Department Of General Surgery

Pre Conference Workshop MSICON 2022


             44th Annual conference of Maharastra Associatio of surgeon (MASICON 2022) was organised by Poona Surgical Society on 27th & 28th April,2022. It was a physical conference held after  2 years of pandemic.

            Preconferance workshop of Gastroscopy, Colonoscipy & Endoscopic Suturing & knotting was organised by Department of Surgery at Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College on 25th April 2022.

            Total 120 PG Students & young Surgeons registered for workshops. It was free workshop, organised by Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College in association with poona surgical society. PG Students from various Medical colleges from Maharastra attended the workshop. 30 practicing surgeons also participated in the workshop.

             Actual Hand on workshop was preceded by three lectures.

Dr.Snehal Purandare (Peofessor) delivred a Lecture on Endoscopic Suturing and knotting. Dr.Rahul Shelke Deliverd Lecture on Colonoscopy. Dr.Mandar Doiphode (Faculty from PSS) dileverd a lecture on Gastroscopy.

 Under the guidance of competant faculty of surgery department of SKNMC,  & faculty from poona Surgical Society, Postgraduate students Students underwent hands on treaning in Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy & Endoscopic suturing & knotting.

            Dr.Chintamani (Prof.&HOD) Medical college Dehli delivered a lectures on ‘ WHAT NEXT AFTER PG’ . It was an inspirational lecture & an eyeopener for PG Students as well as for teachers. 

Workshop was followed by delicious dinners & DJ night.

 General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery  General Surgery