Department Of Pathology

Recent Advances in Lung Cancer.

Dr. Apar Kishor Ganti.  MD on "Recent Advances in Lung Cancer"

A guest  lecture was  conducted  by the  Department  of Pathology  &  Department  of General  Medicine  on 22nd   December  2022,  Thursday  from  12.00 to  1.00  pm,  at seminar  room,  General  Medicine  Department.  The teaching staff &  residents  of various department  of SKNMC  & GH were present. The total number of attendees for the event were 81.

Dr. Apar Ganti is the Associate Director of Clinical Research at the UNMC Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Centre. He is a member of the Respiratory Committee of the Alliance  for  Clinical  Trials  in Oncology  & he  is the  Chair  of the  Small  Cell  Lung Cancer Committee of the National Comprehensive  Cancer Network & the VA Clinical Science Research & Development Centralized Data Monitoring Committee.

The  lecture  on  Recent  Advances  in  Lung Cancer  emphasized  the  role  of recent developments  in the investigations and related novel targeted drugs for Lung Cancer

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