National Assessment and Accreditation Council

Institutional Values and Best Practices


List of gender equity sensitization programmes organized by the Institution year-wise (Data Template)

Copy of circular/brochure/ Report of the program

Extract of Annual report

Geotagged photographs of the events


Annual gender sensitization action plan

Specific facilities provided for women in terms of
a. Safety and security
b. Counselling
c. Common Rooms
d. Day care centre for young children

Any other relevant information


Geo-tagged photographs

Installation receipts

Facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures

Any other relevant information


Relevant documents like agreements/MoUs with Government and other approved agencies

Geotagged photographs of the facilities

Any other relevant information


Geotagged photos / videos of the facilities

Installation or maintenance reports of Water conservation facilities available in the Institution

Any other relevant information


Geotagged photos / videos of the facilities if available

Geotagged photo Code of conduct or visitor instruction displayed in the institution

Any other relevant information

Reports to be uploaded


Geo-tagged photographs of the facilities as per the claim of the institution

Any other relevant information

Data Template

Relevant documents


Supporting documents on the information provided (as reflected in the administrative and academic activities of the Institution)

Any other relevant information/documents


Information about the committee composition, number of programmes organized etc., in support of the claims

Weblink of the code of conduct

Details of the monitoring committee of the code of conduct

Details of Programs on professional ethics and awareness programs

Any other relevant information


The Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals


Best practices page in the Institutional web site

Any other relevant information


Appropriate web page in the institutional website

Any other relevant information