Orthopedics - Research
Dr. Atul Patil, Dr. Prashant Bhandari
Evaluation of Displaced Comminuted Fracture Clavicle with Platting.Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol 9, Issu 7, July 19, ISSN No - 2249-555XDr. Pramod Lokhande, Dr. Vaibhav Pawar, Dr. Vijay Nemade
Management Of Degenerative Lumbar Spine Spondylolisthesis With Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion.Global Journal For Research Analysis, March 18, 7(3), ISSN NO 2277-8160
Dr. Pramod Lokhande, Dr. Ganesh Mundhe, Dr. Vijay Nemade
Efficacy Of Percutaneous Endoscopic Transforaminal Lumbar Discectomy For Unilateral Sciatica Due To Single Level Disc Herniation. Indian Journal Of Applied Research, Mar 18, 8(3), ISSN - 2249-555XDr. Vijay Nemade, Dr. Pramod Lokhande, Dr. Dattatray Bhakare
Comparative Analysis Of Treatment For Low Back Pain After Delivery In Patients With Epidural Analgesia And Those Without Epidural Analgesia.International Journal Of Scientific Research, Aug 18, 7(8),
ISSN No 2277 - 8179
Dr. Vijay Nemade, Dr. Atul Patil
Rationality and outcome of activity related treatment approach in the management of non-specific low back pain in young adults.National Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics, 2018, Vol 2, Issue 3,Page 113-16, ISSN 2521-3466.Dr. Atul Patil, Dr. Prashant Bhandari, Dr. Shrikant Jadhav
Functional Assessment of patients of Intracapsular neck of femur fracture treated with cemented non modular bipolar hemiarthroplasty -A-3-5 years follow up study. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Oct 18, Vol-8, Issue 10,ISSN 2249-555X
Dr. Yogesh Gaikwad , Dr. Vijay Nemade, Dr. Vijayanand Lokhande
Evaluation of Indigenous Antibiotic Impregnated Cement Rod in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis of long bones.Indian Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nov-Dec 17,3(4), 360-365,ISSN 0019-5413
Dr. Shardul Soman
Feasibility of endoscopic discectomy by inter laminar approach at a high volume tertiary public hospital in a developing country. Journal of Spine Surgery, March 17, 3(1), 38-43, ISSN 2414-469XDr. Shardul Soman
Qualitative Grading as a Tool in the Management of Multilevel Lumbar Spine Stenosis.Asian Spine Journal, 2017, 11(2), 278-284, ISSN 1976-1902Dr. Abhijit Gholap
Correlation Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings With Arthroscopic Findings In Internal Derangement Of Knee.International Journal Of Scientific Research, June 17, 6(6), ISSN No 2277 - 8179
Dr. Nilesh Darawade
Proximal End Humerus Fracture In Elderly Osteoporotic Patients With Co-Morbidities Treated With Closed Reduction And Universal Mini External Fixator (Umex) Fixator - A Case SeriesIndian Journal Of Applied Research, Nov 17, 7(11), Issn - 2249-555x
Dr. Yogesh Gaikwad, Dr. Tushar Deore
Midterm Results of Postero-Medial Column Shearing Type Tibial Plateau Fracture : A Retrospective Study; Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol 6 Issue 9, Sep 16, 419-421; ISSN - 2249-555XDr. Sonawane Darshankumar, Dr.Gaikwad Yogesh, Dr. Ranade Ashish, Dr. Khadilkar Madhav
Complex injury of the Elbow in an 8 years Male child - Extreme valgus stress injury: A Case Report. Journal of Trauma & Orthopaedics | Jan - Mar 2015 | Volume 10 |Issue 1 | Page 27-29 | ISSN 2278-6651Yogesh Gaikwad, Madhav Khadilkar, Ashish S. Ranade , Devendra N. Vartak
A typical Presentation of Tuberculosis of Elbow Joint in Operated Case of Distal Humerus Fracture Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports, 2015 April - June: 5(2):50-52Vijay V. Nemade, Madhav S. Khadilkar, Abhijit D. Lonari, Darshankumar Sonawane
Efficacy Of Achieving Optimum Mechanical Balance Of The Patello-Femoral Joint In Reducing Anterior Knee Pain After Total Knee Arthroplasty; Indian Journal of Orthopaedics Surgery, April-June 2015; 2(2); 98-102Dr. H. Parekh
Simple Technique for Correction of Neglected Congenital Hallux Varus Deformity Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery, 2014; 13(3):158-166Dr. H. Parekh
Complex Compound Fracture of Tibia Managed with Distraction Osteogenesis Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports, 2014; 4(3):56-58Dr. Atul Patil, Dr. P. Bhandari
Volar Radio-carpal Dislocation- A Case Report And Review Of Literature The Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association, 2014;9(2):28-30Dr. H. Parekh
Giant cell tumour of distal end ulna- a case report and review of literature Indian Journal of Medical Case Reports, 2014; 3(1):119-123Dr. H. Parekh, Dr. P. Lokhande, Dr. N. Shejale
Chronic iatrogenic radial nerve palsy with complete recovery after external neurolysis- a case report,2014;9(1):25-27Dr. Devendra Vartak, Dr. Ashish Ranade
Costal Osteochondroma Presenting as Intercostal NeuralgiaIndian journal of Applied Research, 2014; 4(1):401-402
Dr. N. Shah , Dr. N. Darwade, Dr. Ashish Ranade , Dr. M. Khadilkar
Idiopathic Massive Tarsal Coalition of Bilateral Feet - A Case Report and Review of Literature. The Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association, 2014; 9(1):28-30i) Ranade AS Interobserver Variability Using a Commercially Available System of Archived Digital Radiography With Integrated Computer-assisted Measurements for Scoliosis Cobb Angles. J Pediatr Orthop. 2013 Mar; 33(2):163-169.
ii) Ranade AS How surgeons make decisions when the evidence is inconclusive. J Hand Surg Am. 2013 Jun;38(6):1202-8
iii) Dr. Madhav Khadilkar Dr. Nakul Shah Aggressive Giant Cell Tumor of the Patella- A Rare Site for A Common Tumor - Case Report, The Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association, 2013;8(1):15-17
iv) Dr. Nakul Shah Charcot Joints: A Case Study, Indian journal of Applied Research. Jan 2013;3(1):129-130.
v) Dr. Nakul Shah, Dr. Vijay Nemade, Dr. Madhav Khadilkar Heterotopic Ossification after Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty, Paripex Indian Journal of Research, Aug 2013;2(8):180-182
vi) Dr. Nilesh Darawade, Dr. Yogesh Gaikwad, Dr. Darshan Sonawane, Dr. Madhav Khadilkar Medial clavicle physeal disruption with posterior displacement - Case report
The Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association, 2013;8(4):27-28