Forensic Medicine - Research
Dr. Ajay Patil
Copyright : Hindi me Hippocratic oath.Dr. S. B. Punpale
Has Published Retrospective study of planned complex suicide Case: A Single Center Experience of Ten Years. In International Journal of scientific Research November 2023.Dr. R.S.Bangal
Contributed a chapter “ Professional Indemnity Insurance Better Safe than Sorry” in the 2nd edition (2020) of the book “Legal issues in medical practice : Medico legal guidelines for safe practice “, published by Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. ISBN : 978-93-89776-05-8Dr. R.S.Bangal
Effectivity of International Communication Skills for conflict resolution in academic organizations.Published in - International Journal of Scientific research Vol.8, Issue 2, Feb. 2019,Pp 33 - 36.
Dr. R.S. Bangal
Published a book “Informed Consent in Medical Practice- Principles & Conventions” ISBN 978-93-5270-993-9, First edition 2019, Jaypee brothers, Medical Publishers.Dr. R.S.Bangal
Training programme on implementation of NABH Accreditation of Good Clinical Practice.(Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai, on 27 th & 28th April 2019)Dr. R.S.Bangal
Doctor -Patient relationship: Effectiveness of an Intervention Training Module on knowledge and attitude of Resident Doctors (International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2019Aug.;6(8):3634-3638)Dr. R.S.Bangal
Knowledge and Attitude towards Basic of Communication Skills amongst Residents Doctors. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2019 Sept;7(9)Dr.R.S.Bangal, Dr.S.B.Datir.
Published an Original Research Paper,“Maximum Cranial Circumference: A predictor of Sexual Dimorphism of Human Skull” in Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, Jan-Mar 2018,Vol 40,No.1.Dr.R.S.Bangal,Dr.S.B.Datir
Maximum Cranial Circumference: A Predictor of Sexual Dimorphism of Human Skull,Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine,2018,Jan-March 2018, Vol 40, No.1 ISSN0971-0973,69-72,National,The Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine is indexed in Scopus, IndMED and Indian Citation Index
End of life care : Consensus Statement by Indian Acsdemy of Paediatrics, Indian Paediatrics, 2017, 15 October 2017 Vol. 54, National,Pub Med Medicine, Indian Science Abstracts,med IND,POPLINEDr.R.S.Bangal
Professional Indemnity Insurance : Better safe than sorry,Text book of Legal Issuses in Medical Practice - Medicolegal Guidelines for safe practice,2017,National,JAYPEE PublishersDr.R.S.Bangal
Clinical Audits and mortality review meetings - Tool for better patient care,Text book on Medicolegal Issues, 2017,National,Indian Medico-legal & Ethics Association published by JAYPEE PublishersDr.S.B.Datir
Evaluation of Foramen Magnum Dimensions for Sex Determination,Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine,2017,July -Sept. 2017, Vol. 39, No.3,National,Scopus, IndMed, Indian Citation IndexDr.R.S.Bangal
Study of Pre-School Children Deaths : An Autopsy Study,Journal of Forensic Medicine Science & Law,2016,Jan- June 2016 Vol. 25, No. 1,National,Index Copernicus [Poland]Dr.R.S.Bangal
Profile of Fatal Cranio cerebral Injuries, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,2016,3 July- Sept. 2016 , Vol. 9, No. 3,0974 - 3383,International,Index Copernicus [Poland], covered by NLM Catalogue & Locator plus, USA, EBSCO PublishingElectronic Database, USA.
Age Determination from Tri-Radiate cartilage fusion - A Radiological study in Mumbai region, Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine,2016, July- Sept. 2016 ,Vol. 9,No.3,271- 273, National, Index Copernicus [Poland]Dr.N.S.Dingre
A study of injuries to Carotid Arteries in Vehicular accident, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,2016,Jan, June 2016 , Vol-10, No.1,106-109,National,Embase, ScopusDr.N.S.Dingre
The Spectrum of Unnatural Deaths in Solapur District of Western Maharashtra : An autopsy based study,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,2016,Jan - June 2016 Vol-10.No.1,Page118-121,National,Embase, Scopus
A Histopathological Study of Carotid Artery Injuries in Vehicular Accidents,Medico-Legal Update,2016,Jan-June 2016, Vol. 16, No. 1,Page 128-132,National,Institute of Medico-legal Publication Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001Dr.S.B.Datir
Causes of Suicide in Acute Poisoning Cases in different age Groups: A study ,Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine,2016Jan- March 2016, Vol 38, No.1 ISSN 0971-0973,63 - 66,National,Index Copernicus [Poland], IndMED [India],SCOPUS and IMSEARDr.S.B.Datir
Incidence of fatal snake bite in Loni, Maharashtra ; An autopsy based retrospective study. (2004-2014),Journal of Forensic & Legal Medicine,2016,Nov.2016 ,Pages 61-64,International,MEDLINE Index MedicusDr.R.S.Bangal,Dr.S.B.Datir
Analysis of the Role of Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) in Finalizing Cause of Death in Cases of Poisoning, International Journal of Education & research in Health Science,2016,March 2016 -Vol. 2, Issue 1.,2455-555X,International,Index Copernicus International, Cosmos impact Factor, Advanced Sciences Index, Scientific indexing ServicesDr. Bangal R.
Study of autopsy findings in cases of acute poisoning published in Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and law , Vol24,No.1, Jan -Jun 2015Dr. Bangal R.
Study of outcome in acute poisoning cases in rural region of western Maharashtra,published in Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and law , Vol24,No.1, Jan -Jun 2015Dr.R.S.Bangal
Dilemma of manner of death in road traffic accident, Journal of Forensic & Legal Medicine,2015,June - Dec. 2015 Vol. 24, ISSN : 2277- 8853,National,Index Copernicus [Poland]Dr.N.S.Dingre
Epidemiological study of un- natural deaths in District Hospital,West India; A Retrospective study,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,2015,Jan - June 2015, Vol-9, No. 1,International,Embase, ScopusDr.S.B.Datir
Study of poisoning according to sex and marital status in acute poisoning cases,Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research,2015,June:- 2015 Vol-4, Issue-3,524-529,International,Index CopernicusDr.S.B.Datir
Study of pattern of poisons in various age groups in acute poisonings cases,Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research,2015 ,June 2015: Vol-4, Issue -3, 530-537,International,Index Copernicus,Ulrich International Medical Periodical DirectoryDr.S.B.Datir
Profile of Acute Poisoning Cases at Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni,Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine,2015, Oct- Dec.2015, Vol 37, No.4 ISSN 0971-0973,400-404,National,Index Copernicus [Poland], IndMED [India], SCOPUS, IMSEARDr.S.B.Datir
Study of poisoning according to sex and marital status in acute poisoning cases,Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research,2015,June : - 2015 Vol-4, Issue-3,524-529,International,Index Copernicus,2015,June : - 2015 Vol-4, Issue-3, 524-529,International,Dr.S.B.Datir
Study of pattern of poisons in various age groups in acute poisonings cases,Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research,2015 ,June 2015: Vol-4, Issue -3, 530-537,International,Index Copernicus,Ulrich International Medical Periodical DirectoryDr.S.B.Datir
Profile of Acute Poisoning Cases at Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni,Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine,2015, Oct- Dec. 2015, Vol 37, No.4 ISSN 0971-0973, 400- 404,National,Index Copernicus [Poland], IndMED [India], SCOPUS, IMSEARDr.S.B.Datir
Study of Autopsy Findings in cases of Acute Poisonings,Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law,2015,Jan-Jun2015, Vol 24, Number 1,National,Index CopernicusDr.S.B.Datir
Autopsy profile of natural causes of sudden deaths and survival time, International Journal of Healthcare and Biomedical research,2015,July 2015-Vol. 03, Issue- 04,126-134,International,Index Copernicus, Google scholar, ICMJE,Indian Journals.comDr.S.B.Datir
Correlation of foot length with height amongst Maharashtrian population of India,Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine,2015,Oct- Dec. 2015, Vol 31No. 4,344- 337,National,Index Copernicus [Poland], IndMED [India], SCOPUS and IMSEARDr.S.B.Datir
Study of Awareness amongst registered Medical Practitioners about their Rights and privileges,Indian Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine,2015,Jan- June 2015 Vol.18, No-1,25 - 30,International,Embase, Excepta MedicaDr.S.B.Datir
Medico-Legal Evaluation of causes of Sudden Death Due to Cardiovascular Diseases and their survival time,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,2015,Jan - June 2015 Vol-32.No.1, Page,1 to 7,International,Embase, Excepta Medica
Cardiac Tamponade as a Complication of Myocardial Infarction: A Rapidly Fatal Entity,Indian internet Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,2015,July - Sep. 2015 Vol-13, .No.3, 60- 64,International,Index Copernicus, Google scholar, Indian citation index, Indian science abstract.Dr.S.B.Datir
Study of outcome in Acute poisoning Cases in rural Region of Western Maharashtra,Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science and Law,2015,Jan-Jun 2015, Vol 24, Number 1,National,IndexCopernicus