Curricular Aspects
Minutes of the meeting of the college curriculum committee.
Any other relevant information
Details of participation of teachers in various bodies.
Scanned copies of the letters supporting the participation of teachers
Any other relevant information
List of Interdisciplinary /interdepartmental courses /training across all the the programmes offered by the University during the last 5 years
Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BoS meetings
Institutional data in prescribed format (Data Template)
Any other relevant information
Details of the students enrolled in subject-related Certificate/Diploma/Add-on courses
Any other relevant information
List of courses with their descriptions
Any other relevant information
Brochure or any other document related to value-added course/s
List of-value added courses (Data Template)
Any other relevant information
List of students enrolled in value-added courses (Data Template)
Any other relevant information
List of programmes and number of students undertaking field visits/internships/research projects/industry visits/community postings (Data Template)
Total number of students in the Institution
Any other relevant information
Stakeholder feedback reports as stated in the minutes of meetings of the College Council /IQAC/ Curriculum Committee
Any other relevant information
URL for stakeholder feedback report
Action taken report of the Institution on the feedback report as stated in the minutes of meetings of the College Council/IQAC
Any other relevant information