Community Medicine - Research
Bansod VP, Agawane SU, Gawade SA, Gore HD, Chawla PS.
Adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination: A crosssectional study. MGM J Med Sci 2023;10:71-6. MGM Journal of Medical Sciences | Volume 10 | Issue 1 | January-March 2023
Tarawade AS, Mane AB, Chawla PS.
Covid 19 outcome among diabetic patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital : An observational study, International J Advanced Community Medicine, 2023; 6(2),: 08-11 International
Padmavathi V. Dyavarishetty, Shobha S. Kowli , Prachi D. Sondankar , Padmaja K. Chowdary , Anjali A. Nimbalkar , Varsha V. Pai.
Uptake of clinical breast examination services at an urban health centre following community-based awareness programme ; International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | April 2021 | Vol 8 | Issue 4 , pISSN 2394-6032 | eISSN 2394-6040
Prachi D Sondankar, Shubhangi U Agawane, Abhay B Mane, Parvinder S Chawla.
Epidemiological Profile and Clinical Outcome of COVID-19 Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Pune, India. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021;15(7): LC09-LC12
Sastry J, Agawane S, Rajan M, Black K, Laumbach R, Ramagopal M.
The effect of the indoor environment on wheeze- and sleep-related symptoms in young Indian children. Lung India 2021;38:307-13.
Nannaware M, Kulkarni S, Bansod V, Singru S, Chawla P, Kalra K.
Effect of Lockdown on Teaching-Learning Process: A Students Perspective. J Med Sci Health 2021;7(2):101-108
Gawade SA , Gore HD , Mane AB.
Determinants of Immunization Status Among Children Between 13-24 Months of Age in Maharashtra, India – A Community Based Cross-Sectional Study. Vaccine Research.2021;7(2):28-33.
Bansod VP, Nannaware MN, Kulkarni SS, Gore HD, Agawane SU, Chawla PS et al.
A hospital-based cross-sectional study for assessment of immunization status of children in western Maharashtra, India. MGM J Med Sci 2021; 8:390-7.
Chinta A, Bisen R, Kalra K.
Relationship between Reactive Agility and Playing Positions in Amateur Football Players, International Journal of Health Sciences & Research. May 2020;10(5) : Pg.No.40 to 44.
Bokil C, Bisen R, Kalra K.
Effectiveness of Upper Extremity Proprioceptive Training on Reaction Time in Table Tennis Players. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research. May 2020; 10 (6) Pg.No. 34 to 39
Kharat , Bisen R, Kalra K .
Physical fitness in School Going Adolescents. International Journal of Health Sciences Research; Vol.10; June 2020 (10) 6: Pg No.229 to 232.
Sondankar P, Padmathi, P Dyavarishetty, S. Kowli
Breast Cancer Screening: Knowledge, Attitude And Behaviour Of women From Urban Community, International Journal of Scientific Research Sep. 2020; 9(9) Pages 61-64
Nannaware M, Bhagat V, Kulkarni S
Measures taken for safety of health care workers (HCW) by Governemnt of India during COVID 19 pandemic in India. International Journal of Scientific Research Sep. 2020; 9(9) : 21-23
A Mahale, R Bisen, K Kalra
Prevalence of Scapular Dyskinesia in Elite Badminton Players in Pune, Vol. 10; Issue 11; ISSN No. 2249-9571, Nov. 2020
Nanaware MN, Kulkarni SS.
Usage of electronic devices and awareness regarding e-waste management amongst engineering college students: a cross-sectional study, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research 2019 : 6 (1) : 299-02.
Dr.Vipin Aggarwal, Dr. Gauri Godbole,Dr. Shubhangi Agawane
Correlation of breath holding time with spirometry test - An alternative non technician dependent surrogate test for spirometry.2018.MedPulse International Journal of Medicine. March 2018; 5(3): 69-
Shubhangi Agawane
Study on Bone Mineral Density of Women Aged 35 Years and Above, in Adopted Villages of a Tertiary Care Hospital., Sch. Acad. J. Biosci., Oct 2018; 6(10): 664-668
Shubhangi Agawane
et al., Socio-Demographic Factors Associated with Risk of Cancer Cervix in Women, Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., Oct, 2018; 6(10): 3768-3773
Gawali M, KhismatraoDS, Gawali Y,. Patil KB,
Smartphone, the New Learning Aid amongst Medical Students, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2017 ;11(5):5-8
Mane AB,
Sanitation problem, smart solution : Swach Bharat Challenge - 2014 Int. J. Env. Health Eng. 2016;5:14
Mhaske M.S, Singru S, Chawla P.S, Fernadez K.
Students feedback a tool for Assessment of teaching learning method of faculty in Medical College IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education. Vol. 6 (4) August- Aug 2016. 19-23
Mane AB, Reddy NS, Reddy P
et al. Differences of Hand Hygiene and its Correlates among School going Children in Rural and Urban Area of Karnataka; India; Arch Med. 2016; 8:5 doi: 10.21767/1989-5216.1000163
Mane AB
Elderly Care in India : Way Forward. J Gerontol Geriatr Res. 2016; 5 : 339. (International)
Kulkarni SS. Kumavat AP, Mane AB.
Prevalence and determinants of overweight/obesity among affluent school children. Public Health Review: International Journal of Public Health Research 2016; 3(1) : 9 - 14
Mane AB
Ageing in India : Some Social challenges to elderly care. J Gerontol Geriator, Res 2016; S: e136
Kshirsagar MV, Mhaske M, Ashturkar MD, Fernandez K.
Study of menstrual hygiene practices among the Adolescent Girls in Rural Area. National J. Community Med 2016; 7(4): 241-244
Joshi M, Joshi N, Patankar S, Pandve H.
Qualitative assessment of student-teacher communication using focus group discussion in a Dental College in India. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2016; 14:23-8
Pandve HT
General Practitioners must know about quarternary prevention. J. Gen Practice 2016; 4 : 254
Kundap R, Singru SA, Fernandez K.
Study of depression risk in geriatric population of urban area of Pune, India. A1Ameen J Med Sci 2016; 9(1):38-42. (NATIONAL)
Kundap RP, Dadewar A, Singru SA, Fernandea K. A
Comparative study of prevalence of Iron deficiency Anaemia in Antenatal women form Urban and Rural Area of Pune, India. Nat1 J Community Med. (2016), (5):351-354. (NATIONAL)
Mane AB
From a brewer to the faraday of statistics: William Sealy Gosset. Muller J Med Sci Res 2016;7:147-9
Pandve HT, Chawla PS, Giri PA, Fernandez K, Singru SA
Study of hand washing practices in rural community of Pune, India. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2016; 3(1) :190-193 (INTERNATIONAL)
Singru SA, Bhosale SB.
Oats: Prospects and Challenges in India. Al Ameen J Med Sc i 2015; 8(1) :1-2
Srivastava S, Kulthe SB, Gore HD
Awareness of eye donation and willingness to donate eyes in population attending outdoor patients department of ophthalmology at SKNMC, Pune (Maharashtra). Indian Journal of applied Research 2015; 5(1): 451 - 53. (National) (ISSN: 2249 - 555X)
Nawaz AS, Mane AB, Ramakrishna MR
Diabetes and depression: Impact of depression on self-care among patients with type 2 diabetes. Int J Med Sci Public Health. Online First: 28 Mar, 2015. doi:10.5455/ijmsph.2015.26012015184
Mane AB
Immunization dropout rates: Some issues. Ann Med Health Sci Res 2015; 5:153. (PubMed)
Khismatrao DS, Valekar SS, Singru SA
Gender equality in primary immunisation. Med J DY Patil Univ 2015;8:169-74. (National)
Bhosale SB, Singru SA, Khismatrao DS
Study of psychosocial problems among adolescent students in Pune, India. Al Ameen J Med Sc i 2015; 8(2) :150-55. ( National) (ISSN 0974-1143)
Mane A.B.
Scale up of Zinc use during diarrhea in children : A global priority to improve child survival . Universal Research Journal of Medical Sciences. 2015; 02 (01) : 6-8 (Editorial) (National J (ISSN : 2345 - 4183)
Patil PR, Dixit R, Ramabhmaiah S, subramanya RC, Sudha M, Mane AB,
Effect of Aurum Metallicum on adjuvant induced arthritis in Albino Rats. American Journal of Pharmacy & Health Research 2015; 3 (5) : 113-118. (ISSN : 2321 - 3647) (International)
Pandve HT, Giri PA.
Is India prepared for an impending epidemic of cancers?. Int J Community Med Public Health 2015;2(1): 1-2
Pandve HT
Effects of climate change on food security and safety. Climate Change 2015;1(2):110-11
Pandve HT
A story of real heroes. Indian J Med Ethics. 2015 Apr-Jun;12(2): 119-20.
Mane A.B.
Glimpses under the history of medicine. Archives of medicine & health Sciences 2015; 3 (1) : 159.
Mane AB.
International Yoga Day: Positive Step toward global Health. Int J Yoga 2015; 8:163 (PubMed)
Shete K, Pandve HT, Puntambekar T.
Shete K, Pandve HT, Puntambekar T. Role of Ergonomics in kitchen related back problems. J Ergonomics 2015;5:3 (Editorial)
Pande H.T.
Pandve H.T. Declining child sex ratio in India : popular media like films need to contribute. J Community Med Health Education 2015; 5 : 4 (Editorial)
Singru SA, Bhosale SB, Kundap RP.
Some issues in Vaccination in India. Al Ameen J Medical Sci 2015; 8(4): 311-12.
Pandve H T
Health related Millennium Development Goals : How much India has progressed Arch Med Health Sci 2015; 3:3 35-9 (National)
Ingole JR, Patel RD, Ingole SJ, Pandve HT
Opportunistic screening of Vitamin B12 Deficiency in IT professionals presenting for routine health check up. Journal of clinical and Diagnostic Research 2015 : 9 (12) : OCO1-OCO2 (National)
Mhaske M, Khismatrao D, Gore H, Sable S
Self medication pattern and awareness about antibiotic resistance in urban area of Pune Public Health Res. Int. J. Public Health Res. 2015; 2(4) : 69-73 (International)
Pandve HT, Giri PA
HIV/AIDS prevention and control in India : Achievements and future Challenges. North AmJ Med Sci 2015;7:575-6 (INTERNATIONAL)
Pandve HT
Ergonomics for Dental profession: a priority step. J Ergonomics 2015,5:e145 (INTERNATIONAL)
Pandve HT.
Tropical diseases and climate change Tropical Journal Medical Research 2014;17:51
Pandve HT.
Role of Ergonomic in Health Care Journal of Ergonomics 2014;4:e121 (Published as an Editorial)
Chawla PS. Harnagle R. Kalra K.
A retrospective study of stress fractures during training. International Journal of Contemporary Surgery, 2014;2(1)89-93
Gitte SV. Sabat RN. Mane A.
Evaluation of Mass drug administration (MDA) activities for elimination of lymphatic filariasis in tribal and non tribal districts of Chattisgarh state, Central India. Unique Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014;02(01):31-35
Ade A. Chethana KV. Mane A.
Hiremath SG. Non Communicable Diseases : Awareness of risk factors and lifestyle among rural adolescents Int. J. Bio/Med Res. 2014;5(1): 3769 - 71.
Fernandez K. Singru SA. Kshirsagar M. Pathan Y.
Study of overweight / obesity among medical students of a teaching hospital in Pune, India. Med J DY Patil Univ 2014;7:279-83
Kulkarni SS. Khismatrao DS.
Proportion of Refractive error’s among young adults attending Private Eye Clinic, Indian Journal of App. Research.2014;4155.5:476-77
Bhosale S. Tripathi S. Fernandez K.
Knowledge attitude and practices regarding Hepatitis ‘B’ among class IV hospital workers of Tertiary Care teaching hospital in Pune, India. Med J DY Patil Univ 2014;7:96
Sastry J. Agawane S. Harke V.
Retrospective study of the five year prevalence and trends of transfusion transmitted Infectious (TTIs) among blood donors at a charitable hospital blood bank in Pune, India.International J. of Health Care and Biomedical Research.2014;2(3):193-200
Dudhabhate A. Gore HD. Kulkarni S.
Corneal Tattooing (Iceratopigmentation) to achieve good cosmetics results in traumatic Anirida patient. Indian Journal of applied research.2014;4(1)
Pratinidhi S. Agarwal SV. Hegde M. Ghatge N. Kalra K.
Study of Serum Acid Phosphatase levels in children with Malaria International Journal of Health Sciences & Research, 2014;4(2) :73 - 77.
Singru SA.
Controversies in vaccination scene in India. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2014;1:1-2
Mane AB, Mahajan A, Fernandez K.
Pathways to better diagnostics for tuberculosis : a global priority in resource limited high burden settings. UJMDS 2014;2(2):1-4
Nawaz SR, Revathi S, Paul CN, Mane AB.
Evaluation of primary immunization coverage among children and factors influencing the immunization coverage in urban area of Raichur. UJMDS 2014;2(2):69-75
Mane AB
Swachh Bharat Mission For India’s Sanitation Problem : Need of the Hour. Unique Journal of Medical And Dental Sciences 2014; 02 (04) : 58-60 (National Journal)
Dixit R, Patil P, Chandrashekhar, Rajesh CS, Sudha Madhuri, Mane AB.
Drug promotional activities as a source of medical information and its influence on prescribing. International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 2014; 4 (3): 113-119.
Savale PG, Mane AB, Joshi JK.
Historical study on HIV seroprevalence among volunatary blood donors attending blood donation camps in Sangli District, Maharashtra. Unique Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; 02(04): 18-22.
Nawaz AS, Mane A, Paul N, Kumar A.
Study of Infant and Young child Feeding Practices in a rural area in North Karnataka. Journal of Community Nutrition & Health 2014; 3(1) :14-20
Chethana KV, Mane A, Hiremath SG, Revathi Nair SS.
Determinants and practices of hand hygiene among school going children in Rural and Urban area of Raichur J Pharm Biomed Sci 2014; 04 (07) : 581 - 587.
Gavali MY, Gore H, Patil KB.
Effectiveness of Teaching evaluation methods in Physiology students Feedback. Medical Journal of Western India 2014; 42 (2): 40 - 42. (National)
Pandve HT
Quaternary prevention: need of the hour. Journal of Family Medicine and primary care 2014; 3(4): 309 - 10. (PubMed)
Valekar SS, Fernandez K, Chawla PS, Pandve HT
Compliance of zinc supplementation by care givers of children suffering from diarrhea. Indian J Comm Health. 2014;26, Suppl S2:137-141. ( National)
Mane A.
India defeats Polio : Historical Health Milestone for Global Polio eradication Primary Health Care 4 : e107, doi : 10,4172/2167-1079.1000e107. (EDITORIAL)
Mane A. Khandalkar SV.
Strengthening Primary Health Care through ASHA workers; a novel approach in India. Primary Health care 4; 149. Doi: 10.4172/2167-1079.1000149
Vedala SR, Mane AB, Paul CN.
Pulmonary functions in yogic and sedentary population. Int J Yoga 2014;7:155-159
Mane AB, Sanjana T, Patil PR, Sriniwas T.
Prevalence and correlates of fear of falling among elderly population in urban area of Karnataka, India. J Mid-life Health 2014;5:150-5 (Pubmed) National Journal
Patil SP, Harsha R H, Mane AB, Sharma JH, Patil PR.
Factors influencing the perceived orthodontic treatment need and its relationship with awareness of malocclusion among college adolescents. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2014;12:179-84, National Journal
Mane Abhay B
(2014) Leprosy on the Rise in India: Need to Adopt Enhanced Strategy for its Control. Primary Health Care 4: e109.doi:10.4172/2167-1079.1000e109 (Editorial) . (International Journal)
Mane AB.
Small Bite, Big Threat : Global War Against Vectors. Unique Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; 02 (03) : 1-3 (Editorial) . (National Journal)
Dr. Deepak Khismatrao ,Dr. Smita Valekar, Dr. Fernandez Kevin, Dr. Samir Singru,
Gender Equity in Primary Immunization coverage in children in Rural Maharashtra, Accepted in D.Y. Patil Med. Journal (National Journal)
Dr. Smita Valekar, Dr. Maya Kshirsagar, Dr. Madhura Ashturkar
A Cross Sectional Study of Awareness Regarding Dog Bite & its management in Rural Community in Maharashtra - Accepted for International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health.
Debnath DJ, Parulekar CV
Profile of Under-Five Malnourished Children Admitted in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Pune, India. Int J Prev Med 2014;5:882-6. (International Journal) (Pubmed Indexed)
Fernandez K, Debnath DJ.
Study of intimate partner violence against women in an urban locality of Pune. Med J DY Patil Univ 2014;7:425-28. (ISSN 0975-2870) (National Journal)
Pandve HT.
Changing concept of disease prevention: From primordial to quaternary . Arch Med Health Sci 2014;2:254-6, International Journal
Shelat VV, Pandve HT, Pathak G.
Socio-demographic characters, clinical profile and laboratory parameters in malaria cases due Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax: A comparative study. J Med Trop 2014;16:76-80, International Journal
Pandve HT, Chawla PS
Noise pollution: Recent challenges in Indian scenario. Noise Health 2014;16:248, International Journal
Mane AB.
Elderly Immunization : A Global Priority and Key Component of Health Ageing. J Gerontol Geratr Res 3: 1000 E 130.
Mane AB, Khandekar SV, Fernandez K.
India’s Ageing Population : Geriatric Care Still in Infancy. J Gerontol Geriatr Res 3 : 1000186.
Kundap RP,Vidhate KB, Fernandez K.
Assessment of prevalence of diabetes among rural population of Pune District, India. Nat J Community Medicine; 6(3): 385-89.