Department Of Ophthalmology

lecture on occasion of “World Glaucoma Week 2022” on 10/03/2022.

Objective of Activity:-

To create awareness about Glaucoma in society.


Activity Details:-

           Lecture was organized on Glaucoma awareness date on 10/03/2022 for OPD patients in SKNMCGH, Pune. 

Dr. Neha Ghawate delivered this lecture covering the following points : 

  1. Meaning of Glaucoma.
  2. High risk factors.
  3. Symptoms and signs.
  4. Treatment modalities available at present.
  5. Outcomes if not detected and treated early.

Total 30 patients attended the lecture. This was followed by screening of 25 patients for glaucoma by using parameters like IOP by NCT and Disc examination on Slit lamp. Out of these 25 patients, 3 were identified as glaucoma suspect and subjected to detailed glaucoma examination.



With this lecture, awareness about Glaucoma, importance of screening and its early detection was demonstrated to the patients.


 Ophthalmology  Ophthalmology