Member secretary's Message

Member secretary's Message

Dr. Uma Bhosale

Dr. Uma Bhosale

(MBBS, MD) Member Secretary IEC

Professor& Head Pharmacology.

Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College & General Hospital

It is the duty of every physician to promote & safeguard the health of the people through his knowledge & conscience. The health of the patient is the doctor’s first consideration, who should act in the patient’s interest while providing medical care that might affect the physical & mental make-up of the patient. When medical care is subject to such considerations, medical research involving human subjects should also be governed by these principles. Ethics, govern human behavior and the basis for ethical codes are derived from and conditioned by sets of professional norms. Ethical issues are involved not just in new modalities of treatment or drug trials but also in health issues, epidemiological studies & public health policy.

From the Nuremberg Code framed in the aftermath of World War II, in the wake of the atrocities perpetrated on Jewish prisoners to the landmark Helsinki Declaration by the World Medical Association, the ethical guidelines have been refined & made more explicit & comprehensive with frequent updating. The underlying principle however remains the same as for medical care. A physician can act only in the patients’ interest when providing medical care which might have the effect of weakening the physical & mental condition of the patient and the well being of the patient should take precedence over interests of science & society.

Ethical guidelines laid down by the apex bodies should be followed in letter and spirit to protect safety & well being of all individuals who participate in such research for the progress of science through acquisition of new knowledge.

The purpose of such research is that it should be directed towards the increase in knowledge about the human condition and such research should be for the betterment of all, including the disadvantaged. Humans who are subject to any medical research or scientific experimentation are dealt with in a manner conducive to and consistent with their dignity & well being under conditions of fair treatment.

The four basic ethical principles are,
1) Autonomy (respect for the person & his privacy)
2) Beneficence (benefit for all)
3) Non maleficence (do no harm)
4) Justice

The underlying principles governing biomedical research should ensure that the principles of essentiality, voluntariness, non exploitation, privacy & confidentiality, precautions & risk minimization, professional competence & accountability and totality of responsibility are adhered to & vetted by an independent appropriate & responsible body of persons (Ethics Committee)

While taking informed consent, the investigator should communicate to prospective subjects all information necessary to exclude possibility of unjustified deception. The purpose of the study, the aims & methods, trial treatment & duration, procedures involved, (including these that are experimental), reasonably predictable risks, confidentiality, future use of biological material & the right to withdraw from the study at any time must be made known to the volunteer before he accords his assent. Only then can the dignity rights & well being of the research participants be upheld.

The system of ethical guidelines on research need to be cognizant of & informed by a sensitive balance of risks & benefits, to allow the practical application of biomedical research for the benefit of mankind.