Department - Biochemistry

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    Biochemistry - Research

    Dr.Mona Tilak: Pradnya Phalak, Abhijit Pratap, Umesh More, Mona Tilak
    Very low- Carbohydrate and ketodiet increases unhealthy cholesterol. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. April 2024;119 (4):1091 (Letter to the Editor)
    Panchbudhe S, Shaikh S, Swami H, Kadam CY, Padalkar R, Shivkar RR, et al.
    Efficacy of Google Form–based MCQ tests for formative assessment in medical biochemistry education. J Edu Health Promot 2024 (March);13:92
    Panchbudhe SA, Shivkar RR, Banerjee A, Deshmukh P, Maji BK, Kadam CY.
    Improving newborn screening in India: Disease gaps and quality control. Clin Chim Acta. 2024 Mar 21;557:117881. doi: 10.1016/j.cca.2024.117881. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38521163.
    Panchbudhe S, Shaikh S, Swami H, Kadam CY, Padalkar R, Shivkar RR, et al.
    Efficacy of Google Form–based MCQ tests for formative assessment in medical biochemistry education. J Edu Health Promot 2024 (March);13:92
    Panchbudhe SA, Shivkar RR, Banerjee A, Deshmukh P, Maji BK, Kadam CY.
    Improving newborn screening in India: Disease gaps and quality control. Clin Chim Acta. 2024 Mar 21;557:117881. doi: 10.1016/j.cca.2024.117881. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38521163.Panchbudh e S, Shaikh S, Swami H, Kadam CY, Padalkar R, Shivkar RR, et al. Efficacy of Google Form–based MCQ tests for formative assessment in medical biochemistry education. J Edu Health Promot 2024(March);13:92
    Dr.Gouri Gulavani: Panchbudhe S, Shaikh S, Swami H, Kadam CY, Padalkar R, Shivkar RR, et al.
    Efficacy of Google Form–based MCQ tests for formative assessment in medical biochemistry education. J Edu Health Promot 2024 (March);13:92
    Dr.Supriya Gulajkar: Panchbudhe S, Shaikh S, Swami H, Kadam CY, Padalkar R, Shivkar RR, et al.
    Efficacy of Google Form–based MCQ tests for formative assessment in medical biochemistry education. J Edu Health Promot 2024 (March);13:92
    Ms.Shubhangi Gawade: Panchbudhe S, Shaikh S, Swami H, Kadam CY, Padalkar R, Shivkar RR, et al.
    Efficacy of Google Form–based MCQ tests for formative assessment in medical biochemistry education. J Edu Health Promot 2024 (March);13:92
    Ms.Farheen Mijawar: Panchbudhe S, Shaikh S, Swami H, Kadam CY, Padalkar R, Shivkar RR, et al.
    Efficacy of Google Form–based MCQ tests for formative assessment in medical biochemistry education. J Edu Health Promot 2024 (March);13:92
    Dr.Hanmant Swami: Panchbudhe S, Shaikh S, Swami H, Kadam CY, Padalkar R, Shivkar RR, et al.
    Efficacy of Google Form–based MCQ tests for formative assessment in medical biochemistry education. J Edu Health Promot 2024 (March);13:92
    Supriya Rameshrao Gulajkar1, Bina Manoj Gadhiya2,Sanjyoti Ankur Panchbudhe3, Rajni Rajendra Shivkar4:
    Correlation of Serum Calcium with Components of Metabolic Syndrome: A Cross-sectional Study. National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2024 Jul, Vol-13(3): BO22-BO25
    Dr. Gouri A Gulavani1*, Ms. Shubhangidevi Gawade2, Ms. Farheen Mujawar3.
    Thyroid Markers For Screening In Patients With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Afr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 27, No.1 (July) 2024 .
    Dr. Mona Tilak: A.D. Deshmukh, S. Shinde, M.A. Tilak, V.V. Dhat, P. Phalak,
    Hba1c for the Diagnosis of Pre-Diabetes: It is The Time for Mid-Course Correction. J. Med. Chem. Sci., 2024, 7(8) 1075-1081.
    Dr.Sanjyoti Panchbudhe, Dr. Rajni Shivkar, Dr. Gouri Gulavani, Dr.Supriya Gulajkar
    Analysis of types of pre-analytical errors in central clinical biochemistry laboratory at a tertiary care hospital. Afr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 27(4s) (November 2024); 1404 – 1408 Research Article.
    Dr. Sanjyoti Panchbudhe
    Quality Control in Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory-A Glance. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Feb, Vol-17(2): BE01-BE04.
    Dr. Sanjyoti Panchbudhe
    Detection of Human Papillomavirus among Cervical Cancer Patients by Qualitative Polymerase Chain Reaction on Formalin-fixed, Paraffin-embedded Tissue: A Retrospective Observational Analysis .National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2023 Jan, Vol-12(1): PO10-PO13.
    Dr. Rajni Shivkar :
    Quality Control in Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory-A Glance. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Feb, Vol-17(2): BE01-BE04.
    Dr. Sanjyoti Panchbudhe
    Correlation of thyroid status , uric acid and albumin in preeclampsia and normotensive pregnancy . : A case control study at A tertiary care hospital, Indian journal of applied research, Volume - 13 | Issue - 05 | May – 2023.
    Dr. Gouri. A.Gulavani:
    Correlation of thyroid status , uric acid and albumin in preeclampsia and normotensive pregnancy . : A case control study at A tertiary care hospital, Indian journal of applied research, Volume - 13 | Issue - 05 | May – 2023.
    Ms. Shubhangi. H. Gawade
    Correlation of thyroid status , uric acid and albumin in preeclampsia and normotensive pregnancy . : A case control study at A tertiary care hospital, Indian journal of applied research, Volume - 13 | Issue - 05 | May – 2023.
    Ms.Farheen Mujawar:
    Correlation of thyroid status , uric acid and albumin in preeclampsia and normotensive pregnancy . : A case control study at A tertiary care hospital, Indian journal of applied research, Volume - 13 | Issue - 05 | May – 2023.
    Dr. Sanjyoti Ankur Panchbudhe
    Impact of anemia on HbA1C level in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2023;10(2):123–128
    Dr. Gouri Avadhut Gulavani :
    Impact of anemia on HbA1C level in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2023;10(2):123–128
    Shubhangi Haribhau Gawade :
    Impact of anemia on HbA1C level in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2023;10(2):123–128
    Farheen B Mujawar :
    Impact of anemia on HbA1C level in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2023;10(2):123–128
    Dr. Sanjyoti Panchbudhe
    To Study the Efficacy of Quiz as Teaching Learning Method in First Phase MBBS Students in Biochemistry International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022; 14(8); 183-189Rajendra et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research Original Research Article.
    Dr. Rajni Shivkar
    To Study the Efficacy of Quiz as Teaching Learning Method in First Phase MBBS Students in Biochemistry International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022; 14(8); 183-189Rajendra et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research Original Research Article.
    Dr. Gouri Gulavani
    Thyroid Dysfunction in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis and its Association with the Severity of Liver Disease: A Cross-sectional Study European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM) ISSN: 2515-8260 Volume 09, Issue 04, 2022 3302 Original research article.
    Dr.Supriya Gulajkar
    To Study the Efficacy of Quiz as Teaching Learning Method in First Phase MBBS Students in Biochemistry International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022; 14(8); 183-189Rajendra et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research Original Research Article.
    Dr.Supriya Gulajkar
    Thyroid Dysfunction in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis and its Association with the Severity of Liver Disease: A Cross-sectional Study European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM) ISSN: 2515-8260 Volume 09, Issue 04, 2022 3302 Original research article.
    Dr.Vinod V Wali, Dr. Gouri Gulavani
    Study of dyslipidemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus patient Dr. Gouri Gulavani, Dr. Vinod V Wali, ( IJDMSR)
    Dr. Rajni Shivkar-Assosiate Professor
    Online publication Association of MTHFR C677T (rs1801133) & A1298C (rs1801131) polymorphisms with serum homocysteine, folate & vit B2 in patients with young CAD. IJCB (2021) published 18May 2021 .
    Dr. Rajni Shivkar,Dr.Supriya Gulajkar,Dr.Vinod V.Wali
    Effectiveness of Early clinical Exposure Module in Biochemistry to understand the Basis and Rationale of Biochemical Tests for Diabetes Mellitus in First Phase MBBS students. Indian Journal of Medical Biochemistry , Volume 24, Issue 3.
    Dr. Sanjyoti Panchbudhe
    Contribution to Lab Errors as a Healthcare Professional. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International,03.07.2021, page-242-248.
    Dr. Sanjyoti Panchbudhe- Professor & Head
    Revisiting Role of HbA1c . Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 33(43A): 318-323, 2021.
    Isha Agarwal, Sandesh Thorat, Pradnya Phalak, Mona Tilak.
    Study of minerals levels in hypothyroidism. International journal of clinical biochemistry and research; 2021:8(2) 100-103 .
    Sarita A Shinde, vaishali V Dhat, Umesh K More, Mona A Tilak, Shikha Singh.
    The study of effect of hyperthyroidism on renal function. Biomedical Reaserch; 2021,32(6):134-137 .
    Isha Agarwal, Sandesh Thorat, Pradnya Phalak, Mona Tilak.
    Study of minerals levels in hypothyroidism. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2021:8(2); 100-103 .
    Shinde S A, Dhat VV, More UK, Tilak M A, Singh S.
    Study of effect of hypothyroidism on renal function. Biomedical Research 2021: 32(6): 134-137 .
    Sadhana D. ,Gawade, Shankar M. Pawar, Shubhangi H. Gawade, Rasika Dhansing Yadav.
    Study of serum Enzyme & isoenzymes in Acute Myocardial infarction. IOSR Journal of Dental & Medical sciences ( IOSR-JDMS). E- ISSN: 2279-0853, P- ISSN: 2279-0861, Volume 19, Issue 1 Ser 5 ( January- 2020), PP 08-11
    Gulavani GA,.Wali,VV, Kishore V.A
    Comparative study of pre and post dialysis biochemical parameters in chronic renal failure patients.Int.J Clin.Biochem Res .2020;7(2):1-3
    Dr.Vinod V.Wali, Dr.Atul A.Patil, Dr.Smita S.Patil.
    Correction of liver enzymes to radiological grading in NAFLD cases of Type II DM.IOSR : Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR - JBB),ISSN 2455 - 264X ,Volume 5,
    Issue 1 (Jan - Feb,2019),PP 45 -49.
    Dr. Vinod V Wali, Dr. Smit S. Patil
    Preferences and expectations of undergraduate students regarding teaching learning methods in medical Physiology Indian Journal of clinical Anatomy and Physiology.
    Santosh B.Jagtap,Sanjyoti s.Bandebuche ,Mamta V.Hegde
    Performance verification and sigma metrics of creatinine assays. MPIJB 2018; Jan - March ; 5(1):120-123.
    Padalkar R.K., Bhagat S.S., Andure D.V.,Raut A.M.
    Benefits of Vitamin E Supplementation on Oxidative Stress and Hemopoietic System in Thalassemia Major
    The Antiseptic , Sep.2018,115(23-26)
    Anita M. Raut, Dhananjay V. Andure, Ramchandra K. Padalkar, Sangita M Patil, Sonali S. Bhagat
    A Study of interaction of cigarette smoke with alpha-1 antitrypsin and adenosine deaminase in patients of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and antioxidant role of vitamin E.

    International journal of clinical biochemistry and research.Oct.-Dec. 2018(4): 521-525
    Sangita M Patil, Ramchandra K. Padalkar, Marcia Waran,Sonali S. Bhagat Dhananjay V. Andure, Anita M. Raut
    Role of Ischemia modified Albumin as a new potential biomarker in Cerebrovascular Stroke.

    The Antiseptic ,Sept.2018,115(9):17-20
    Sangita Mahadev Patil,Mangesh P Bankar, Ramchandra K Padalkar
    Association of tumor necrosis factor - alpha G-308 a polymorphism with inflammatory markers and lipid profile in coronary heart disease. International journal of Medical biochemistry, 2018;1(3);99-105
    Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Niranjan Singh, K.V. Thimmaraju, Mona Tilak.
    Assessments of Ionized Calcium Status in Febrile Seizures. International journal of clinical and biomedical research; July 2018:4 (3) 35-37 .
    Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Niranjan Singh, K.V. Thimmaraju, Mona Tilak.
    To study biochemical markers in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. International journal of clinical biochemistry and research; October- December, 2018:5(4) 627-630 .
    Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Niranjan Sing, KV Thimmaraju, Mona Tilak.
    A comparative study on salivary glucose level in diabetic patients and healthy individuals. National journal of laboratory medicine ; July 2018: 7 (3) P-161-164 .
    Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Gajendra Sungh Dhakad, Mona Tilak.
    Study of thyroid profile in dysfunctional ulterine bleeding. Indian journal of basis and applied medical research; June 2018:7 (3) P-161-164 .
    Sukanya Singh, Lalna R.Takale, Mona Tilak.
    Antenatal detection of hemoghobinopathies using red blood cell indices for screening. Indian Journal of Medical Biochemistry , July-December 2018 ;22(2):100-104 .
    Niranjan Singh, Sandeep Kumar Sharma, K. V. Thimmaraju, Mona Tilak.
    Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in population of shahjahanpur district: A study in tertiary care hospital. Journal of Medical science and clinical research; July 2018;6(7) 925-927
    Study of liver and kindly function tests in patients of hypothyroidism.MPIJB2017; Nov ; 4(2):66-69.
    Serum urea and creatinine in elderly population - effect of
    age on renal function tests.MPIJB2017;Nov; 4(2):81-83.
    Kirankumar Akka ,Vinod V Wali.
    Fasting blood sugar and post prandial blood sugar among diabeties at a tertiary care hospital. MPIJB2017; Oct ; 4(1):22-25.
    Vinod V Wali,Kirankumar Akka .
    Glycated hemoglobin in diagnosis of diabetes mellitus:Descriptive clinical study. MPIJB2017;Oct; 4(1):26-28.
    Padalkar R. K. Patil S.M, Bhagat S S, Ghone R A, Andure D V
    Study of hormone and lipid profile in polycystic oarian syndrome women between the age 18 to 30 years. Journal of Practical Biochemistry and biophysiscs; 2017 2(1):11-15
    Dr. Pallavi Palshikar, Dr. M.A. Tilak, Dr. Vaishali Dhat.
    Raised uric acid level- A risk factor in myocardial infarction. International Journal of Healthcare and Biomedical Research; 2017;5 (2) 105-111
    Ashir Meshra, Lalna Takale, Mona A. Tilak.
    Screening for vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research, July – September 2017; Vol-4 Issue-3, P:266-269 .
    Dr. Jayita Debnath, Dr. (Mrs.) Vaishali Dhat, Dr, (Mrs) M.A. Tilak
    Study of thyroid hormone status in patients of iron deficiency anemia. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Reserch; December 2017: Vol-7, Issue-1, P.367-372 .
    Wali VV, Patil SS.
    Association between high sensitive reactive protein and lipid profile in coronary artery disease with type 2 diabetes mellitus, IJCBR 2016;3(4):472-476.
    Wali VV, Patil SS.
    A comparative study of serum electrolytes & lipid levels in ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke, et al.; Int J Res Med Sci; 2016 Nov(4)11:4828 - 4842
    Tanvi Prabhu, Dr. Esha Mali, Dr. Mamata Hegde
    Clinicoetiological analysis of neonatal hyperbillirubinemia in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Scientific Research 2016; 5(4): 2239-42
    Smita Patil, R. H. Taklikar, Anant Takalkar, Vinod V. Wali
    Gender Comparison of Cardiac Autonomic Function as measured by heart rate variability in tertiary care hospital Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology Vol 3 issue 4 2016.
    Vinod V. Wali, Smita S. Patil
    A Comparative Study and Postrandial Dyslipidamia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2016; 3(2): 177-180
    Wali VV, Wali VV.
    Assessment of Various Biochemical Parameters and BMI in Patients with Skin Tags. JCDR.2016 Jan, Vol-10(1): BC09-BC11.
    Junnare KK, Adhau SR, Hegde MV, Naphade RN.
    Screening of gestational diabetes mellitus in antenatal women using DIPSI guidelines. IJRMS2016; Feb; 4(2): 446 - 449.
    Padalkar R. K. Patil S. M, Bhagat SS, Ghone RA, Andure DV
    The study of serum adenosine deaminase activity as an immunoenzyme marker in type 2 Diabetic mellitus patients

    European journal of Biomedical and Pharmacetical Sciences. 2016;3(8):214-217
    Padalkar R. K. Patil S. M, Bhagat SS, Ghone RA, Andure DV
    The impact of serum uric acid and vitamin D on essential hypertension.

    Journal of Practical Biochemistry and biophysiscs; 2016; 1(1):35-39.
    Sangita M Patil, Mangesh P Bankar, Ramchandra K Padalkar, Abhijit P Phatak, ,Sonali S Bhagat, Rahul A Ghone,.D.V. Andure.
    Assessment of cell mediated immune response coronary heart disease using serum adenosine deaminase activity.

    European journal of biomedical and pharmacetical sciences 2016:3(2):153-158.
    Dananjay Andure, Kiran Pote, Vishal Khatri, Nitin Amdare, Ramchandra Padalkar M V Reddy.
    immunisation with wuchereria bancrofti glutathione s transferase elicits a mixed Th1- TH2 type of protective immunorespeonce against filarial infection in mastomys.

    Indian journal of clinical biochemistry. 2016: DOI 10.1007/s12291-016-0556-y
    Dananjay Andure,Anita Raut , Ramchandra Padalkar, Sangita Patil.
    To correlate the association of markers of chronic renal failure in patients with and without hemodialysis.

    Scholars journal of applied medical sciences. 2016; 4 (7A):2312-2317.
    Anita M Raut Dananjay V. Andure, Dilip Mhaisekar, Smita Mhaisekar, Ramchandra Padalkar
    TO study an alteration in biochemical parametrs in acute and chronic phase of respiratory acidosis and alkalosis.

    International journal of clinical biochemistry and research. 2016; 3(3):280-284.
    Ghone,R.A. Suryakar A.N.,,Padalkar R.K., Sangle D A, Karnik A.C , Hundekar P.S. Patil S.M., S S Bhagat
    A study of oxidative stress and attunation of total antiosidant capacity in severe acute malnutrition.

    International journal of educational and research in health sciences. 2016; 2(3): 36-39.
    Dananjay Andure Ramchandra Padalkar, Anita Raut , Sangita Patil. Shital Ghodke.
    Study of possible new vaccine candidate rWbL2 in Lymphatic filariasis in mastomys an animal study

    VIMS health sciences journal; 2016;3(4): 155-162.
    Ishita Ghatak, Vaishali Dhat. Mona A. Tilak, Indranath Roy.
    Analysis of Arterial Blood Gas Report in Chronic Kidney Diseases- Comparison between Bedside and Multistep Systematic Method. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research ; 2016;10(8) BC 01-BC-05
    Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Yogesh Kumar, Trapti Dubey, Mona Tilak
    A Study on Hypolipidemic effect of Garlic in Dyslipidemic Patiens. Advances in Bioresearch;Jan 2016: Vol-7, Issue-1, P.90-93
    Dr. Vaishali Dhat, Sumeet Murhe, Dr Alka Sontakke, Dr. Mona Tilak.
    A Study of dyslipidemia in patients of psoriasis. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; June 2016: Vol-5, Issue-3 169-173
    Dr. Shikha Singh, Dr Sarita Shinde, Dr Mona A Tilak.
    Alteration of Renal Profile in patients with Hypothyroidism. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research ; Sept 2016: Vol- 5, Issue-4, P.259-262 .
    Srivastava SK, Haribhakta SV, Gokhale S, Keskar U, Behera MK, Pratinidhi SA.
    An Unusual Case of Ptosis in a child. IJHSR 2015;5(1): 347-350
    Malgave DS, Pratinidhi SA.
    A study of awareness of Human Papilloma Virus vaccine in a teaching hospital; Indian Journal of Medical Specialities Volume 6, Issue 1, January-March 2015, Pages 4-7 (Publisher ELSEVIER, ISSN no: 0976-2884)
    Pratinidhi SA, Darawade SP, Seema G, Hegde MV, Naphade PR, Ghadage DP, Behera MK.
    Study of correlation of Cord Blood Lipids and Neonatal anthropometry. Int J Sci Stud 2015;3(1):99-103.
    Santosh B, Sunanda V, Lakshmi K, Mamata H.
    A study of 24 hours urinary parameters in kidney stone disease. International Journal of Development Research. 2015 Apr;5(4): 4080-4083.
    Adhau SR, Girish S, Kansara GS.
    Insulin resistance in sub clinical hypothyroidism. Int I Res Med Sci 2015; 3: 1420-5
    P V Styanarayan, S S Bhagat, R K Padalkar, S M Patil, R A Ghone,
    Study of psedocholinesterase as a new potential diagnostic biomarkersof organic phospharus poisoning in intensive care management.

    European journal of biomedical and pharmacetical sciences 2015:2(5):613-620.
    P V Styanarayan, S S Bhagat, R K Padalkar, S M Patil, R A Ghone,
    Study of magnesium concentration as anovel predictor in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetic nephropathy.

    European journal of biomedical and pharmacetical sciences 2015:2(5):607-612
    Joshi S, Naoley RD, Tilak MA.
    Study of Free and Total PSA levels in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Carcinoma Prostate . International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars, 2015;4(1): 205-209
    Thorat Sandesh, Tilak MA.
    Lipid profile in chronic renal failure patients- Pre and post hemodialysis. International Journal for pharmaceutical research scholars. 2015;4(1): 236-241
    Padalkar R. K. Patil S. M , Bhagat SS, Ghone RA, Andure DV
    Study of neron specific enolase as potential biomarker for assessing the severity and outcome in patients with cerebrovascular accidents.

    Global Journal of Medical Research; 2014; (A) 14(3):9-13
    Sangita M Patil, Mangesh P Bankar, Ramchandra K Padalkar, Abhijit P Phatak, Shital S.Ghodke ,Sonali S Bhagat, Rahul A Ghone.
    Study of plasama fibrin D- Dimer as marker of fibrinolysis and high senstitive C- reactive protein ( hs- CRP) as potential inflammatory marker in acute satge of coronary heart diseases

    Journal of Indian college of cardiology 2014: xxx I-6.
    Ghone,R.A.,Suryakar A.N., Sangle D.A.., Padalkar R.K., Karnik A.C., Bhagat S.S. Pati SMl . Hundekar P.S.
    Effect of oral Therapeutic supplementation of antioxidants on immune system and oxidative stress in severe acute malnutrition

    The Antiseptic 2014: 111 ( 4) :163- 166.
    Ms. Ghodke Santoshi R, Dr. Suryakar Adinath N, Mrs. Pingle sangita ., Dr. Padalkar Ramchandra K.
    The study of possible association of homocysteine- induced oxidative stress and neuropsychiatric disorders

    International journal of current research 2014 :6 (05): 6756-6760.
    Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Mona A. Tilak.
    A Comparative study of deritis in alcoholic and non- alcoholic liver disease patients in Pune, Maharashtra. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development; April-June 2014: 6(2) 18-21
    Ipsita Choudhury, Mona A. Tilak and Arun Kumar Patra.
    A Rare Case of Mucopolysaccharidosis. Indian J Clin Biochem; 2014:29(1) 101-106
    Sarita A shinde , Anita D. Deshmukh, Adinath N. Suryakar, Umesh K. More, Mona A. Tilak.
    The levels of oxidative stress and antioxidants in diabetes mellitus before and after diabetic treatment with or without antioxidants. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; March 2014:3 (2) 455-460
    Saima Mushtaq, Mona A. Tilak, Malik Rameez Rashid, Sarita A. Shinde, Pradnya J. Phalak.
    Biochemical evaluation of myopathy in Patients of hypothyroidism. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; March 2014;3(2): 364-372
    Susmita Banerjee, Umesh More, Mona A. Tilak, Anita Deshmukh, Lalna Takale.
    Lipid alterations in psoriasis. Indian Jounal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; March 2014;3(2): 350-357
    Abhijit Pratap, Mona A. Tilak Pradnya Phalak.
    Thyroid profile in geriatric population Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; September 2014(4): 297-303
    Alka N. Sontakke, Mona A. Tilak, Vaishali V. Dhat, Umesh K. More, Sarita A. Shinde, Pradnya Phalak, Anita D. Deshmukh.
    Prevalence of Elevated Serum Homocysteine and Serum Lipoprotein ‘a’ in Women. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. October 2014;8(10)CC 15.
    Patil SM, Padalkar RK, Shinde AV.
    Study of iron status and free radical activity in plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium vivax malarial patients.

    Journal of Advance Researches in Biological Sciences 2013;5(1):1-4.
    SM Patil, MP Bankar, RK Padalkar, AP Phatak, SS Bhagat, RA Ghone, AB Phatke.
    The clinical assessment of ischemia modified albumin and troponin I in the early diagnosis of the acute coronary syndrome.

    Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2013 May.Suppl,Vol-7(5):804-808.
    Sonali S. Bhagat, Purnima Dey Sarkar, Adinath N. Suryakar, Ramchandra K. Padalkar, Rahul A. Ghone, Sangita M. Patil and Prakash S. Hundekar
    Attenuation of Serum Ferritin and Iron Burden by Intake of Antioxidants in Beta Thalassemia Major.

    Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2013;57(2):189-194.
    SM Patil, MP Bankar, RK Padalkar, AP Phatak, SS Bhagat, RA Ghone.
    Study of paraoxanase 1(PON1) activity as an independent risk factor in coronary artery disease.

    National Journal of Laboratory Medicine, 2013;2(2):1-6.
    Patil SM, Bankar MP, Padalkar RK, Phatak AP, Bhagat SS, Ghone RA.
    Study of serum adenosine deaminase activity, an immunoenzyme marker and its association with gold standard enzymatic biomarkers in acute stage of coronary heart disease.

    The Antiseptic 2013;10(9):426-430.
    Rahul A. Ghone, Adinath N. Suryakar, P.M. Kulhalli, Sonali S. Bhagat Ramchandra K. Padalkar,Aarti Karnik, Prakash S. Hundekar, D.A. Sangle
    A study of Oxodative stress Biomarkers and Effect of Oral Antioxidant Supplementation in severe acute Malnutrition.

    Journal of Clinical and diagnostic Research, 2013,:7(10):2146-2148.
    Ghone,R.A. Suryakar A.N., Kulhalli,P.M.,Padalkar R.K.,Karnik A.C ,BhagatS.S. Patil S.M.,Menon P G.
    Effect of oral antioxidant trail as an adjunct therapy on essential
    micronutrient in severe acute malnutrition

    The Antiseptic 2013 :110 (10 ): 478-480.
    Anita Deshmukh, Umesh More, Mona Tilak, Alka Sontakke and U.D. Deshmukh
    Role of Nitric Oxide In Liver Cirrhosis. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research;2013:6(2)546-550
    Pradnya Phalk, Jyoti Kulkarni,Mona Tilak, A.P. Thorat.
    Role of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in pathogenesis of Pre- eclampsia. Indian Juornal of Basic and Applied Medical Research,2013:6(2): 536-539
    Lalna Takale, Umesh More, Alka sontakke and Mona Tilak.
    Serum total and free calcium in hypertension. Ind J. of Basic and Applied Medical Research; 2013: 7 (2) :716-720
    R. K. Padalkar, A. V. Shinde, S. M. Patil
    Lipid profile, serum malondialdihyde, superoxide dismutase in chronic kidney diseases and Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

    Biomedical Research 2012, Vol. 23(2):207-210
    Sangita M.Patil, Ramchandra K. Padalkar, Asok V.Shinde.
    Study of iron status and free radical activity in Plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium vivax malaria infection.

    Indian Journal of Applied Research. Vol.1, issue 9, June 2012, page 203-205.
    Sonali S Bhagat Purnima Dey Sarkar, Adinath N Suryakar, Rahul A Ghone, Ramchandra K Padalkar, Aarti C Karnik, Sangita M Patil, Sham Tarde.
    Special Effects of Oral Therapeutic Supplementation of Antioxidants on
    Attenuation of Iron Overload in Homozygous Beta Thalassemia.

    International Journal of Health Sciences & Research Vol.2; Issue: 5; August 2012, page 36-41.
    SR Ghodke, A N Suryakar, AK Shaikh, PM Kulhali, R.K.Padalkar, AM Raut.
    The effect of combined Vitamin E and Supplementation on the oxidative stress parameters in patients with Schizophrenia.

    International Journal of Current Research Review. Sep 2012, vol.4, page 176- 180.
    Sheetal S Ghodke, Ramchandra K Padalkar, Sonali S Bhagat, Rahul A Ghone, Sangita M Patil.
    Possible relationship between LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio and HDL as a surrogate marker in acute Myocardial Infarction.

    International Journal of Health Sciences & Research Vol.2; Issue: 6; Sept.2012, page 83-87.
    Shital S Ghodke, Ramchandra K Padalkar, Sonali S Bhagat, Rahul A Ghone, Sangita M Patil.
    hs- CRP: A “Golden Marker” of inflammation and coronary artery disease.

    International Journal of Health Sciences & Research Vol.2; Issue: 6; Sept.2012, page 42-46.
    Sonali S. Bhagat, Purnima Dey Sarkar, Adinath N. Suryakar, R. K. Padalkar, Aarti C. Karnik, Rahul A. Ghone, Sangita M. Patil, P. S. Hundekar.
    A Study on the Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress: the Effects of Oral Therapeutic
    Supplementation on the Iron Concentration and the Product of Lipid Peroxidation in Beta Thalassemia Major.

    Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2012 Sep.Suppl,Vol-6(7):1144-47.
    Ghodke SR, Suryakar AN, Shaikh AK, Kulhali PM, Padalkar R.K.
    The possible role of oxidants and antioxidants imbalance in pathophysiology of Schizophrenia.

    International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences. 2012;1(1): 28-34.
    Santoshi R Ghodke, Adinath N Suryakar, Prabhakar M Kulhalli, Ramchandra K Padalkar, Abdul Kayyum Shaikh
    A study of oxidative stress and influence of antioxidant vitamins supplements in patients with major depression.

    Current Neurobiology 2012; 3(2):107-111.
    Nikhil Vijay, Abhijeet Tilak, Pavitra Dewada, Rajesh Komma, Mona A. Tilak and Balaji More.
    Modulation of working memory by mentat and donepezil using scopolamine induced amnesia in rats. American Journal of Pharmatech Research; 2012: 2(2); 310-319.
    Pradnya Phalak, Mona Tilak,
    Study of lipid profile in Pre- eclampsia. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Reseserch;2012:5 (2) :405-409.
    Bhagat S.S., Sarkar P.D., Suryakar A.N., Padalkar R.K., Karnik A.C., Patil S.M., Ghone R.A., Ghodke S.R.
    Study of oxidative stress and antioxidant balance in Beta thalassemia major.

    Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. Dec. 2011 Volm. 26 Suppl. P: 101-102.
    Patil S.M., Choudhary S.C., Padalkar R.K., Bhagat S.S., Ghodke S.R.
    Ischemia Modified Albumin. A new biochemical marker for coronary artery disease.

    Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. December 2011 Vol.26 Suppl. P: 116.
    Mrs Anita Raut, Dr. A.N. Suryakar,Dr. R. K. Padalkar, Dr. Dilip Mhaiskar
    Effect of Exogenous vitamin E supplementation on oxidative stress and glutathione redox cycle in Lung disorders.

    Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. December 2010 Volm. 25 Supplement 2010 Page: 135-136.
    R. K. Padalkar, A. N. Suryakar, P. S. Kamble, P. D. Zende, S. M. Patil, V. R. Pandhare.
    Oxidative Stress and antioxidant status in Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia an application to Forensic significance.

    Published in Journal “Indian Journal of forensic Medicine and Pathology
    An International journal “Jan-March.2009, Vol. 2, No.-1.
    R. K. Padalkar, V. R. Pandhare, P. S. Kamble, P. D. Zende
    Study of Antioxidant Enzymes of Seminal Plasma in association with mental stress subjects.

    Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. November 2009 Volm. 24 Supplement 2009 Page: 295.
    P.D. Zende, R. K. Padalkar,P.S Kamble, V.R. Pandhare
    Effect of Feeding Practices in Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia subjects.

    Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. Dec. 2009 Vol. 24 (Supl.)Page No. 217
    K. K. Mane, S. Metkari, R. K. Padalkar
    Plasma malondialdehyde and ceruloplasmin activity: co-relation in Rheumatoid arthritis .

    Research Journal of KIMS karad Volm 2 No. 2 July - Dec. 2009, Page 14 -17.
    V. R. Pandhare, R. K. Padalkar, P. S. Kamble, P. D. Zende.
    Role of Mucuna Pruriens on antioxidant Enzymes of Seminal Plasma in association of mental stress subjects

    Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. November 2009 Volm. 24 Supplement 2009 Page: 296.
    P. S. Kamble, R. K. Padalkar, S. R. Kharade, P. D. Zende, V. R. Pandhare.
    Comparative study of free radical Activity of Plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium Vivax malaria patients.

    Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. November 2009 Volm. 24 Supplement 2009 Page: 300.
    Padalkar R. K., Kamble P. S., Zende P. D., Patil S. M.
    Serum Lipid peroxide and trace elements in mental disorders.

    Published in the Journal “The Antiseptic” Vol-104 No. 9 & P: No. 452 to 453 Sept. 2007.
    K. K. Mane, A. N. Suryakar, K. A. Kulkarni, R. K. Padalkar.
    Lipid peroxides & Malondialdehyde in the synovial fluid and plasma of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Research Journal of Krishna Institute, Karad in Dec. 2007,Page No. 22 to 25.
    R. K. Padalkar, A. N. Suryakar.
    Serum Nitric Oxide level and Antioxidant activity in Normal Pregnancy & Pregnancy Induced Hypertension.

    Published in Indian Medical Gazette July 2005 vol. (XXXIX. No.7 page 288-290) ISSN 0019-5863
    P. S. Kamble, V. R. Bhagwat, R. K. Padalkar, P. D. Zende, S. M. Patil.
    The pattern of serum bilirubin level and comparison of effectiveness of photo
    theraphy and Blood Exchange Transfusion in neonatal jaundice.

    Published in Indian Medical Gazette Nov. 2005 Vol- CXXXIX No. -11 Page No. 472 to 475 Issn.0019-5863.
    R. K. Padalkar, A. N. Suryakar, K. A. Kulkarni, D. B. Rathi, K. K. Mane.
    “Serum Nitric Oxide and Trace elements in pregnancy“

    Published in Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India Vol 52, No. 2
    Pages 61-63, March - April 2002
    R. K. Padalkar, K. A. Kulkarni, D. B. Rathi, A. N. Suryakar.
    “Assessment of Oxidative Stress & Effect of Antioxidant Supplementation in Pre- Eclampsia and Eclampsia".

    Published in Journal Obstetrics & Gynaecology Today Vol. VII, No. 11 Nov.2002 pages -643-645.
    R. K. Padalkar, A. N. Suryakar, K. A. Kulkarni, D. B. Rathi, K. K. Mane.
    “Evaluation of Lipid Peroxides, Glutathione Peroxidase and Vitamin ‘E’ in Pregnancy".

    Published in Obs. & Gynae. Today Vol. VI No. 4, Pages 211-212, April 2001
    U. D. Zende , P. D. Zende, V. R. Bhagwat, R. K. Padalkar, S. M. Patil
    Levels of trace elements in burn injury

    Published in Journal “The Antiseptic”. Vol .107 No 6 page 288-290.