Department - Obstetrics and Gynecology

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is located in building number 3 of the hospital. Our branch deals with two lives simultaneously. We care for women during the physiological process of pregnancy and childbirth, and help them to become healthy mother and to have healthy baby. It is a challenging combination of medical principals and surgical techniques.

The department is well equipped with latest technological advances and infrastructure to meet the growing demand of our profession in numbers and qualities. Apart from continuing excellent undergraduate teaching we are using newer things like pelvi trainer for postgraduate teaching. We at our department regularly conduct training courses for specialist parctioners about advances in our field like colposcopy and hysteroscopy. We are also conducting training courses for Medical officers and paramedical workers under NRHM. Our faculties have participated in conferences at various places and one of our PG student Dr Chandni Badlani won first prize for paper presentation in state level conference at solapur. Dr.Gauri and Dr.Rohan Shah won 1st and 3rd prize in poster presentation in Annual conference of POGS.

This year our department office is shifted to new place and museum is started at new place with facilites for regular PG teaching activity.

Research activity is a life line for any department, in our department we are involved in three ongoing research projects, out of them one is ICMR project.

1) ICMR PROJECT along with collaboration of clinical research department and community medicine department. Involved faculty is Dr.Pushplata Naphade Professor &HOD - Challenges and opportunities to female condom use among women in india and evaluation of the impact of a novel program of women empowerment on female condom use.

2) INDO-DANISH PROJECT Multicentre project with collaboration of KEM hospital Pune. Investigator is Dr.Hemant Damle Professor. GDM screening

3) MUHS and UDC sponsored project Investigator Dr.Jyotsna Potdar Associate Professor Risk assessment of cancer cervix using HPV test by doing four quadrent biopsy in HPV negative women.

This year we completed two research projects successfully .Short term student project by ICMR titled "Acceptance, perception, experience and satisfaction of the couple with postpartum intrauterine contraceptive devices (PPIUCD) insertion" under guidance of Dr Gulab Singh Shekhawat Professor.