016; 84-91; National; Pubmed Indexed;
    Dr.Maithali Mandar Kulkarni, Dr.Siddhi Gaurish Khandeparkar Dr. Avinash R. Joshi, Dr.Vishakha Kothikar
    A rare case of renal metastasis from squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix; Journal of Mid -Life Health; 2016; Volume -07
    Issue -2 Apr-Jun; page 94-96; National; Pubmed Indexed

    Dr. Khandeparkar S.G., Dr.Joshi A.R, Dr.Shalka Hardas, Dr. Kulkarni M.M., Dr.Barpande Chaitrangi
    Ovarian malignant germ cell tumor: A rare combination with five germ cell components; Indian Jourmal Of Pathology &Microbiology; 2016; V0l-59; National; Pubmed Indexed
    Dr. Khandeparkar S.G., Dr.Joshi A.R., Dr. Ail .D, Dr. Kothikar V., Dr. Kulkarni M.M.
    Giant Pilomatricoma of the arm : challenge for cytopathologist Khandeparkar; International Journal of Trichology; 2016; Vol- 8 Issue:1; pages 43-45; International; Pubmed Indexed
    Vandana L. Gaopande, Avinash R.Joshi, Pallavi D Bhayekar, Siddhi G. S. Khandeparkar
    Cllinicopathology Immunohistochemical study of of gastrointestinal stromal tumor ( ten cases) and extragastrointestinal stromal tumor ( six cases) teview of literature.Journal of Current Research in scientific Medicine.2016,Vol 2,Jul - Dec 2016,84-91,National,Pubmed Indexed.
    Deshmukh S.D., Patil P.A., Khandeparkar S.G., Naik C.
    Oncocytic adenoma of thyroid with papillary architecture : A diagnostic dilemma. South Asian Journal of Cancer; 2015:4(1) 50-1
    Kulkarni M.M., Joshi AR., Khandeparkar S.
    A rare case of squamous cell carcinoma with rhabdoid differentiation of oral cavity. Indian journal of Pathology & Microbiology;2015:58:121-2.
    Khandeparkar SGS, Joshi AR. Kulkarni MM, Patel DS, Zode AB.
    A rare case of monophasic synovial sarcoma of the hand cytological and immunohistopathological study.Onc gas Hep Rep.2015;4:116-8.
    Gaopande VL, Joshi SS, Kulkarni MM, Dwivedi SS.
    A Clinicopathologic Study of triple negative breast cancer. Journal of Scientific Society.2015;42:12-5.
    Kesari M, Gaopande VL, Joshi AR, Babanagare SV, Gogate BP, Khadilkar A.
    Immunohistochemical Study of MUC1,MUC2 & MUC5AC in colorectal carcinoma and review of litecture Indian journal of gastroenterology: 2015
    Arya AA, Babanagare SV, Deshmukh SD, Naik C.
    Hair discharging from the fremulunm unusual presentation of a Lingual Dermoid Cyst. National Journal of Maxillofacial surgery;2015.
    Gaopande VL ,Deshmukh SD, Khandeparkar SGS, Monica A. Suryvanshi, Vinod R. Patil
    Clinical and histological profile of lesions of umbilicus. Medical journal of Dr.D.Y. Patil University. 2015:8(2).
    Gaopande VL, Kulkarni MM, Deshmukh SD, Rangankar VP.
    Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst in tibia; Indian Journal of Orthopaedics and allied Sciences:2015
    Deshmukh SD, Patil PA, Khandeparkar SGS, Naik C.
    Oncocytic adenoma of thyroid with papillary architecture: A diagnostic dilemma; South Asian journal of cancer: 2015;4(1):50-1.
    Gaopande VL, Deshmukh SD, Shinde VC.
    Primary Mantle Cell Lymphoma of Appendix; The Gulf Journal of Oncology:2015;18:25-7
    Lekawale H, Khandeparkar SGS, Deshmukh SD, Khadilkar A.
    A Rare Case of Giant Diffuse Esophageal leiomyomatosis; Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University; 2015:8(3):384-86
    Dr. Maithili Kulkarni, Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh, Dr. Kishor Hol, Dr. Neha Nene
    A rare case of Mayer- Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome with multiple leiomyomas in hypoplastic uterus; Journal of human reproductive sciences; 2015; Vol-8 Issue-4; 242-244; National; Pubmed Indexed
    Dr. Vandana Gaopande, Dr. Maithili M Kulkarni, Dr. Avinash Joshi, Dr. Ashish Dhande
    Perifolliculitis Capitis Abscedens et Suffodiens in a 7 Years Male: A case report with Review of Literature; International Journal of Trichology; 2015; Vol-7 Issue 4; page 173-175; National; Pubmed Indexed
    Dr. Pooja Naik, Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh, Dr. Siddhi Khandeparkar, Dr. Avinash Joshi, Dr. Shridhar Babanagare, Dr. Jyostna Potdar Dr. Neelesh Sharad Risbud
    Epithelial Ovarian tumors : Clinicopathological correlation and immunohistochemical study; Journal of Mid-life Health; 2015; Vol-6 issue-4; 178-183; National; Pubmed Indexed
    Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh, Dr. Vandana Gaopande , Dr. Snehal Purandare, Dr. Shreepad Bhat
    Unilateral Primary Pigmented Nodular Adrenocortical Disease: Report of a Rare case Unilateral Primer Pigmente Noduler Adrenokortikal Hastalik Nadir Bir Olgu Sunumu; Turkish Journal of Endocrinologyand Metabolism; 2015; V0l-19; 136-138; International; Indexed