Obstetrics and Gynecology - Research
Dr. Sneha Trivedi, Dr Nishat Fatima, Dr. Sameer Darawade and Dr. Roshni Alam
Surgical Steps For Hysterectomy In A Large Cervical Fibroid: A Rare Case Report (Jan.2024) . European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research ISSN 2394-3211 Impact factor 6.222 ICV-79.57, Vol 11, Issue 1, 2024.
Aparna Sasane 1 , Kishor Hol1 , Dyuti Navadia1 , Shilpa Chaudhari1*4
Study of vesicular mole and its outcome (March 2024)
Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences 2024;14(1):153–156 pISSN - 2249-8176
Tanushree Purandare1*, Ketaki Junnare2
Rare co-occurrence of a Mullerian cyst and a Gartner's duct cyst – Case Report (March 2024) pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789, International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 13(3):744-746
Kishorkumar Hol 1 , Shilpa Choudhari 2 , Tanvi Warty 3 and Kaustubh Bhor
Role of Tumor Markers (CA 125 and CA19-9) in the Screening of Endometriosis - Case Control Study (June 2023) WIMJOURNAL, Volume No. 9, Issue No.2, 2022
pISSN 2349-2910, eISSN 2395-0687 PP 27-32.
Arundati Kanawala, Gulab Singh Shekhawat
Prevalence of hypothyroid dysfunction among third trimester pregnant women and its effect on maternal and fetal outcome. pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 2023 Oct;12(10):3032-3035
Ketaki K. Junnare1, Gulab Singh Shekhawat2, Sonali Ingole3 and Milind Sintre
The Role Of Hysterolaparoscopy Over Hysterosalpingography In The Evaluation And Management Of Female Infertility: A Diagnostic-Cum Fertility Enhancing Therapeutic Tool
International Journal of Advanced Research May 2022 10(05), 375-382 ISSN: 2320-5407
Dr. Priyadarshini Adsul, Dr. Kishorkumar Hol, Dr. Shilpa Chaudhari and Dr. Sheetal Dube
Dr Akshay Mohan Bodhe1, Dr. Nitin Kshirsagar2*, Dr. Sanjaykumar Patil3, Dr. Yamini Patil
Early pregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain in relation to neonatal birth weight: An observational study
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine
ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 9, Issue 7, PP 5143-5152
Dr. Shivani Lasure1, Dr. Ketaki Junnare2 and Dr. Hemant Damle (Dec.2022)
International Journal of Advanced Research.
ISSN: 2320-5407 10(12), PP 140-145
Dr. Shantanu Shembalkar1, Dr. Shivani Lasure2 and Dr. Sameer Darawade3
International Journal of Advanced Research.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(12), PP154-159
Dr. Sonali ingole, Dr. Shilpa Chaudhari
Maternal Near Miss Events in Tertiary Care Hospital : A Retrospective observational Study , Journal of clinical and diagnostic Research , April 2021, Vol : 15(4), QC 14 –QC 17.
Sayali deshmukh, Hemant Damle, Madhura Deshmukh
164-LB: Association of Maternal insulin Sensitivity during Gestation and Neonatal Size.
Online ISSN No. 1939-327X, Print ISSN No. 0012-1797
American Diabetes Association , Vol.70 no. Supplement 1, Published on21.06.2021
Harishchandra Dyanoba Gore, Surekha Sachin Gawade, Shubhangi Uttam Agawane, Sachin Arun Gawade, Abhay Babruwahan Mane, Mayavati Nilesh Nannaware, Vaishali Praful Bansod
Awareness of Breast Cancer & Breast Self-Examination among Rural Women in Western India – A Cross Sectional Study.
J Evid Based Med Healthc pISSN - Pages 2349-2562, eISSN - 2349-2570 / Vol. 8 / Issue 25 / June 21, 2021 .
Dr. Shreya Chahure, Dr. Ketaki Junnare and Dr. Gulab Singh Shekhawat
Blood transfusion practices in obstetric patients at a tertiary care institute during COVID-19 first wave: The need to re-strategize (June 2021) International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology
ISSN (P): 2522-6614 ISSN (E): 2522-6622 ; Vol.5, Issue 4, Pages12-17.
Dr. Monica Shriram Patokar and Dr. Shilpa Nitin Chaudhari
Case of a rare ovarian tumor: Sertoli - leydig cell tumor . (24.06.2021) International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology ISSN No. (P): 2522-6614 ISSN (E): 2522-6622 5(4): 237-239.
Nawazish N. Mir1, Arti S Shirsath1*, Gulab S. Shekhawat1
A Study of Thrombocytopenia in Pregnancy at a Tertiary Care Hospital. Scholars International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Published: 21.10.2021 , ISSN 2616-8235(Print)|ISSN 2617-3492 (Online) 4(10): 392-395.
Dr. Kiran Khemani1*, Dr. Ketaki Junnare1, Dr. Sonali Ingole1, Dr. Gulab Singh Shekhawat1
Non Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy: A Study on Safety, Feasibility, Indications and Complications
Scholars International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Abbreviated Key Title: Sch Int J Obstet Gynec ,ISSN 2616-8235 (Print)|ISSN 2617-3492 (Online) vol 4(11): Pp:423-426. Published: 08.11.2021
Shruti A. Gavhane, Shilpa N. Chaudhari
Trends of caesarean section: an analytical overview of indications.
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Gavhane SA et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jan;9(1):288-293 pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789
Dr.Shilpa N Chaudhari, Shruti A Gavhane
Maternal and perinatal outcome in gestational diabetes mellitus in a tertiary care hospital,MedPulse International Journal of Gynaecology, Volume 14, Issue 2, May 2020 Page no. 36-41.
ISSN: 2579-0870, Online ISSN: 2636-4719.
Monali Ashok Sonone1*, G S Shekhawat
Transverse vaginal septum: Management and Outcomes . Med PulseInternational Journal of Gynaecology. September 2020; 15(3): 53-56. ISSN: 2579-0870, Online ISSN: 2636-4719, Volume 15, Issue 3, September 2020 pp 53-56.
K. K. Junnare*, G. J. Desai, G. S. Shekhawat
Hysteroscopy: an effective tool in post-menopausal bleeding
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Junnare KK et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Jan;8(1):159-164 . pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789
Parag M. Hangekar1, Ganesh Mhaske2*, Gulabsingh Shekhawat
Mirena: a novel alternative to hysterectomy International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hangekar PM et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. August 2019 Volume 8 - Issue 8 Page No 1-4.pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789
Surekha Gawade1*, Sachin Gawade2
Fasting lipid profile in pregnancy associated hypertensive disorders.MedPulse - International Journal of Gynaecology. August 2019; 11(2): Page No - 65-68 Volume 11, Issue 2 ISSN: 2579-0870, Online ISSN: 2636-4719, , August 2019 .
Dr.Kishorkumar Hol, Sneha Trivedi, Shruti Jaiswal*, Sameer Darawade
Comparison of maternal and fetal morbidity between Patwardhan method of second stage lower segment caesarean section and conventional "push and pull" method. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hol K et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Nov;8(11):Page NO.4538-4542 www.ijrcog.org Volume 8 - Issue 11 pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789
Dr. Adti Chitale, Dr.Kunaal K. Shinde , Dr.Hemant Damle
A study of obstetric acute renal injury. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstatrics and Gynaecology July 2018 ,Valume 7, Issue 7,Page No. 2677-2680. pISSN 2320-1770/eISSN 2320-1789.
Anand Karale1, Kunaal K. Shinde2*, Hemant Damle1
Intrauterine fetal demise: a retrospective study in tertiary care center in India International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology.August 2018-Volume 7 -Issue 8 Page 1 -5. pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789.
Anand Karale1, Kunaal K. Shinde2*, Neelesh Risbud1 -
Sociodemographic determinants of medical termination of pregnancy along with contraceptive practices, International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology , August 2018 - Volume 7 - Issue 8 Page 1-5, pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789.
Anand Karale1, Kunaal K. Shinde2*, Neelesh Risbud1
Sociodemographic determinants of medical termination of pregnancy along with contraceptive practices, International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology , August 2018 - Volume 7 - Issue 8 Page 1-5, pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789.
Shilpa Pankaj Kshrisagar, Arti Sidharth Shirsath
A cross-sectional study of fertile period awareness, knowledge, attitudes and practice in infertile couples seeking fertility assistance.International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Kshrisagar SP et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2018. Sep;7(9):3744-3747 pISSN 2320-1770 | eISSN 2320-1789
Dr.Shraddha Shastri ,Anvita A.Singh,Sameer P.Darawade,Saloni D. Manwani-
Complications of Gynaecologic Laproscopy : An Audit : International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Dec -2018, Volume -7,Issue- 12 Pages -4870-4875,pISSN 2320-1770 eIssn 2320-1789.
Dr.Chandni Badlani, Shraddha S.Shastri, Neelesh Risbud-
A study of vaginal misoprostol tablet versus intra cervical dinoprostone gel for the induction of labour International Journal of Reproduction ,Contraception ,Obstetrics and Gynaecolgy; April 2017; Volume -6; Issue 4; Page no. 1404 - 1408; ISSN 2320-1770; ISSN 2320-1789
Dr. Snehal Mane,Dr. Sameer Darawade , Dr. Hemant Damle
“Vasopression Administration During laparoscopic Hysterectomy,a randomized controlled Trial ”Global Journal for Research Analysis, Valume -5,Issue-7,July 2016,ISSN no-2277-8160, Page no -22 to 23
Dr. Shilpa Chaudhari,Dr.Smritee Virmani
Knowledge and attitude of postnatal mothers towards neonatal care in a rural area of Maharashtra , India; International Journal of Reproduction; volume -5; June -2016; Issue-6; ISSN-2320-1789; PISSN -2320-1770; Page -1883-1886
Priyanka Rohit, Dr. Chaudhari Shilpa Nitin, Dr. Gonnade Nikita Vasantrao
Maternal and Fetal Outcome in Referred Patients to Tertiary Care Center Dr Gupta , Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 2016; 4(5C):1624-1631. May 2016; 4(5C):1624-1631
Dr.Rohan Shah ,Dr.Sameer Darawade, Dr.Jyotsna Potdar, Dr.Pushpalata Naphade
“Study of Risk Factors of ectopic pregnancy and it’s management”,Global Journal for research analysis,Valume -5, Issue -3, March -2016 , ISSN No. 2277-8160.
Dr.Jyotsna Potdar, Dr.Pushpalata Naphade
"Comparing HPV DNA Test with HPV Hc 2 for screening of cancer cervix" Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume- 6, March 2016, ISSN :2249-555X.
Dr. Pratinidhi, Dr. SameerDarawade, Dr. Hegde, Dr. PushpalataNaphade, Dr. Ghadge, Dr.Behra
Study of correlation of cord blood lipids & neonatal anthropometry. International Journal of scientific study ,April-2015,Volume-3,Issue -1
Dr. Kishorkumar Hol, Dr. Hemant Damle, Dr. Glab Singh Shekhawat, Dr. Asha Hol
Comparative study of intravenous iron sucrose versus ferric carboxymaltose for the treatment if iron deficiency anemia in postpartum patients. International Journal of Reproduction, June-2015, Volume 4, Issue-3, Page 669-673
Dr.Kishorkumar Hol, Dr.Hemant Damle ,Dr.Gulab singh Shekhawat ,Dr.Asha Hol
Comparative study of intravenous iron sucrose versus ferric carboxymaltose for the treatment if iron deficiency anemia in postpartum patients.International Journal of Reproduction, June -2015, Volume -4, Issue-3, PageNo.669-673
Dr. Ketaki Junnare, Dr. Pushpalata Naphade, Dr.Pramod Tajane
(AJMS) A rare case of sclerosing stromal tumor of ovary with Meigs syndrome presenting with torsion ,Asian Journal of Medical Sciences ,Oct -Dec-2014,Vol-5,issue-4.
Dr.Hemant Damle, Dr.Jyotsna Potdar
An Overview of Aggressive Angiomyxoma (AAM) ,IJAR ,Valume : 4 ,Isuue-9,Sept 2014 ,ISSn-2249-555x.
Dr. Jyotsna Potdar, Dr Avinash Joshi , Dr. Snehal Tate
A Case of Fibrothecoma of Ovary , Indian Journal of Clinical Practice , Vol-25, No-3 ,Aug 2014
Dr. Sameer Darawade, Dr.Ketaki Junnare
“A Comparative Study of Second Trimester Mtp with Use of Vaginal Misoprostol and Extra Amniotic Instillation of Ethacridine lactate with PGE2 (Dinoprostone)’’Global Journal for Research Analysis ISSN No. 2277-8160 ,Volume :3,Issue :4, April 2014.
Dr.Neha Nene, Dr.Jyotsna Potdar, Dr.Pushpalata Naphade
Role of Levonorgestrel Releasing System in AUB ,Paripex -Indian Journal of Research,Feb 2014,Valume:3,Issu:2,ISSN-2250-1991,Page No.74-75.
Arti Shirsath
The study of various factors affecting the perinatal outcome in breech deliveries at a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Scientific Research,Feb 2014,Valume -3, Issue -2,
Dr.Ashtekar Archana, Dr.Shilpa Chaudhari
Comparative analysis of safety,efficacy and fetomaternal outcome of induction of labour with tablet mifepristone and tablet misoprostol versus tablet misoprostol.Journal of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci,ISSn-2278-4802,Vol-3,Issue -49 ,Oct 2014.
Dr.Arti Shirsath , Dr.Nilesh Risbud
Analysis of cesarean section Rate According to Robson’s 10-group classification system at a Tertiary care Hospital.International Journal of Scientific Research,Valume-3,Issue -1,Jan 2014,Page No.23-24.
Dr.Tanvi R.warty, Dr.Shilpa Chaudhari
An incidental ,Asymptomatic lipolemyoma in a post -menopausal woman: A case report. International Journal of scientific study ,Nov 2014,Vol 2,issue 8.
Dr.Shilpa Chaudhari, Dr. Priyanka Gupta
A rare case of perpartum cardiomyopathy, Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y.Patil University ,Nov-Dec-2014,Vol-7, Issue 6.
Dr. Jyostna potdar
Time Motion of hysterolaparoscopy in endoscopy OT of a teaching institution ,Global Research Analysis, Feb -2013,Vol-2,Issue -2, ISSN No.2277-8160 . Impact factor 0.2714
Dr. Ashish Kale, Dr. G S Shekhawat
Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy managed : A case report . Valume - 3, Issue- 12,dec-2013,ISSN No.2249-555X ,Page No. 396 -397 IJAR
Dr. Kishor Hol : Dr.G.S.Shekhawat
A Case of Invasive Mole with Uterine Rupture Presenting as a Hemoperitoneum.Valume -2,Issue-12,Dec-2013,ISSN No.2277-8160,PageNo-195-196. Global Research Analysis
Dr.Shilpa Bhat :Dr.Pushpalata Naphade
Case of precocious puberty due to hypothalamic hematoma - Global Research Analysis -Impact factor of GRA -02714 ,July 2013 ,Vol-2 Issue -7.
Dr.Arti Shirsath
Acute uterine inversion Case report- IJAR Aug 2013 ,Valume -3 ,Issue -8 ,National Journal.
Dr. Neelesh Risbud, Mrs.Archana Shah(MSW)
Use of exit interview of women undergoing Caesarean section for self appraisal of maternity services. International journal of scientific research ,Nov -2013,Vol-2,Issue - 11,ISSN No.2277-8179. Page No.50-51.
Dr. Shilpa Joshi
Weight Gain ,Correlation with Obstetric Outcome -Valume -3,Issue-5,May-2013,ISSN-2249-555X .IJAR