Department - Dermatology

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    Dermatology - Research

    Dr.Gurman Singh Bhasin, Dr. Swapna Khatu and Chaudhari Nitin.
    Cutaneous Manifestations in Chronic Renal Failure Patients on Hemodialysis: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Cutaneous Disorders & Medicine; August 2024, 5(2); 1-7.
    Dr. Gurman Singh Bhasin, Dr. Swapna Khatu and Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
    A Case Repot published entitled “Eccrine Poroma”. Pigment International Journal, March 2023, Volume 10, Issue 07 Page No. 3-5.
    Dr.Abhishek S Patokar, Dr.Chandrakant B Poulkar, Dr.Nitin Chaudhari, Dr.Swapna S Khatu, Dr.Mahak Kukreja, Dr.Gurman Singh Bhasin
    Onychoscopic Features of Nail in Chronic Plaque Psoriasis: A Cross Sectional Study of 100 Patients. Clinical Dermatology Review, June 2023, Volume 07, Issue 02 Page No. 133-38.
    Dr. Nitin Chaudhari, Dr. Swapna Khatu, Dr. Chandrakant Poulkar, Dr. Gaurav Khandait, Dr. Rajvardhan Bagne, Dr. Abhishek Patokar, Dr. Supriya Pathade and Dr. Chinmay Ratk
    The Prevalance of metabolic syndrome in male patients of early onset AGA compared to age matched controls. International Journal of Research in Dermatology, January 2022; Volume 8 Issue1: Page 96-100.
    Dr. Shilpa Patwekar, Dr. Nitin Chaudhari Dr. Chandrakant Poulkar, Dr. Swapna Khatu, Dr. Abhishek Patokar, Dr. Gurman Singh Bhasin
    A case-control study to find out the prevalence of metabolic syndro me in patients with psoriasis as compared to age and sex matched controls. International Journal of Research in Dermatology, January 2022; Volume 8 Issue 1 : Page 15-20.
    Dr.Aishwarya Bedi, Dr. Swapna Khatu, Dr. Chandrakant Poulkar, Dr. Nachiket Palaskar, Dr. Nitin Chaudhari, Dr. Abhishek Patokar
    The Spectrum of Mucocutaneous Manifestation during Pregnancy: An Observational Study of 170 Pregnant Women Visiting a Tertiary Care Hospital. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth ; Volume 20 Issue 20 ;Page 1-7.
    Dr. Gaurav Khandait, Dr. Rajvardhan Bagne, Dr. Swapna Khatu, Dr. Nachiket Palaskar, Dr. Abhishek Patokar, Dr. Himanshu Pophale
    A Case Repot :Atypical Mycobacterial Cutaneous Infection Caused by Mycobacterium abscessus Complex: An Unusual Presentation Masquerading, Journal of Clinical Dermatology, February 2022; Volume 6 Issue 1 ; 1-4.
    Dr. Nitin Chaudhari, Dr. Swapna Khatu, Dr. Nachiket Palaskar, Dr. Abhishek Patokar, Dr. Aditya Holani
    A Case Repot : Fetal Varicella Syndrome: A Rare Case Report and Literature Review , Journal of Clinical Dermatology, February 2022; Volume 6 Issue 1 ; 1-6.
    Dr. Nitin Chaudhari, Dr. Swapna Khatu, Dr. Chandrakant Poulkar, Dr. Abhishek Patokar, Dr. Mahak Kukreja and Gurman Singh Bhasin
    Accepted Research Paper : Onychoscopic features of nail in chronic plaque psoriasis-A cross-sectional study of 100 patient.. Journal of Clinical Dermatology.
    Dr. Nitin Chaudhari, Dr. Umesh Thombe, Dr. Abhishek Patokar, Dr. Sanchita Singhal, Dr. Pallavi More and Dr. Prajna Satpathy
    “An observational study of various oral manifestations in 100 patients visiting a tertiary care hospital”. International Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy Sciences; July 2022; Volume5 Issue1: Page 26-32
    Dr. Abhishek Shriram Patokar, DrMustafa H. Gandhi, Dr.Mahak Kukreja, Dr.Swapna S. Khatu, DrNitin Chaudhari
    A Case Report published “Giant Molluscum Contagiosum in an HIV?Positive Patient – A Case with Unusual Presentation and Review of Diagnostic Modalities”. MedJ DY Patil Vidyapeeth October 2022; Volume 15: Issue. 5 Page no.756-759.
    Dr. Abhishek S. Patokar, Dr.Gaurav H. Khandait, Dr.Nitin Chaudhari, Dr.Swapna S. Khatu
    2. A Case Report published “Graham-Little-Piccardi-Lassueur Syndrome—A Rare Case Report with Concomitant Lichen Planus Pigmentosus and Oral Lichen Planus in a Pregnant Female”. Indian Journal of Dermatopathology and Diagnostic Dermatology, Volume 9 ; Issue 1 ; October 2022 Page no. 27 -30
    Dr. Gurman Singh Bhasin, Dr. Swapna Khatu
    1.A Case Report published entitled “Lupus Miliaris Disseminatus Faciei – A rare inflammatory dermatosis., Medical Journal of Basic and Applied Research, Nov.2022; Volume 2;Page no. 37- 40.
    Balpande G, Khatu S Chavan D, Palaskar N.
    1. A case report entitled “Bilateral Nevoid Hyprkeratosis of Nipple: A Report of Two Cases ” for publication in Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, January 2021; 114: Page 57-59;
    Haridas Nishigandha, Chaudhari Nitin, Palaskar Nachiket, Poulkar Chandrakant, Khatu Swapna, Holani Aditya, Patokar Abhishek .
    Epidemiological, Clinical and Mycological Profile of Dermatophytic Infection: A Cross –Sectional Study in Tertiary Care Hospital, for publication in Walwalkar International Medical Journal, May 2021; Volume 8 Issue1: Page 9-17.
    Patokar Abhishek, Holani Aditya, Khatu Swapna, Nitin Chaudhari, Palaskar Nachiket
    A Research paper accepted entitled “Fetal Varicella Syndrome: A Case Report and LiteratureReview, for publication in Clinical Dermatology Journal, June 2021
    Holani Aditya, Rajvardhan Bagne, Aishwarya Bedi
    Imatinib Mesylate-Induced Psoriasiform Drug Reactio: A Case of Dose-Dependent Cutaneous Toxicity, for publication in Indian Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, June 2021; Volume 7 Issue1: Page 46-48
    Dr. Shilpa Patwekar, Dr. Nitin Chaudhari, Dr. Swapna Khatu, Dr. Chandrakant Poulkar , Dr. Abhishek Patokar and Dr. Gurman Singh Bhasin.
    A case control study to find out the prevailance of metabolic syndrome in patients with Psoriasis as composed to age and sex mathched controls accepted publication in International Journal of Research Dermatology.
    Dr. Nitin Chaudhari, Dr. Swapna Khatu, Dr. Chandrakant Poulkar, Dr. Gaurav Khandait, Dr. Abhishek Patokar, Dr. Supriya Pathade and Dr. Chinmay Ratkanthiwar
    The Prevalance of metabolic syndrome in male patients of early onset AGA compared to age matched controls’. Research publication was accepted on 6/12/2021 by Indian Journal of Research Dermatology.
    Dr. Swapna Khatu Dr. Nitin Chaudhari, Dr. Nachiket Palaskar, Dr. Aditya Holani, Dr. Garima Balpande, Dr. Mahak Kukreja, Dr. Gaurav Khandait, Dr. Rajvardhan Bagane.
    Atopic dermatitis and its correlation with eosinophil count and serum IgE levels - A case control study. Walawalkar International medical journal, Volume7; Issue(2) Page 87-94;
    Chandrakant B. Poulkar, Nitin D. Chaudhari*, Swapna S. Khatu, Shilpa L. Patwekar
    Research Paper published Comparative therapeutic evaluation of 308 nm monochromatic excimer light in combination with calcipotriol ointment vs 308 nm monochromatic excimer light alone in palmoplantar psoriasis.International Journal of Research in Dermatology | January-March 2019 | Vol 5 | Issue 1; 1-5
    Chandrakant B. Poulkar1,2, Nitin D. Chaudhari1*, Swapna S. Khatu
    Effect of clofazimine on nerve function impairment in pauci-bacillary leprosy patients. International Journal of Research in Dermatology | January-March 2019 | Vol 5 | Issue 1 1;1-6
    Shilpa Laxman Patwekar, Swapna Subhash Khatu, Nirali Girish Shah, Neeta Gokhale
    Maffucci’s Syndrome: A Rare Case Report with Unusual Location Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | January-February 2019:65-68
    Nirali Girish Shah, Swapna S. Khatu, Neeta R. Gokhale, Yuvraj E. More, Deepak Khismatrao1
    Acanthosis Nigricans: A Cutaneous Marker for Metabolic Syndrome Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | January-February 2019, 16-21
    Dr. Nachiket Palaskar, Dr. Nitin Chaudhari*, Dr.Garima Balpande, Dr. Swapna Khatu
    A randomised trial of 5% minoxidil versus combination of 5% minoxidil and oral spironolactone in treatment of female pattern hair loss. month of October-December 2019, Vol. 5 Issue 4, 668-672.; International Journal of Research in Dermatology.
    By Dr.Swapna Khatu, Dr. Nachiket Palaskar*, Dr. Garima Balpande, Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
    Resurgence of leprosy in post elimination era. October-December 2019 Vol.5 Issue 4,743-750; International Journal of Research in Dermatology.
    Aditya Holani , Nishigandha Haridas , Nirali Shah ,Nitin Chaudhari
    Research Paper published Monilethrix : A Rare Case Diagnosed by Dermoscopy, Aditya Holani , Nishigandha Haridas , Nirali Shah ,Nitin Chaudhari month of Indian Journal of Paediatric Dermatology December 2019 Vol 21 Issue -1 ; 56-58
    Swapna khatu,Sharmishtha Deshpande,Neeta Gokhale,Deepak Khismtarao and Dipali Chavan
    A Comparative study of Psychosocial morbidity in stable versus unstable vitiligo.June 2018 Volume18;5:28-33 Journal of Pigment International
    Sharmishtha Deshpande, swapna khatu, Neeta Gokhale
    Cross -sectional study of psychiatric morbidity in patients with melasma.Oct. 2018 Volume60:32:28-33 Indian Journal of Psychiatry.
    Nachiket Palaskar
    A study of dermatological manifestations of obesity in a tertiary care center. Oct. 2018 Volume7:3,105-108 Med Pulse International Journal of Medicine.
    Dr. Nachiket Palaskar
    A study of epidemiology, clinical features and co-morbidities in psoriasis’.November 2018; Volume 8(2): 102-105. Med Pulse International Journal of Medicine.
    Dr. Nachiket Palaskar
    A Clinico-Epidemiological Profile of Patients Presenting with Nail Disorders.December 2018; Volume-7 | Issue-12 | ISSN No 2277 -8179, 483-486. International Journal of Scientific Research.
    Dr. Yuvraj More , Dr. Swapna Khatu , Dr. Neeta Gokhale,Dr. Dipali Chavan
    Evaluation of safety and efficancy of low dose methotrexate as an alternative treatment option to systemic corticosteroids in generalized lichen planus; Publication in Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University; 2017 March;10:149-55
    Dr. Swapna Khatu, Dr. Yuvraj More, Dr. Neeta Gokhale, Dr.Dipali Chavan
    Treating multiple and recalcitrant wart with autoimplantation technique.”Journal of NTR University Health Sciences December 2017;Volume:6
    Aayush Gupta, Sharma YK,Nitin Chaudhari.
    Quality of life in acne Vulgaris: Relationship to Clinical Severity and demographic data, Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, 2016; 82 ( 3): 292-297
    Dr. Swapna Khatu, Dr. Neeta Gokhale, Dr. Yuvraj More, Dr. Dipali Chavan
    Alkaptonuria: case report - Medical Journal Dr. D. Y. Patil University- Jan -Feb 2015; Volume-8, Issue-(84-86)
    Dr. Deshpande S.S., Dr. Neeta Gokhale., Dr. More Yuvraj.
    Identification and Management of Psychiatric Co-Morbidities in Dermatological Disorders-MJP Online Journal July 2015
    Dr. Sai Pawar,Dr. Swapna khatu & Dr. Neeta Gokhale
    A Clinico-Epidermiological Study of Melasma in Pune Patients, Oct. 2015, Journal of Pigmentary Disorders, Volume-2.Issue 11
    Dr. Chaudhari Nitin
    A Clinical and Statistical Survey of Cutaneous Changes in the First120 Hours of Life, e-indian journal of dermatology, 2014,59(6),552-57
    Dr. Swapna Khatu, Dr. Pradeep Mahajan
    Popular acantholytic dyskeratosis of male genitalia : A rare entity, Nov-Dec 2014, Volume 7, Issue 6, Page no.770-772
    A Case Report - Published in Medical Journal of D. Y. Patil University
    Chaudhari ND, Sharma YK, Dash KN, Deshmukh Palak.
    Extragingival granuloma pyogenicum. Med Jour DDYPU. 2014,7(1), 97.
    Sadana Dinkar, Sharma YK, Dash K , Chaudhari ND, Dharwadkar AA, Dogra BB.
    Angiokeratoma circumscriptum in a young male. Indian J of Dermatol. 2014. 59(1),85 -87.
    Nitin D Chaudhari, yugal K Sharma, Kedar Dash, Palak Deshmukh
    FACIAL HYPERPIGMENTATION IN A CASE OF TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences 2014 Vol. 4 (2) May-August, pp. 292-293
    Sharma YK, Gupta A, Chaudhari ND.
    Pediatric tuberous xanthomas. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2014;80:335.
    Dr. Swapna Khatu
    Disseminated cryptococcosis in a diabetic patient. Cutis; 2014; 291-95
    Dr. Yuvraj more, Dr. Swapna Khatu , Dr. Neeta Gokhale Dr. Deepali Chavan,
    Platelet rich Plasma in androgenic alopecia : myth or an effective tool , Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery;2014 ; 107-
    Dr. Deepali Rajput
    Presented case report of Methotrexate in Lichen planus at Sanjeevani Hospital, Pune on 20/03/2013.
    Dr. Yuvraj More
    Attended Cutaneous Surgery Conference & Workshop at Banglore Acsicon 2013.
    Gupta Sanjeev, Chaudhari ND, Gupta Aayush, Talanikar HV, Jadhav Avinash.
    Unusual presentation of Becker’s nevus on face and its successful treatment with Nd-YAG laser. Int J Pharm Biomed Sci 2013, 4(1), 35-36
    Gupta Sanjeev, Chaudhari ND, Gupta Aayush, Talanikar HV.
    Lichen planus - an update. Int J Pharm Biomed Sci 2013, 4(2), 59-65.
    Desmukh SP, Sharma YK, Dash KN, Chaudhari N, Deo KS.
    Clinicoepidemiological study of skin manifestations in patients of chronic renal failure on hemodialysis. Indian Dermatol Online J 2013, 4(1), 18-21
    Deshmukh S, Sharma Y K, Chaudhari ND, Dogra B B, Deo K S.
    Multiple squamous cell carcinoma over lichen simplex chronicus: A rare entity. Indian J Of Dermatol. 2013,58(4), 329
    Chaudhari ND, Virmani NC.
    Hypopigmented papules over the chest. Indian J of Dermatol. 2013, 58(5), 412
    Kohli S, Sharma YK, Dash KN, Kopikar R, Chaudhari N.
    LEOPARD syndrome with rare skeletal anomalies: A case report. Indian J of Dermatol. 2013, 58(5), 411
    P Deshmukh, YK Sharma, KN Dash, ND Chaudhari.
    Familial myomatosis et uteri,segmental type 2. Case report. Indian dermatology online journal. September 2013 ,4(4),309-10
    Dr Swapna Khatu
    Nodules on the hair: A rare case of mixed piedra International journal of trichology,2013; 220-223
    Dr. Swapna Khatu
    Melanoacanthoma uncommon presentation of an uncommon condition Indian Dermatology Online Journal2013; 4(2);119 -121
    Dr. Swapna Khatu
    Eruptive vellus hair cyst presenting as asymptomatic follicular papules on extremities Indian Dermatology Online Journal 2013 ; 4(3) ; 213-215
    Deshmukh S, Sharma YK, Dogra BB , Chaudhari ND.
    A case of Parry Romberg syndrome with congenital heart disease. Indian J of Dermatol, Venereol and leprol 2012,78(1), 105-106
    Deshmukh SP, Chaudhari ND, Dash K, Sharma YK.
    Evaluation of efficacy of chemical peeling with glycolic acid in hyperpigmentation disorders of the skin. Med J of DDYPU 2012, 5(2), 122 - 124.
    Chaudhari ND, Talaniker HV, Deshmukh P, Gupta S. A
    clinicopathological study of cutaneous tuberculosis at Pune district, Maharashtra. Int J Pharm Biomed Sci 2012,3(4), 181-183
    Chaudhari ND, Talaniker HV, Gupta Sanjeev, Gupta Aayush,
    et al. Topical tacrolimus: A boon to dermatology. Int J Pharm Biomed Sci 2012,3(4), 188-192
    Nitin D. Chaudhari, Yugal K. Sharma, Kedar Dash, Palak Deshmukh.
    Role of Platelet -rich Plasma in the Management of Androgenetic Alopecia. Int J Trichol 2012, 4(4) 291-2
    Chaudhari N, Shinde R.
    Lasers in Cosmetic Dermatology. Med Jour DYPU 2009,1(1),34-37
    Dr. Pradeep mahajan , Dr. Swapna khatu , Dr.Dipali chavan , Dr. Neeta gokhale.
    Submitted for Publication - Original article, in Journal of dru in dermatology. "To study effectiveness and safety of low close metholrexate in wide spread lichen planus.
    Dr. Yuvraj more, Dr. Swapna khatu, Dr. Dipali chavan , & Dr. Neeta gokhale.
    Dr. Swapna Khatu , Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande , Dr. Dipali Chavan , Dr. Neeta Gokhale
    Dr Sai Pawar, Dr . Neeta Gokhale