Department - Ophthalmology

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    Ophthalmology - Research

    Dr. Shrishti Thakur, Dr. Swapnagandha Halikar
    “Evaluation Of Eye Strain And Dry Eyes Due To Excessive Screen Usasge After The Pandemic And Increased Work From Home Culture.” Indian Journal Of Applied Research , 2023 ,Volume - 13 | Issue - 03 | March - 2023 |. PRINTISSN NO 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/Ijar , Pg. no. 1 to 2 , International , Indexed.
    Dr.Mithila Nitnaware,Dr.Madhura Mali, Dr.Rhuta Bhide
    TStudy Of Fundus Changes By Using Optical Coherence Tomography In Hypertensive Disorders Of Pregnancy. Indian Journal Of Applied Research, 2023 ,Volume - 13 | Issue - 04 | April - 2023 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar ,Page no. 1to 3, International ,Indexed .
    Dr.Madhura Mali, Dr.Mithila Nitnaware, Dr.Rhuta Bhide, Dr.Srushti Kolte
    Assessment of skills and knowledge in clinical ophthalmology : A survey among undergraduate medical students during internship in SKNMC and GH, Pune. Indian Journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology , 2023 , Vol-9| Issue-2| April -June 2023;9(2):189–192 Print ISSN- 2395-1443, Pg. no.189-192 , National, Indexed
    Dr.Shashank Ghawate Dr.Neha Ghawate Dr.Pratik Surushe
    Comparison of Rental nerve fiber thikness between normal population and patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus using optical coherence tomography. Indian Journal Applied Research. Feb. 2022 ,Vol- 12 Issue 02 ,Issn No. 2249 - 555x Doi : 10.36106/Ijar .
    Dr. Sweta Damodar Ambadkar Dr.Swapnagandha Halikar
    Preoperative and Postoperative Keratometry Comparison of Phacoemulsification Surgery with Rigid Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens Implantation (PCIOL). Indian Journal Applied Research. March 2022 Volume-12 Issue-03, Page no.1-2 ,National, Issn No. 2249 - 555x ,Doi : 10.36106/Ijar .
    Dr.Sweta Ambadkar
    Comparative Study of Postoperative Astigmatism Following Phacoemulsification with Scleral Incision and Posterior Chamber Foldable and Rigid (Nonfoldable) Intraocular Lens Implantation. Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University .2022 ,August 24, 2022, Volume 16 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ P-616-619 , National, ISSN: 09743901, 22501231
    Dr. Arundhati Pande , Dr. Nandita Rane
    Effect Of Cycloplegic Refraction On Intraocular Pressure In Children. Indian Journal Applied Research ,2021 . Feb. 2021 Vol- 11 Issue 02, Page 1-2, National Issn No. 2249 - 555x Doi : 10.36106/Ijar
    Dr. Arundhati Pande Dr. Tushar Shevale
    To Evaluate the correlation between dry eye and pterygium.Indian Journal Applied Research ,2021. March 2021 Vol- 11 Issue 02, P- 66-67, National, Print Issn No. 2249 - 555x | Doi : 10.36106/ijar
    Dr. Shashank Ghawate, Dr. Neha Ghawate, Dr. Asawari Chavan
    A Clinical study of correlation between Central Corneal Thickness & Diabetes mellitus. Global journal for research analysis ,2020 ,Volume - 9 Issue - 12 Dec.2020 . National . Google Scholar impact Factor: 5.956. UGC Sr.No.49177
    Dr. Madhura Mali
    A Study Of Macular Function In Eye With Maculopathies Using Amsler’s Grid Test. IJAR,2019.Volume-9 Issue-6 June-2019 ,P- 16-17,National,ISSN No. 2249 - 555X
    Dr. Nitin Bhalchandra Joshi Dr. Suhas Shripad Kulkarni
    Study of changes in refractive errors during Diabetes control. IJAR;Volume-9 Issue-9 September - 2019 .P- 23-24.National.ISSN No. 2249 - 555X DOI : 10.36106/ijar
    Dr. Veerendra Godbole Dr. Rajmohan Seetaraman
    Colour Vision Impairment in Diabetic Retinopathy.IJSR.2019; Volume-8 Issue-10 October;P.- 1-3,International ;PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
    Dr. Anil Dudhabhate Dr. Mithila Nitnaware
    A Study On Correlation Between Intraocular Pressure And Myopia.IJSR,2018.June - 18,Vol-7,Issue-6,Page no.3-4,International,ISSN No 2277 - 8179 | IF : 4.758 | IC Value : 93.98
    Dr Sayli B. Kulthe Dr. Shashank Somani
    To Study The Awareness Of Diabetes And Diabetic
    Retinopathy In Type 2 Diabetic Patients - A Hospital Based
    Study.Indian Journal Of Applied Research,Volume-8 Issue-8 August-2018,P:70-72,National,ISSN - 2249-555X | IF : 5.397 |
    Index Copernicux IC Value : 86.18
    Dr. Shashank Ghaware Dr. Neha Ghawate
    Optic Disc Swelling Presentation and Analysis of Causes. International Journal of Scientific Research.Volume -7,Issue -11, Nov.18. P- 55-56.International.ISSN no.2277-8179,IF 4.758,C Value;93.98
    Dr. Arundhati Pande
    A study of Early Surgical intrevention for childhood cataract; Indian Journal of Applied Research; March 2017;Volume - 7; Issue - 3; 75-76; ISSN - 2249-555X IF : 4.894 IC Value:79.96
    Dr. Suvarna Gokhale , Dr. Saurabh Chaudhari
    A Prospective study to compare safety & efficacy of various Anti - Glaucoma agents & evaluate the effect of aerobic exercise as one of the treatment measure on Intra -Ocular Tension in newly diagnosed primary open angle glaucoma patients in a tertiary care hospital.British Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research ,July- Aug. 2017,Volume - 02 , Issue - 04, 655-663,International
    Dr. Anil Dudhabhate Dr. Sayli B. Kulthe Dr. Satishkumar Srivastava
    Visual Prognosis in Papillitis; IJSR - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 2015; Volume :4, Issue : 1, Jan . 2015; page 420- 422; Inter national ISSN-2277-8179
    Dr. (Col.) Satishkumar Srivastava Dr. Sayli B. Kulthe
    Awareness of Eye Donation and Willingness to
    Donate Eyes in Population Attending Outdoor
    Patients; Indian Journal of Applied Research; Volume:5 Issue : 1, Jan . 2015; page 451-453; National ISSN-2249-555x
    Dr. (Col.) Satishkumar Srivastava Dr. S.K. Gokhale
    An Unusual Case of Ptosis in a child ; IJHSR
    International Journal of Health sciences & Research; Vol: 5, Issue: 1, Jan 2015; page 347-350; International ISSN-2249-9571
    Dr. Abhijeet Sabale, Dr. Suhas S. Kulkarn,i Dr. Divya Vakharia
    23- Gauge Transconjuctival Sutureless Vitrectomy for Primary Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment; Indian Journal Of Applied Research; 2015; Volume :5 Issue:4 April 2015; page 571-574; National ISSN-2249-555x
    Dr. Poonam Ghodki, Dr.Shalini Sardesai, Dr. Swapnagandha Halikar
    Dexmedetomidine premedication in cataract surgery under topical anaesthesia to assess patient & surgeon satisfaction. Southerm African journal of anaesthesia; 2015; Volume :21(2) ,May . 2015; page 1-5; Inter national ISSN-2220-1181 EISSN-2220-1173
    Dr. Divya Vakharia Dr. Suvarna Gokhale
    Glaucoma Awarness among patients at Outpatient Dept. of ophthalmology. International Journal of Science
    Research 2014; Volume :3, Issue : 9, Sept. 2014: page 2415 -2419; ISSN 2319-7064
    Dr. Varsha Bapat Dr. Swapnagandha Halikar Dr. Rashmi Pathak
    An Unusal Corneal Foreign Body: A Case Report . Indian Journal of Applied Research 2014; Volume :4, Issue : 11, Nov. 2014: page 386- 387; ISSN-2249-555x
    Dr. Suvarna Gokhale Dr. S K. Srivastava
    Correlation of Intraocular Pressure with Blood Pressure. Indian Journal of Applied Research 2014; Volume :4, Issue : 12, Dec. 2014: page 406- 408; ISSN-2249-555x
    Dr. S.S. Kulkarni Dr. Deepak Khismatrao
    Corneal Astigmatism in Adults Attending Eye Clinic. Indian Journal of Applied Research 2014; Volume: 4, Issue : 7,July 2014 : page 397-398; Issn- 2249-555X
    Dr. V.V. Godbole, Dr. Halikar S.S
    Anti-inflammatory efficacy of topical diclofenac sodium after uneventful cataract surgery. Indian Journal of Applied Research 2014; Volume : 4 ,Issue:9,Sept 2014: page 358-360; ISSN 2277-8179
    Dr. S.S. Kulkarni Dr. Deepak Khismatrao
    Proportion of Refractive Errors Among Young Adults Attending PrivateEye Clinic. Journal of Applied Research 2014; Volume: 4, Issue : 5,May 2014 : page 476-477
    Dr. Veerendra Godbole Dr. Swapnagandha Halikar
    Ophthalmomyisis Externa in Western Maharashtra, India - A Case Report. Global Journal for Research Analysis; Volume :3 ,Issue:6,June 2014 : page 163 -164; ISSN-2277-8160
    Dr. V.V.Godbole Dr. S.S. Halikar
    Air Descemetopexy as a Treatment of latrogenic Descemet’s membrane Detachment. Inter national Journal of Scientific Research; Volume :3 ,Issue:7,July 2014: page 426-427
    Dr. Swapnagandha Halikar
    Endonasal management of Retrobulbar Hematoma. Indian Journal of Applied Research 2014; Volume : 4 ,Issue:5,
    May 2014 : page 515-516; ISSN-2249-555x
    Dr. Anil Dudhabhate Dr. Gore Harishchandra D. Dr. Kulkarni Suhas
    Corneal Tattooing (Keratopigmentation) to Achieve Good Cosmetic Results in Traumatic Anirida Patient . Indian Journal of Applied Research 2014; Volume : 4,Issue : 1 ,Jan 2014 |: page 384-385; ISSN - 2249-555X
    Dr. Arundhati Pande Dr. Veerendra Godbole Dr. Swapnagandha Halikar
    Comparison of Noncontact tonometer with Goldmann Applanation Tonometer for Intraocular Pressure Measurement in Non - glaucomatous Patients in Central India . Indian Journal of Applied Research 2014; Volume : 4 ,Issue:4,
    Apr.2014: page 1-3; ISSN-2249-555x