Department - Dermatology

The Department of Dermatology, Venerology and Leprosy has 30 beds and the ward is located on 2nd floor and department is 4th floor of Building no. 1. The department is carrying out therapeutic as well as cosmetic Dermatology, Venerology and Leprosy. The department is well equipped with various state of art equipments like Cryosurgery unit, Phototherapy unit, Ellamana radiofrequency unit, Iontophoresis unit, Electro quatery and Electro epilation unit.

Various OPD procedures like patch testing, Peeling, Cryotherapy, I/L Cryotherapy with steroid injection, Microdermabrasion, Epliation, Phonolization and KOH mount are carried out regularly.

The department also carries out dermato- surgical procedures and has been allotted a dedicated OT in the minor OT complex on the ground floor in building no. 2. Various minor OT procedures like biopsies, radio frequency, Acne surgery (Punch Grafting, Floating, Subcision and I/D), Vitiligo Surgery ( Punch Grafting, Split thickness grafting and suction blister), Dermabrasion for Amyloidosis and LSC, Small hole surgery for cyst and lypoma and nail surgeries, hair transplant, PRP, fat augmentation, Liposuction are carried out regularly. Botox and Fillers modalities are now available in the department.Diod Laser, Q switch NdYAG Laser, CO2 Laser available in the department.

Lectures and clinics are being conducted regularly for second and third MBBS students.

PG programmes like Seminars, Journal Clubs, Grand Rounds, Case Presentation and Discussions are conducted regularly.