Dr. Archana Shekokar –Prof. & HOD,
Chairperson for the Guest Lecture on the ‘Robotic Surgery & Anatomy ’MAHACON VI, D.Y. Patil School of Medicine, Navi Mumbai, on 17/2/2024.Dr. Netra Gadre – Professor,
Chairperson for the free paper presentation ’MAHACON VI , D.Y. Patil School of Medicine Navi Mumbai , on 16/2/2024.Dr. Pallavi Kulkarni - Professor,
Chairperson for oral /Poster presentation ’MAHACON VI , D.Y. Patil School of Medicine Navi Mumbai , on 17/2/2024.Dr. Deepti Kulkarni – Associate Professor
Chairperson for oral /Poster presentation MAHACON VI, D.Y.Patil School of Medicine Navi Mumbai, on 16/2/2024 to 17/2/2024.Dr. Kirti Solanke – Associate Professor
Chairperson for oral /Poster presentation MAHACON VI , D.Y. Patil School of Medicine Navi Mumbai , on 16/2/2024 to 17/2/2024.Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
Chairperson (Poster Presentation) for 12th International Conference (SOCA) 2024) Dr. D.Y.Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune, on 5/4/2024 to 6/4/2024.Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
As a subject expert, Dept.of Anatomy for staff Selection Committee at MIMER Medical College Talegaon Pune, on 8/4/2024Dr. Netra Gadre, Prof.
Chairperson (Oral presentation) for 12th International Conference (SOCA) 2024) Dr. D.Y. Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune, on 5/4/2024 to 6/4/2024Dr. Kirti Solanke, Prof.
Chairperson for (Poster presentation) 12th International Conference (SOCA) 2024) Dr. D.Y. Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre,Pimpri, Pune, on 5/4/2024 to 6/4/2024Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
Judge for the first round of “MAHATHAN” the Debate for SYNCYTIUM 2024 on 2/5/2024 at SKNMCGH, Pune.Dr. Netra Gadre – Professor
Appointed as a Paper Setter for Phase - I st MBBS Examination for August 2024 at symbiosis Medical College for Women.Dr. Archana Ghubde, Professor.
Appointment as a Subject Expert . For staff selection committee at MIMER Medical college Talegaon, Pune, on 21 /8/2024.
Dr. Archana Ghubde, Professor.
Invitation as Judge for Poster Completion on occasion of National Space Day-2024 on 30/8/2024 at Department of Community Medicine.
Dr. Archana Shekokar Prof. &HOD
Judge for Essay writing on Lokshahi Pandharwda 09/02/2023 at SKNMCGH, Narhe Pune.Dr. Archana Shekokar , Prof.& HOD ,Dr. Netra Gadre, Prof. , Dr. Pallavi Kulkarni, Prof. , Dr. Renuka Ahankari, Prof.
Invite as a Chairperson for 5th Annual conference of regional chapter of Anatomists MAHACON 2023 on 17/3/2023 to 18/3/2023, at Symbiosis Medical College, Pune.Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
As a examiner for Evaluation of answer Scripts of Ph.D. Entrance test-2023, at Bharati Vidyapeeth,(Deemed To be University) Medical College, Pune on 13/7/2023Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
Appointed as Teacher Head for Poster Presentation – UG in MediAce - 2023 at SKNMCGH, Pune on 15/7/2023Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
As a Subject Expert for staff selection committee at MIMER Medical college Talegaon, Pune, on 18/8/2023.Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
As member of staff Selection Committee in Anatomy Dept. for staff selection at SKNMCGH, Pune on 24/8/2023Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
As Examiner for Poster making Competition on Occasion of Anti Ragging Week from 12/8/2023 to 18/8/2023 SKNMC GH, PuneDr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
Invite as a Judge for PG Poster (Scientific Session -3), at 4th Annual Conference Research society on 6/10/2023, SKNMCGH, PuneDepartment OF Anatomy
National Medical Commission “Patient Safety Program Celebration” (17th -25th September 2023) Best Department competition prize winner on 21/09/2023, SKNMCGH, PuneDr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
Invite as a Chairperson for Lecture on “Diet Modification in Current Lifestyle, at 4th Annual Conference Research Society on 7/10/2023, SKNMCGH, PuneDr. Archana Shekokar, Dr. Deepti Kulkarni, Dr. Kirti Solanke,
“NATCON 68” online conference at KGMU, Lacknow, on 28/1/2022 to 30/1/2022 1) Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD, Judge for Paper presentation. 2) Dr. Deepti Kulkarni, Associate Prof. Judge for Poster presentation. 3) Dr. Kirti Solanke, Associate Prof. Chairperson for Poster presentation.Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
Local Inquiry Committee Inspection of MUHS, Nashik. at Bharatratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical College & Hospital, Pune, on 21/3/2022 .Dr. Archana Shekokar
Judge for Essay writing on 8/4/2022 at SKNMCGH, Narhe Pune.Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD,
Invite as a Chief Guest for Gross Anatomy. Seminar for 1st year MBBS students on 14/6/2022, at B.J. Govt. Medical College, PuneDr. Pallavi Kulkarni, Professor
As Member has visited Terna Medical College, Nerul , Navi Mumbai for MUHS LIC. Inspection on 24/06/2022.Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
Appointment as Subject Expert, Dept of Anatomy for Staff Selection Committee at MIMER Medical College, Talegaon Dabhade on 10/8/2022.Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
As Member, Dept of Anatomy for Staff Selection Interview at Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College & General Hospital Narhe Pune, on 24/8/2022.Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD,
Invite as Judge for Poster presentation to be held on 30th Sept. 2022, during 3rd Annual Research Society Conference at SKNMCGH.Dr. Netra Gadre, Professor
As Chairperson in 3rd Annual Conference of Research Society of SKNMCGH, 30/9/2022 & 1/10/2022 .Dr. Pallavi Kulkarni, Professor
Invited As LIC Inspector (MUHS), at BJ. Medical College, Pune, on 14/10/2022.Dr.Renuka S. Ahankari, Professor
2nd prize winner in the SOCA's National Level Essay Competition on the occasion of WORLD ANATOMY DAY, 15 /10/2022, Topic: "Implications of Evidence- Based Anatomy"Dr. Archana Shekokar, Prof. & HOD
Judge for Essay writing on Corruption free India for a developed Nation 4/11/2022 at SKNMCGH, Narhe Pune.Dr. Deepti Kulkarni
3rd prize winner in the Essay writing on Corruptions free India for a developed Nation on 4/11/2022 at SKNMCGH, Narhe PuneDr. Kirti Solanke ,Asso. Professor
Participated in the Poster Competition held on the Occasion of World ORS Day celebrated on 29/07/2019 & has been Awarded 2nd Prize conducted by the Dept of Pediatric, SKNMC & GH, Pune.Dr. Deepti Kulkarni- Asst. Professor
Participated in the Poster Competition held on the Occasion of World Breast Feeding week celebrated from 1st Aug. to 7th Aug 2017 & has been Awarded 2nd Prize conducted by the Dept of Pediatric, SKNMC & GH, Pune.Dr. Kirti Solanke - Asst. Professor
Participated in the Poster Competition held on the Occasion of World Breast Feeding week celebrated from 1st Aug. to 7th Aug 2017 & has been Awarded 2nd Prize conducted by the Dept of Pediatric, SKNMC & GH, Pune.Dr. Sudhir Sant, Professor & H.O.D.
As MEU coordinator had organised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technology, at SKNMC & GH, Pune with MET, Aundh on 29 to 31 July 2015.Dr. Archana Shekokar, Professor
As Executive Committee Member for “MAHACON”, Regional Chapter of Anatomy (Maharashtra).Anesthesia
Dr.Jyoti Kale (Professor)
Was invited as examiner Practical (MD Degree Anaesthesiology) Examination at Seth G. S. Medical College &KEM Hospital, Parel , Mumbai , MUHS University, Mumbai on 10/01/2025 to 11/01/2025.
Dr.Noopur Singh (Professor)
Was invited as examiner Practical (MD Degree Anaesthesiology) Examination at GUJARAT University, Ahmedabad on 25/01/2025 to 27/01/2025.
Dr. Madhavi Godbole (Professor )
Instructors in Basic Life Support (BLS ) for Health Care Providers Curriculum Per the IPG for the American Heart Association International Training AHA Centre workshop on date 7th ,8th & 9th January 2025.
Dr.Girish Saundattikar (Professor & HOD)
Was invited for MUHS LIC inspection on 30th Jan. 2025 at Gangadhar Shastri Gune Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Hospital, Ahlyanagar.
Dr. Shalini Sardesai
Invited as Judge for the free paper presentation for (Junior Resident Category) in the ISNACC 2024 Pune.Dr. Prathmesh Raut
presented Paper at 30th Annual National Conference of the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine on 1st to 3rd March 2024,at ITC Royal Bengal , Kolkata. Title: “MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION IN YOUNG ADUTLS .A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY.”SDr. Sumedha Mehta
Is recognized as reviewer for Asian Journal of Case Reports in Surgery awarded Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing on 29th May 2024.Dr.Kavita Adate
Was invited as BSC Endoscopy 6th Semester Practical Examiner on 4th July 2024, at Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical college and Research Centre, Pune.Dr.Kavita Adate
Was invited as examiner for BSC Endoscopy 6th Semester Practical Exam on 4th July 2024, at Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical college and Research Centre, Pune.Dr. Sumedha Mehta
Was invited as Examiner for Para Medical Technology Practical exams & Assessments of theory exam paper on 30th, 31st July & 31st July 2024 in Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.Dr. Noopur Singh
Was invited for Staff Selection as ‘Subject Expert for Anaesthesiology on 27th August 2024 at MAEER MIT Pune’s MIMER Medical College & Dr. BSTR Hospital, Talegaon Dabhade, Pune.
Dr.Girish Saundattikar
Was invited as Chairperson for the Pro Act Pune con on 31st August and 1st September 2024 at Pune
Dr.Shalini Sardesai
Was as organizing secretory for the Pro Act Pune con on 31st August and 1st September 2024 at Pune.
Dr. Shalini Sardesai
Was awarded President Appreciation award in Binniel Anaesthesia conference 2024 in Krishana Institute of Medical Science, Karad on dated 20/09/24 & 22/09/2024.
Dr.Richa (JR-III)
Participated in paper presentation competition participated in poster presentation competition at “5th Research society conference of SKNMC & GH” She won the FIRST PRIZE in the Resident category.
Dr.Kavita Adate
Was invited as examiner Theory and Practical (Degree Anaesthesiology) Examination at Government Medical College Sri Takhatsinhaj General Hospital Bhavngar, Maharaja Krishna Kumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, Guajrat on 05/12/2024 to 06/12/2024.
Dr. Neha Panse & Dr. Sumedha Mehta
Was invited as Examiner for Central Assessment Program (CAP) for the Bsc (ATOT) university examination (Winter – 2024) in at Bharati Hospital Pune on date 21.12.2024
Dr. Girish Saundattikar
Was invited as Member of interview board in ESIC hospital Bibvewadi Pune, on 22nd Feb. 2023Dr. Sameer Kulkarni
Was invited as Subject Expert in Anaesthesia for Staff Selection at B.K.L Walawalkar Rural Medical College & Hospital, on 9th Feb. 2023.Dr. Shalini Sardesai, Dr. Jyoti Kale , Dr. Jyoti Despande, Dr. Shilpa Acharya
Review Course in Anaesthesiology ( ReCAP ) , Pune held from 24th , 25th & 26th Feb. 2023 at Pune.Dr.Jyoti Kale
Visited as Inspector for LIC inspection of MUHS at Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College and General Hospital on 19th April 2023.Dr. Noopur Singh
Visited as Inspector for LIC inspection at Institute of Naval Medicine, INHS, Asvini, Colaba , Mumbai on 20th & 21st April 2023.Dr.Shilpa Acharya
Was invited as an observer for MMC CPD program on date 25 June 2023 CME held at Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration, Baner and Adity Birla Memorial Hospital on 18June 2023.Dr.Shilpa Acharya
Was invited as an observer for MMC CPD program on date 25 June 2023 CME held at Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration, Baner and Adity Birla Memorial Hospital on 18June 2023 .Dr Jyoti Kale
As a External examiner for practical examination of fellowship in Regional Anaesthesia conducted by MUHS held on 14 September 2023. at Ruby Hall clinic, Pune.Dr. Sumedha Mehta
As a External examiner for practical examination and assessment of Theory papers conducted by MUHS on 25th Aug. 2023. to28th Aug.2023 at AFMC,Pune.Dr. Madhavi Godbole
Attended the faculty development program in Palliative medicine from 7 Aug. 2023 to 23 Aug. 2023.Dr. Sumedha Mehta
First prize in Best Essay competition in teacher category awarded in Maharashtra State Chapter ISACON 2023 paper organized by SAP. Title : Work-Life balance in anaesthetist’s life: a tight rope walk!Dr. Shalini Sardesai ,Dr.Jyoti kale , Dr.Noopur Singh, Dr. Kavita Adate, Dr.Neha Panse
As organizing committee member in 23rd Annual Conference of Maharashtra state Chapter of ISA at Pune on 06th to 08th October 2023.Dr.Jyoti kale and Dr.Neha Panse
As Judge for paper presentation in 23rd Annual Conference of Maharashtra state Chapter of ISA at Pune on 06th to 08th October 2023.Dr.Noopur Singh
As Judge for poster presentation in 23rd Annual Conference of Maharashtra state Chapter of ISA at Pune on 06th to 08th October 2023.Dr.Madhavi Godbole
Attended BLS and ACLS workshop from 16 to 19 October at Bharati Vidyapeeth as an instructor.Dr.Suchismita (JR-III)
Participated in paper presentation competition at 23rd Annual Conference of Maharashtra state Chapter of ISA at Pune on 06th to 08th October 2023. She won the SECOND PRIZE in the Resident category. Topic: TO COMPARE EFFECTS OF NEBULISED LIGNOCAINE AND NEBULISED MAGNESIUM SULFATE ON TRACHEAL INTUBATION INDUCED PRESSOR RESPONSE: A RANDOMIZED CONTROL TRIAL.Dr.Sagorika Sinhadeb (JR-II)
Participated in poster presentation competition at “4th Research society conference of SKNMC & GH” She won the SECOND PRIZE in the Resident category. Topic : “MAGNESIUM SULPHATE AS AN INTERVENOUS ADJUVANT TO BUPIVACAINE FOR POST OP ANALGESIA IN GYNECOLOGICAL PROCEDURES AND SURGERIES UNDER SPINAL ANAESTHESIA.”Dr.Neha Panse
Awarded for the best Paper presented in 70th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists ISACON 2023 held at Gurugram dt. 25th November, 2023Dr.Jyoti kale
As Judge for paper presentation in 11th Annual Research Conference of MAEER Medical College and Dr. BSTR hospital , Talegaon at Pune on 21st to 22nd Dec . 2023.Dr. Neha Panse
Third prize in Best Essay competition in teacher category awarded by SKNMC & GH , Microbiology Dept. to celebrate”HIV/AIDS Awareness Week & World Human Rights Day “From. 1st Dec. to 12th Dec. 2023.Dr.Sumedha Mehta and Team
Got the First Place for Best Team Performance in online course on Health Research Methodology and Evidence Based Medicine on 21st to 25th Feb.2022.Dr. Noopur Singh
Visited as Inspector for LIC inspection at B.J Medical College , Pune on 22/03/2022.Mrs. Jyoti Shinde (Stenographer)
Has got 1st Prize in Essay Writing in Marathi at SKNMC & GH on 8th April 2022.Dr. Neha Panse
Is recognised as a reviewer for the Journal of Medical and Scientific Research ( ISSN 2321-1323 –Print : ISSN 2394-112X- Online) June 2022Dr. Priyanka Tikait
Has won Consolation Prize on presented poster in 2nd YUVA Mahacon Conference at Nashik , on 23rd to 24th July 2022Dr.Sameer Kulkarni (Professor)
Written a chapter on ‘‘Oxygen Concentrators ’’ in a book named ‘‘Manual of Oxygen Therapy’’ published by JAYPEE ( The Health Services Publishers) in year of Aug. 2022.Dr.Sanjana Nashine (JR-III)
Participated in paper presentation competition at “3rd Research society conference of SKNMC & GH” She won the FIRST PRIZE the Resident category. Topic : “Efficacy of Magnesium Sulphate vs Dexamethasone as an adjuvant to Ropivacaine in ultrasound guided femoral and sciatic nerve block for postoperative analgesia : A prospective,double blinded randomized controlled study.”Dr. Sanjana Nashine
Was awarded with the prestigious“ PRADNYA TROPHY” in the 3rd Research society conference of SKNMC & GH, for best paper presentation.Dr.Manthan Indurwade & Dr. Priyanka Tikait
Won the First Prize in “Geriatric and Paediatric Anaesthesia” Quiz on “ World Anaesthesia Day “ organised by ISA ( Pune branch) at Residency Club, Pune.Dr.Harshad Dongare
SYMBOSIS CENTER FOR HEALTH SKILLS (SCHS) Course Director Dr.Harshad Dongare : 21 to 23 Jan. 2021Dr.Shalini Sardesai (Dean & Professor)
Participated as a Chairperson in the Virtual Conference on Critical Airway Management organised by Dept of Anaesthesia D.Y Patil Medical College & Research institute , Kolhapur , on dt. 7 February 2021.Dr.Shalini Sardesai (Dean & Professor)
participated as Judge for special award category CME presentation in MAHA YUVA ISACON 2021 held on dt. 20th Feb. 2021.Dr.Poonam Ghodki (Professor):
Judge for paper presentation (Award Category ) in MAHA YUVA ISACON 2021 held on dt. 20th Feb. 2021.Dr.Harshad Dongare (Professor)
BLS & ACLS for Health Care providers ,Course Director Workshop for Instructors on dt. 28th Feb. 2021.Dr.Tejaswini Phalke (JR-III)
TMC National Conference on “The Difficult Airway ’’ held on dt.9th -10th Jan. 2021. Dr.Tejaswini Phalke (JR-III) won 2nd Prize in e-poster presentation.Moderator Dr.Jyoti Deshpande (Professor) &Dr.Jyoti Kale (Professor & HOD) , PG Guide : Dr.Noopur Singh (Professor)Jr.IIDr.Merlin Elizabeth,Dr.Merlin Elizabeth,Dr.Pooja Mhaske,Dr.Dhanashree Khandat,Dr. Pranali Nighukar,Dr.Priyanka Khondalay ,Dr.Neha Shukla,Dr.Smita Gharde,Dr.Ratika Mathur
MAHA YUVA ISACON 2021 held on dt. 20th Feb. 2021 1.Dr.Merlin Elizabeth (Jr.II ) 2nd Prize in Paper Presentation Moderator : Dr. Neha Panse (Associate Professor) PG Guide : Dr.Namrata Sadafule (Associate Professor) 2. Dr.Merlin Elizabeth (Jr.II) consolation prize in Poster Presentation Moderator : Dr.Jyoti Deshpande (Professor) PG Guide : Dr.Namrata Sadafule (Associate Professor) 3.Dr.Pooja Mhaske (Jr.II) -3rd in paper Paper Presentation Moderator : Dr. Neha Panse (Associate Professor) PG Guide : Dr.Kavita Adate (Professor) 4.Dr.Dhanashree Khandat (Jr.II) consolation prize in competitive poster presentation Moderator : Dr. Kavita Adate (Professor) PG Guide : Dr. Noopur Singh (Professor) 5.Dr. Pranali Nighukar (Jr.II) consolation prize in competitive poster presentation Moderator : Dr. Neha Panse (Associate Professor) PG Guide : Dr.Jyoti Kale (Professor & HOD) 6.Dr.Priyanka Khondalay (Jr.II) consolation prize in non competitive paper presentation Moderator : Dr. Neha Panse (Associate Professor) PG Guide : Dr. Jyoti Kale (Professor & HOD) 7.Dr.Neha Shukla (Jr.II) consolation prize in non competitive poster presentation Moderator & PG Guide : Dr. Sameer Kulkarni (Professor ) 8.Dr.Smita Gharde (Jr.II) consolation prize in non competitive paper presentation Moderator & PG Guide: Dr.Dhanashree Dongare (Professor ) 9.Dr.Ratika Mathur (Jr.II) consolation prize in non competitive paper presentation. Moderator : Dr.Poonam Ghodki & Dr.Kalyani Patil PG Guide: Dr. Kalyani Patil (Associate Professor)Dr.Poonam Ghodki
Was a faculty at international CME symposium accredited by RCOA(Royal College of Anaesthesia ,UK) on 6th &7th 2021. She delivered a lecture on “Bronchospasm – Known Crisis management .’’ 8 CPD credits awarded for attending the symposium .Dr. Jyoti Kale (Professor),Dr. Noopur Singh (Professor), Dr. Poonam Ghodki ( Professor ), Dr. Kavita Adate ,Dr. Sameer Kulkarni ( Professor)
Attended Advanced Coures in Research Methodology held from 14th June to 19th June 2021, organised by Institute of Medical Education Technology and Teachers Training Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik .Dr.Shalini Sardeai ,Dr. Jyoti Kale,Dr. Noopur Singh , Dr. Poonam Ghodki , Dr.Kavita Adate, Dr.Dhanashree Dongare ,Dr.Jyoti Deshpande,Dr.Neha Panse,Dr.Neha Panse ,Dr. Shilpa Acharya ,Dr.Madhavi Godbole
•Swayam Exam Result- Faculty have cleared Swayam Exam.Dr. Poonam Ghodki
Selected as World Federation Of Society of Anaesthesiologists SCHOLAR to attend the World Congress Of Anaesthesiology Conference (WCA) as recommended by National ISA.Dr. Poonam Ghodki
Winner of first prize in state level Essay competition at ISACON Maha organized by Nagpur on 24th to 26th Sept.2021. She also received the prestigious Dr. Laxmi Kamat award for Best Essay. Title: Carbon Credits & operative room.Dr. Pritam Chavan (JR-III)
Winner of first prize in state Level Paper presentation at ISACON Maha organized by Nagpur on 24th to 26th Sept.2021 & received Dr. M.M. Bhat award. Nominated for presentation at National Conference Ahmedabad 2021. Guide & Co- Author: Dr.Shalini Sardesai ,Co–Author: Dr. Kalyani Patil Title: Comparison of intubating condition with sniffing versus RAMP position in nonobese patients.Dr. Kalyani Patil Dr. Neha Panse , Dr. Madhavi Godbole , Dr. Priyanka Kulkarni
Attended and cleared online Basic Course in Biomedical Research (NMC) June 2021.Dr. Poonam Ghodki, Professor
Participated in oral paper presentation competition at “1st Research society conference of SKNMC & GH” She won the FIRST PRIZE the faculty category. Topic : “Block before block : Relieving Pain To Ease Anaesthesia Administration In Geriatric Patients With Hip fracture ‘’Dr. Poonam Ghodki, Professor
Was awarded with the prestigious“ PRADNYA TROPHY” in the 1st Research society conference of SKNMC & GH, for the winning the best paper presentation .Dr.Shalini Sardesai (Dean)
Was a Chairperson in MAHA EM 2020 Conference .Dr.Jyoti Kale (Prof. & HOD)
Was a Chairperson in MAHA EM 2020 Conference .Dr.Sameer Kulkarni & Dr. Harshad Dongare (Professor)
Joint Secretary in MAHA EM 2020 Conference .Dr. Lavina John (JR-III) ,Dr. Kalyani Patil
Won 1st Prize in poster presentation in at the Pediatric CME conducted by Rural Medical College, Loni on 8th Nov 2020, the poster was co-authored by Dr. Kalyani Patil.Dr. Poonam Ghodki
-First prize for best essay competition in teacher category ,Title : Technology as a friend or foe ? Do electronic health records increase burn out?-Delivered a lecture on “Spinal anaesthesia in severe Pre- eclampsia , how I do it !
Dr.Omkar Kale (PG Student)
3rd prize in presented poster in Med inspire 2019 dt.14th to 17th Feb .2019 D.Y Patil at Navi Mumbai . Title : Anaesthetic Management in Case of Wilon’s Disease posted for split skin grafting .Dr.Poonam Ghodki , Mrs. Jyoti Shinde
-Eye Donation fortnight Essay competition by rotary Club Pune. Topic- Eye & Organ Donation.1. 1st Prize (English language ) -Dr.Poonam Ghodki (Professor , Anaestheisa Dept.)
2. 3rd Prize (Marathi language ) - Mrs. Jyoti Shinde (Clerk , Anaesthesia Dept. )
Dr.Poonam Ghodki
Panelist at World Anaesthesia Day celebration on 16th Oct. by ISA - Pune -41Topic: Anaestheisa in future - from dependency to demanding
Dr.Uma Kulkarni (PG Student)
1st prize in presented paper in Med inspire 2019 dt.14th to 17th Feb .2019 D.Y Patil at Navi Mumbai . Title : Impact of Truma workshop Onkapconducted on MBBS studentsDr.Kalyani Patil
Second prize for essay competition in teacher category , Title : Have we attained zero mortality in anaesthesia or is it just a mirage ? (2019)Dr.Poonam Ghodki
Review article on Spinal Anaesthesia in severe Pre- Eclampsia’ printed in Misa News, quarterly bulletin of MSCISA (2019)Dr.Akshay Salunkhe
Completed fellowship in Regional Anaesthesia & Trauma Anaesthesia in 2019.Dr.Poonam Ghodki
Was a faculty speaker at International Anaesthesia conference held at Chennai. She delivered a lecture & also was a participant in panel discussion. (2018)Dr.Shalini Sardesai
Was judge for poster Presentation at MISACON, Shirdi. (2018)Dr.Poonam Ghodki
Delivered a lecture on Postpartum Headache at MISACON, Shirdi. She also participated in Dynamic Session & presented a challenging case. (2018)Dr.Shilpa Acharya
Presented a paper in the same conference. (2018)Dr.Poonam Ghodki ,Dr.Harshad Dongare & Dr.Sameer Kulkarni.
State PG Conference was held this year at Pimpari, where lectures were delivered by Dr.Poonam Ghodki ,Dr.Harshad Dongare & Dr.Sameer Kulkarni. (2018)Dr.Neeraj Mahajan
Best Paper Award in student category 1 st prize (In memory of Dr. M.M. Bhat ) presented on 7th Oct. 2017 during ISACON Maharashtra 2017 held at Nanded.Dr.Poonam Ghodki
Maharashtra State chapter of Indian Society of Anesthesiologist Special Achievements Awarded . (2017)Dr.Shalini Sardesai.
NABH Safe I activity carried out & Coordinated .Dr.Shalini Sardesai
Chaired paediatric session in ProAct Pune Conference 2017 conducted by ISA Pune.Dr.Poonam Ghodki
Felicitation for BMJ nomination under the section of ‘Achievement Award at MISACON 2017, Nanded.Dr.Poonam Ghodki
Felicitation for publication on World anaestheisa day (WAD) celebration , Pune -41(2017)Dr.Poonam Ghodki
As a faculty at State conference MISACON 2017 at NandedDr.Neeraj Mahajan (Student)
Best Paper Award in student category 1 st prize (In memory of Dr. M.M. Bhat ) presented on 7th Oct. 2017 during ISACON Maharashtra 2017 held at Nanded.Dr.Sameer Kulkarni & Dr.Harshad Dongare
Completed Indian diploma in Critical Care Medicine in 2017.Dr.Poonam Ghodki
Second prize in Essay Competition in ‘MISACON 2016’, Aurangabad. Topic: Soft skills in successful anesthetic practice.Dr Jyoti Kale
Received fellowship in emergency medicine, FACEE.(2016)Dr.Akshay Uttarwar
Received fellowship award in neuro anesthesia from NIMHANS (2016)Dr.Shalini Sardesai
Completed fellowship in Emergency Medicine in 2015.Dr.Kalyani Patil
Completed fellowship in Emergency Medicine in 2015.Dr. Maitreyi Mankikar
First prize of best paper presentation award won in student category. Dr. Maitreyi Mankikar at MISACON - WISACON held at Latur on 31/10/14 to 2/11/14Dr.Maitreyi Mankikar
Represented Maharashtra state for 62nd Annual National Conference .She received Dr.T.N Jha memorial Dr.K.D Chansoriya medal for participation in ISACON 2014 at Madurai.Dr.Shalini Sardesai, Dr.Poonam Ghodki
Attended state conference ISACON, Latur as faculty speakers .Dr. Poonam Ghodki
At MISACON/WISACON 2014 delivered lecture on: ‘Anesthesia for pediatric laparoscopy.’Dr. Shalini Sardesai
At MISACON/WISACON 2014 delivered lecture on: ‘Anesthesia for complicated pregnancy.Dr.Maitreyi Mankikar (PG Student)
Award paper presented at National Conference dt. 26 to 29 Dec.2014, Madurai , ISACON.Dr. Maitreyi Mankikar, Dr. Saurabh Shaha (PG Student)
From the department attended the state conference (MISACON) and presented papers.Dr. Maitreyi Mankikar (co authored by Dr. Shalini Sardesai and Dr. Poonam Ghodki)
Paper won the first prize in best paper award in memory of Dr. M .M Bhat in student category and the paper was selected as best paper to be sent to the national conference as state entry.Dr.Maitreyi Mankikar
Represented Maharashtra state for 62nd Annual National Conference .She received Dr.T.N Jha memorial and Dr.K.D Chansoriya medal for participation in ISACON 2014 at Madurai.Dr.Manojkumar Gajbhare
Completed fellowship in Pain Management in 2014.EMPACT Emergency Medicine - 2013 August
National Conference on Regional Anaesthesia AORA -2013 June
Dr.Sameer Kulkarni
Completed fellowship in Emergency Medicine in 2013Dr.Kavita Adate
Completed fellowship in Emergency Medicine in 2013 .8th Indo -US emergency medicine summit(INDUS-EM) Nashik 2012-Lecture as a faculty on ‘Complex metabolemia’ by Dr Jyoti Kale, Dr. Ajit Baviskar , Dr. Harshad Dongare.
Dr.Harshad Dongare
Completed fellowship in Emergency Medicine in 2012.Dr. K. U. Adate, Dr. N. Sadafule
FACET examination (Emergency medicine) cleared by Dr. K. U. Adate, Dr. N. SadafuleDr. Maitreyi Mankikar (co authored by Dr. Shalini Sardesai and Dr. Poonam Ghodki)
Paper by Dr. Maitreyi Mankikar (co authored by Dr. Shalini Sardesai and Dr. Poonam Ghodki) won the first prize in best paper award in memory of Dr M M Bhat in student category and the paper was selected as best paper to be sent to the national conference as state entry.Dr.Poonam Ghodki
Maharashtra State chapter of Indian Society of Anesthesiologist Special Achievements Awarded.Biochemistry
Ms. Shubhangidevi Gawade
MUHS Advanced research Methodology Workshop (14-02-22 to 21-02-22)Ms.Farheen Mujawar
Advanced research Methodology Workshop (14-02-22 to 21-02-22)Dr. Rajni Shivkar , Dr. Supriya R Gulajkar
NPLET certificate course BCBR(Basic course in Biochemistry Research.Dr. Vinod Wali
First Certificate Course in Clinical Laboratory Practices & Quality Control (online) By Seth G.S M.C KEM Hospital 3-5Th August 2021.Dr. Ramchandra K. Padalkar
Participated as a Judge in 46 Annual Conference in Research Society of B. J. Medical College & Sassoon Hospitals, Pune held on 25th and 26th February 2020.Dr. Ramchandra K. Padalkar
Participated as a Judge in MUHS State Level Research Competition held at DVVPF’S Medical College Ahemdnagar on 05.03.2020.Dr.Mamata V. Hegde, Professor & HOD
Dr.Mamata V. Hegde, was invited to chair a session on ‘ Pre analytical errors in laboratory’ in AMBI - BIOCON 2015 (2nd Maharashtra state chapter conference) on 28th Feb 2015 at LTMC, Sion, MumbaiDr. R. K. PADALKAR (Professor)
State level Navratna Award - Mharashtra Patrakar Sangh Dec. 2015Dr. R. K. PADALKAR (Professor)
Ahilaya Bhushan - Ahilaya shekshnik samajik ani Sanskrutik Prabhodani, Sangli Jan. 2015Dr. R. K. PADALKAR (Professor)
Tantradna Bhushan - Association of Lab clinical Analyst State of Maharashtra 2013Research paper by UG student, Miss Tanvi Prabhu entitled ‘Clinicoetiological analysis of Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in a tertiary care hospital.’ was selected for oral presentation in Confluence’15 - An All India Undergraduate Medical Conference at Seth G. S. Medical College & KEM hospital, Mumbai
Successfully participated in the External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS) conducted by Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Christian Medical College, Vellore.
Dr. R. K. PADALKAR (Professor)
1.Member of Board of studies MUHS, Nashik2.Member of Board of studies Biomedical Sciences MGM Institute of Heath sciences , Mumbai.
3.Life member of the “Association of Clinical Biochemist of India.(A.C.B.I.) - Life member No :- 1939.
4.Life member of the Society of Biological Scientist of India (SOBSI) -Life member No :- 310.
5.National editorial board member for Journal of practical biochemistry and biophysics published by red flower publication pvt pub. Delhi.
6.Advisory board member in international journal of education and research in health sciences.
Community Medicine
Dr. (COL) P.S. Chawla
Was nominated as Co-ordinator for Basic MET course at D.Y. Patil Medical College by NMCDr. (COL) P.S. Chawla
Has been nominated as Coordinator for Online MUHS State Level Research Competition to be held on 10th January 2023.Dr. (COL) P.S. Chawla, Professor & HOD
Chaired a session as Chairperson / 22nd Annual Maharashtra State Joint Conference of IAPSM and IPHA – 2021, Organized by Department of Community Medicine of JIIU’s Indian Institute of Medical Science & Research Medical College, Warudi Tq.Badnapur, Dist. Jalna from 3rd to 4th April 2021.Theme for the Conference was “COVID – 19 Pandemic : An Eye Opener for Strengthening of Public Health”.Dr. (COL) P.S, Chawla, Professor & HOD
Is appointed as Member of “Virtual Lecture Theatre Committee".Dr. Vaishali Ranpise, Lady Medical Officer, UHTC, Kondhwa and Lab Technician Mrs. Sarika Bhangare
Were feliciated by Trustee Snehal Navale Madam at SIBAR auditorium on 19/12//2020 as COVID warriors and for conducting a blood donation camp on 19/06/2020 with 81 blood bags.Dr. Abhay Mane, Professor
Is selected as Member of the Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) Collaborator Network by Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), University of Washington, USADr. (COL) P.S. Chawla
was invited by MUHS as member of Research Expert Committee for the MUHS State level Research Conference held at MIMER, Talegaon on 14th March 2019.Dr. (COL) P.S. Chawla
Dr. (COL) P.S. Chawla took charge as MEU Co-ordinator.Dr. (COL) P.S. Chawla, Professor & HOD
Chairman, for MUHS LIC Inspection of Sub. District Hospital, Manchar for Grant of affiliation to start certificate course viz “Modern Medical Level Service Provider.Evaluation of Research Papers by UG Medical Students for IPHA - Maharashtra State, Financial Grant.
Dr. Abhay Mane, Professor
Invited as a Panel Member on “Quality Diabetes care through health system” in AMRITACON 2018 International Public Health Conference held on 2nd & 3rd November 2018 at AMRITA institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, Kerala.Dr. (COL) P. S. Chawla
Was invited as speaker in Research Methodology Workshop, organized by Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Navi Mumbai, by Indian Society for Dental Research (IDSR) as a preconference workshop of 31st IDSR International Conference of 2018. He also chaired a Mentoring Session along with Dr. Christopher Fox, Executive Director International Association of Dental Research.Dr. (COL) P.S. Chawla
Invited as Resource person for Research Methodology Workshop conducted by IMETTT, MUHS Regional Centre, Aundh, from 30th June to 2nd July 2016Dr. (COL) P.S. Chawla
Took over as Co-ordinator, Medical Education Unit (MEU), SKNMC&GH, Pune from 1.1.2016Dr.(Col) P.S. Chawla Professor & HOD,
Participated in MCI , Basic Revised Course at IMETT, Aundh, Pune from 18.1.2016 to 21.1.2016.Dr. Abhay Mane, Professor
Presented Oral Paper titled “Sweet Sorrow: How much bitter is it?” in the 17th Joint Conference of IAPSM & IPHA - MHIAPSMIPHA Con 2016 held at Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, Mumbai on 12th & 13th February 2016.Dr. Akshay Mahajan, Dr. Sumit Kuthe
Were 1st Runner up in National Level Post Graduate Quiz Competition held at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur, during Symposium on Food Safety (World Health Day 2015) dated 6th & 7th April 2015Health Awareness Quiz on occasion of World Asthma Day 2015 was conducted by Department of Pulmonary Medicine for Non Teaching Staff on 24th April 2015, team from RHTC, Kusgaon and Department of Community Medicine secured 1st, 2nd and 3rd Position.
Dr. Pranjal Bobade, Post Graduate Student
Received 3rd Prize for Oral Paper Presentation titled “Study to assest awareness about E Waste amongst College Students” in National Conference MEDIACE - 2015Dr. Abhaychandra Dadewar, (JR II)
Received best paper award for Oral Paper Presentation titled "Condom Usagae : Are we doing it correctly? A Cross Sectional Study" in State Level Conference :HIV CON 2015 held at SKNMC&GH, Pune on 18.12.2015.Dr. Harshal Pandve, Asso. Prof.
Selected as an academic member of Athens Institute for Education & Research (ATINER) GreeceDr. Harshal Pandve, Associate Professor
Invited on the Editorial Board of current Research on HIV / AIDSDr. (COL) P.S. Chawla, Prof. & HOD
Appointed as Chairperson for Central Research LabDr. (COL) P.S. Chawla (Prof. & HOD)
Sppointed as Chairman for Scientific Advisory CommitteeThe following faculty from the Department have been approved as faculty for Research Methodology Workshop by MUHS, Nashik
1) Dr. (COL) P. S. Chawla, Professor & HOD
2) Dr. Kevin Fernandez, Professor
3) Dr. Dhrubajyoti Debnath, Associate Professor
4) Dr. Harshal Pandve, Associate Professor
Dr. Abhay Mane, Professor
Was invited a Working Group Expert Member for 1st Annual Meeting of Indian Network of Neglected Tropical Diseases (INTD) at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi.Dr. Abhay Mane, Professor
Selected as Editorial Board Membera) Journal of Medical Science & Clinical Research (ISSN: 2347- 1767)
b) International Journal of Public Health Sciences (ISSN: 2252 : 8806)
c) Unique Journal of Medical & Dental Sciences (ISSN : 2347 : 5579)
Dr. Jayagowri Sastry, Assistant Professor
Was invited to write for news letter of Indian Society for Study of Reproduction and Fertility - Article Titled “Time to unleash the power of the female condom in India: Is it just a question of repositioning and empowerment”.Dr. Harshal Pandve, Associate Professor
Convener / Coordinator and Faculty for MUHS approved Basic Workshop on Research Methodology conducted at Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Physiotherapy, Narhe, Pune.Dr. Shraddha Kulkarni(Assistant Professor)
Attended Infant Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Workshop held at YASHADA, Baner Road, Pune, organized by Department of GIBN, MUHS, Regional Centre, Aundh, Pune from 13th to 15th January.Mrs. Kyati Kalra, Assistant Professor cum Statistician,
Participated in State Level Workshop on Reliability & Survival Analysis 9th January 2016 at Modern College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Shivaji Nagar, Pune (Maharashtra).Dr. Abhay Mane, Professor
Has been appointed as working Group Expert member on Indian Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases (INTD)an amalgamation of experts from different fields of medicine. (
Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
Appointed as Examiner for PG University Practical Examination on 2nd January 2025 at Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Deemed University, Karad.
Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
Appointed as Examiner for PG Medical Practical/oral Examination on 14th January 2025 at Goa Medical College & Hospital, Bambolin, Goa University.
Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
Appointed as Examiner for PG Medical Practical/Viva voce Examination on 16th January 2025 at Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, Bengaluru.
Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
As a subject Expert for Venereology, Dermatology & Leprosy staff Approval Process at BKL Walwalkar Rural Medical College Sawarde Ratnagiri on 11th June 2024.Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
As a Examiner conducted Dermatology , Venereology and Leprosy Post graduate Practical Examination held at PCMC Post Graduate Institute and YCM Memorial Hospital Pimri, Pune on 21st June 2024.Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
As a subject Expert for dissertation review meeting for exam going PG Students (Batch 2021-24) Dept. of Dermatology at Krishna Hospital and Medical Research Center Karad.Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
Invite as Judge paper presentation organising 5th Annual Research Conference, SKNMC&GH on 20& 21 September 2024
Dr. Swapna Sheth
Invite as Judge poster presentation organising 5th Annual Research Conference SKNMC&GH on 20& 21 September 2024
Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
Attend the board of studies meeting in the Department Of Dermatology at Krishna Institutes of Medical Sciences to Deemed University Karad to be held 24th January 2023Dr. Swapna Khatu
As a Panel list DERMACON 2023 International Conference on 23rd to 26th February 2023 at Mumbai.Dr. Gurman Singh Bhasin, Dr. Umesh Thombe and Dr. Chinmay Ratkanthiwar a
Awarded Merit Scholarship for Tata Education and Development Trust dated March 2023.Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
As a External Examiner conduct PG Practical Examination, Dept. of Dermatology, Goa Medical College Bambolim- GOA, on 21st and 22nd June 2023Dr. Prajna Satpathy
Awarded Best Poster presentation in National Roots Conference at Banglore 0n 16th -18th June 2023.Dr. Swapna Khatu
As a Faculty in Botulinum Toxin Workshop as a Faculty to be conducted on on 27th June 2023, at Dept. of Dermatology, PGI, YCM, Pimpri.Dr. Dipali Chavan
As a Guest Speaker in Botulinum Toxin Workshop as a Faculty to be conducted on 27th June 2023, at Dept. of Dermatology, PGI, YCM, Pimpri.Dr. Pallavi More
Awarded second Prize on 21/09/2023 in Poster Competition for National Medical Commission patient safety program Celebration at SKNMC&GH, Narhe,PuneDr. Prajna Satpathy
Awarded Third Prize Poster presentation Titled “Efficacy of DPCP and EXCIMER in a case of pediatric alopecia totalis- A case report 4th Annual Conference of Research Society of SKNMC Pune held on 6th and 7th October 2023.Dr. Pallavi More
Awarded 1st Prize Essay Competition World Aids and human rights Day organized by Microbiology Department SKNMC&GH, Pune held on 12.12.2023Dr. Prajna Satpathy
Awarded Quize competition organized by resimed IADVL, Karnataka Brach held on 14.12.2023Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
Dr. Nitin Chaudhari participated Venkat Academy Web Lecture Series 1. Module 3 Lecture 20 Lasers and other energy devices Laser for Skin resurfacing held on 2nd March 2022 2. Module 4 Lecture 21 Miscellaneous Platelet rich Plasma1 held on 9th March 2022 3. Module 4 Lecture 22 Miscellaneous Platelet rich Plasma2 held on 16th March 2022 4. Module 3 Lecture 23 Lasers and other energy devices Q Swithcned Lasers for Pigmentation held on 23rd March 2022Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
Was one of the Panellist in the CME on Antifungal-Intraconazole conducted by Lantraz Med. Manor Organics dated 3/3/2022 .Dr. Supriya Pathade
Awarded TATA EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT TRUST Merit Scholarship dated 30.03.2022Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
Dr. Nitin Chaudhari participated Venkat Academy Web Lecture Series 1. Module 3 Lecture 26 Lasers for pigmented nevi held on 13th April 2022 2. Module 2 Lecture 27 Miscellaneous Fillers midface held on 20th April 2022 3. Module 2 Lecture 28 Fillers for lip, chik and neck line held on 27th April 2022Dr. Abhishek Patokar
Awarded 1st Prize of nomination Best outgoing PG Student, on 22nd July 2022 , Award ceremony, SKNMC & GH, PuneDr. Pallavi More
Have secured a place amongst Top 50 students in India and Top 4 students in Maharashtra in RESIMED Urticaria Quiz dated 2/10/2022Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
As a Chairperson in 56th Annual Conference of Indian College of Allergy, Asthma and Applied Immunology ICAAICON 2022 under the Auspices of Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital, dated 15/12/2022 to 18/12/2022 .Dr. Swapna Khatu
As a Faculty in 56th Annual Conference of Indian College of Allergy, Asthma and Applied Immunology ICAAICON 2022 under the Auspices of Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital, dated 15/12/2022 to 18/12/2022.Dr. Nitin Chaudhri
Appointed as an External Examiner for MD Dermatology MUHS Practical Examinations held on 21st January at B.J. Medical College and Mimer Medical College held on 22nd January 2021.Dr. Mahak Kukreja
Awarded A Cash prize in E CME on AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY, at JJM Medical College Davangere , IADVL Karnataka Branch Dated 28th February 2021Dr. Mahak Kukreja
Awarded First Prize for Photography Competition theme Beautiful World of Black & White in IADVL National Resident Connect Committee on the occasion of World Vitiligo Day 2021.Dr. Swapna Khatu
Awarded 1st Prize for Presented Award E-Poster titled Lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei (LMDF) : An uncommon dermatologicalentityDr. Abhishek Patokar
Awarded 2nd Prize for Presented Award paper titled Onychoscopy to detect signs of subtle nail involvement in psoriasis - A cross-sectional study of 51patients. 2nd ANNUAL VIRTUAL CONFERENCE of Research Society SKNMC&GH organized by Dept. of Psychiatry and Dermatology held on 6th & 7th August 2021.Dr.Abhishek Patokar and Dr.Mahak Kukreja
Have secured the 2nd position in the IADVL GSK National Quiz Programme for Post Graduates (IGNQPP 2021-22) in which 23 teams participated from medical colleges of Maharashtra. This quiz was conducted online on 24th November 2021. We would like to congratulate them for this achievement.Dr. Gurman Singh Bhasin, Dr. Umesh Thombe and Dr. Chinmay Ratkanthiwar
The online Certificate awarded “Basic Course in Biomedical Research”. on 13th Nov. 2021Dr. Mahak Kukreja
Secured the 1st Rank (All over maharashtra) in 3rd Mankind Dermatology Quiz Conducted by KEM Hospital Mumbai on 12th and 19th Dec. 2021.Dr. Garima Balpande, Dr. Aishwarya Bedi, Dr. Nishigandha Haridas Dr. Aditya Holani, Dr. Gaurav Khandait, Dr. Rajvardhan Bagane
1. Awarded the Tata Trusts scholarship for the academic year 2019-2020 from TATA DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION TRUST a merit scholarship.Dated 28.01.2020Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
As a Chairperson 48 NATIONAL CONFERENCE of Indian Association of Dermatologists Venereologists and Leprologists, DERMACON 2020Dr. Garima Balpande , (PG Resident III)
Financial Association given by that Indian Leprosy Association for completion and support to the thesis by Dr. Garma Balpande (PG Resident III)Dr. Nitin Chaudhri
Appointment as an Examiner for Theory Paper Assessment & Practical Examination of M.D. Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy dated 25/06/2020& 26/06/2020 at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Pimpri, PuneDr. Nitin Chaudhri
Appointed as an External Examiner for Practical Examination of M.D. Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy dated 14/07/2020 at Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College, PuneDr. Nitin Chaudhri
Appointed as an External Examiner for Practical Examination of M.D. Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy dated 08/09/2020 at B.J. Medical College, Pune.Dr. Nitin Chaudhri
Appointed as an External Examiner for Practical Examination of M.D. Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy dated 09/09/2020 at Mimer Medical College, Talegaon center, Pune.Dr. Aditya Holani & Dr. Gaurav Khandait
Participated in IADVL GSK quiz trial round and acquired 3rd position. (Maharashtra & Goa region) on 18th October 2020.Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
As a External Examiner for Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College Kolhapur Dated 10.05.2019Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
As a Internal Examiner for AFMC Medical College Pune Dated 10.06.2019.Dr. Garima Balpande and Dr. Nishigandha Haridas
Award of the Tata Trusts Medical and Healthcare Scholarships from SIR DORABJI TATA TRUST merit scholarship.Dated 8/3/2019Dr. Garima Balpande and Dr. Nishigandha Haridas
Excellence first runner up in PG QUIZ 2019 of Aesthetica Asia on 21st September 2019 in Gangtok, Sikkim.Dr. Dipali Chavan
Awarded Best Actor Film Karvi at SKNMC & GH MEDIACE 2018Dr. Swapna Khatu
Cuticon 2015 Award for best paper "A study of anxiety and stress in patients suffering from vitiligo"Dr. Prajna Satpathy
Awarded Medengage Scholarship Summit for Metropolis Healthcare Ltd. Academic Year March-April 2023.EMERGENCY MEDICINE
Dr. Seema Karhade
Participated as a faculty in ACLS & BLS program at SKNMC&GH Pune dated on 28th & 29th January 2025.
Dr. Seema Karhade
Lecture delivered on Emcord Group – “DEBIBRILLATION, CARDIOVERSION, CARDIAC PACING” dated on 1st January 2025.
Dr. Seema Karhade
Lecture delivered on “TACHYARRYTHMIAS” dated on 28th & 29th January 2025.
Dr. Pushkar Shah
“Sudden Cardiac Death & Cardiac Resuscitation on ‘EMCORD’ lecture delivered by Dr. Pushkar Shah dated on 28th February 2024.
Dr. Jyoti Borse
Completed “Medical Certification of Cause of Death“(MSSCD) dated on 7th January 2025 at Nagpur.
Dr. Jyoti Borse & Dr. Chirag Gandhi
Both are participated as a trainer in Ordained Workshop of “BLS & ACLS Workshop” topic “TACHYARRYTHMIAS” date on 28th & 29th January 2025.
Dr. Seema Karhade.
As MUHS inspector for ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION CENTER on 15th January 2024. Lecturer on:- “CYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANT / SSRI /ATYPICAL ANTIDEPRESSANT on ‘EMCORD’ lecture delivered by Dr. Pushkar Shah dated on 12th January 2024.Dr. Seema Karhade.
LIC Chairperson of surprise Inspection Committee as per the appointment order issued by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik for ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION CENTER dated on 13th February 2024, in Mumbai.Dr. Pushkar Shah
Lecturer on:- “Sudden Cardiac Death & Cardiac Resuscitation on ‘EMCORD’ lecture delivered by Dr. Pushkar Shah dated on 28th February 2024.Dr. Pushkar Shah
Delivered a lecture - Cardiac Rhythm Disturbances on dt. 21st June 2024 on Ashwamegh platformDr. Gopal Hajare
Awarded fellowship for Physicians FAIG in Advanced Diseases Management at AIG Hospitals, Hyderabad, INDIA dated on 03rd June 2024.Dr. Seema Karhade
delivered lecture - “Venousthrombo embolism pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension” on EMCORD group dated on 10th July 2024.
Dr. Pushkar Shah.
Delivered lecture- “Acute heart failure, valvular Emergencies” on EMCORD group dated on 5th July 2024.
Dr. Gopal Hajare
Completed - Nutrition Master Class course, dated on 11th May 2024.
Dr. Seema Karhade
Participated as a faculty in “PUNE INTERNATIONAL MARATHION -2024 DATED ON 30th November-2024
Dr. Seema Karhade
Was External examiner for M.D. Emergency Medicine at Bharati vidyapeeth pune dated on 14th December 2024.
Dr. Pushkar Shah
1.Was External examiner for Dental examination theory papers at Bharti Dental College dated on 16th December to 18th December 2024.
2. Successfully cleared IDCCM exam (Indian Diploma in critical care medicine)
Dr. Pushkar Shah.
1) Sudden Cardiac death dated on 04th January 2023 2) Cardiac Resuscitation dated on 04th January 2023 3) Cardiac Rhythm disturbances date on 13th January 2023 on Ashwamegh platform lecture delivered by Dr. Pushkar Shah.Dr. Seema Karhade.
1) Cardiac Pacing dated on 23rd January 2023 2) Cardioversion dated on 23rd January 2023 3) Defibrillation on Ashwamegh platform dated on 23rd January 2023 lecture delivered by Dr. Seema Karhade.Dr. Seema Karhade.
NATIONAL EMERGENCY MEDICINE BOARD REVIEW OF INDIA COURSE (NEMBRIC2023) Dated on 13th to 17th February 2023 in New Delhi.Dr. Seema Karhade
Lecture on Asnwamegh grand rounds platform ‘Abnormal uterine bleeding’ lecture delivered by Dr. Seema Karhade on 11th April 2023Dr. Pushkar Shah
Completed “Basis Course in Biomedical Research” by ICMR with 80% marks in April 2023.Dr. Pushkar Shah
Completed “Medico legal consultant program” offered by Global Institute of Value Education Society in April 2023.Dr. Seema Karhade
Lecture deliver on 15th May 2023 1) Pediatric Head Injure & Concussions. 2) Pediatric Cervical Spine Injure.Dr. Pushkar Shah
Lecture deliver on 05th May 2023 Wheezing in Infants and Children.Dr. Seema Karhade..
External Examiner for M.D. Emergency Medicine at Bharti Vidyapeeth dated on 14th June 2023.Dr. Seema Karhade
MUHS invited for faculty selection of Emergency Medicine at SSPM Medical College Sindhudurg dated on 16th July 2023Dr. Seema Karhade
Altered mental status lecture delivered for EM-REVIEW COURSE at Bharati Vidyapeeth on 23.06.2023 lecture done.Dr. Pushkar Shah
Cyclic Antidepressant dated on 09.06.2023 on Ashwamegh platform lecture done.Dr. Pushkar Shah
Atypical and Serotonergic Antidepressant dated on 09.06.2023 on Ashwamegh platform lecture done .Dr. Pushkar Shah
MAO Inhibitors dated on 09.06.2023 on Ashwamegh platform lecture done.Dr. Seema Karhade
“FACEE”- fellowship in Emergency Medicine awarded to Dr. Seema Karhade at D.Y. Patil Medical College & Hospital, Pune dated on 25nd August 2023.Dr. Seema Karhade & Dr. Pushkar Shah
‘Ashwemegh’ faculty Development program awarded to Dr. Seema Karhade & Dr. Pushkar Shah at D.Y. Patil Medical College & Hospital, Pune dated on 25th August 2023.Dr. Seema Karhade, Dr. Pushkar Shah
Hold the responsibility of Academic Secretory for conference EM-INDIA -23 held at D.Y. Patil Medical College & Hospital, Pune dated on 22.08.2023 to 27.08.2023.Dr. Amod Mujumdar, Dr.Ankita Pol, Dr. Niva Ravjiani
Got 2nd prize for E.M QUIZE held on 26th August during EM-INDIA conference 2023 at D.Y. Patil Medical College & Hospital, Pune.Dr. Seema Karhade
Lecture delivered for Athlels Medical paramedical Physiotherapy staff at “Pune Marathon Bhavan “on occasion of Pune International Marathon on 25th November 2023 . TOPIC: - “MEDICAL EMERGENCIES DURING MARATHION AND IT’S MANAGEMENT” .Dr. Seema Karhade
External Examiner for PG DMS exam held at Bharti Vidyapeeth on 15th December 2023 .Dr. Seema Karhade, Dr. Pushkar Shah.
New course joined ‘Ashwamegh’ faculty development program by WHO-CCET in association with AIIMS for Emergency Medicine. Faculties joined.Dr. Seema Karhade & Dr. Pushkar Shah.
“FACEE”- fellowship in Emergency Medicine awarded.Dr. Seema Karhade
Case presentation on Ashwamegh faculty Development platform Obstetric emergencies 1) Ruptured ectopic 2 Eclampsia Superimposed on pre -Eclampsia Presented by Dr. Seema Karhade Dated on 24th September 2022Dr. Pushkar Shah.
case presentation on Ashwamegh faculty Development platform ? ENT Emergencies 1 Epitaxis Dated on 24th September 2022 Presented by Dr. Pushkar Shah.Dr. Pushkar Shah.
Awarded "Fellowship of the Academic college of Emergency Experts in INDIA" convocation Received by Dr. Pushkar Shah. Dated on 8th October 2022 EMINDIA22 BOGMELLO Goa.Dr. Seema Karhade, Dr.Pushkar Shah.
Completed ‘Ashwamegh’ faculty development program conducted by WHO-CCET & AIIMA -Nagpur.Forensic Medicine
Dr. Ajay V. Patil
Copyright: – Audio Visual Animation of Modern Version of “Virtues – of – Hippocratic – Oath” in English. Dated: 20.03.2023.Dr. Ajay V. Patil, Professor and HOD
Won 1st and 3rd prize in Slogan Competition conducted by instruction of National Medical Commission during 17th to 27 September 2023, a week for Patient Safety Program.Dr. Rajendra S.Bangal
The book “Informed Consent in Medical Practice” authored by Dr. Rajendra S. Bangal, published by Jaypee brothers has been recommended and included as a ‘Reference Book’ in the curriculum of the health sciences courses at following universities : i. Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences "Deemed to be University", Karad. ii. Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be university) iii. Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Pune. iv. Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences. (Deemed to be University), wardha.Dr. R.S.Bangal
Nominated as an eminent research person on Board of Research (BOR) (For Ph.D., Post Doc, Fellowship, Certificate & various grants & projects) for medical, Dental and Allied Health Sciences Faculties, by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, w.e.f.16.08.2019.Dr. R. S. Bangal
Editors Emeritus “Journal of Forensic Medicine Science and Law”.Dr. Bangal R.S.
Appointed as a member of “Steering Committee”(Maharashtra University of Health Sciences) of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, HAIFA on 19/02/2018 till 25/05/2020.Dr.R.S.Bangal
Appointed as Chairman, LIC by MUHS Nashik to inspect ESIC PGIMSR, Andheri (East) for continuation affiliation of PG Course, on 10.03.2018.Dr.R.S.Bangal
Appointed as Chairman, LIC by MUHS Nashik to inspect Prakash Institute of Medical Sciences, Islampur, Sangali, for continuation of affiliation of MBBS Course, on 26.03.2018Dr.R.S.Bangal
Appointed as a Member of “Institutional Ethics Committee” (IEC), Maharashtra university of Health Sciences, Nashik on 12th April 2018, (vide MUHS letter No. MUHS/GIBN, Pune/ 491/2018 Dated 12/4/2018.)Dr.R.S.Bangal
Appointed as a Subject Expert for the ‘Orientation Program on Impact Assessment’, for deans and coordinators of all MUHS affiliated health science institutes, to be held at MUHS Nashik on 04/5/2018 to deliver a lecture on topic of “Teaching, Learning and Evaluation” (Vide MUHS letter No. MUHS/EO-2/409/2018 Dated: 11/4/2018.)Dr.R.S.Bangal
Appointed as Chairman of a committee to frame rules regarding ‘Dress Code’ for the students of medical colleges of MUHS affiliated institutes. (Vide MUHS letter No. MUHS/E-4/Degree/413/2018 Dated: 11/4/2018)Dr.R.S.Bangal
Appointed by MUHS AS Chairman of committee to draft a ‘Report Performa’For Impact Assessment of Nursing Colleges and conducted the meeting on 22/05/2018 at MUHS Regional Centre, Aundh,Pune.Dr. R.S. Bangal
Appointed as the Chairman of Employee’s Grievance Redressal Committee.w.e.f. 27/06/2018.Dr. R. S. Bangal
Appointed as a member of Quality Improvement Patient Staff Safety Committee w.e.f.02/07/2018.Dr. R. S. Bangal
Appointed as Co-ordinator of the “NABH Core Committee” of SKNMC&GH w.e.f.02/07/2018a) Dr. V. R. Agrawal was the Judge of poster competition and also chaired scientific sessions at 'Forensicon' a state level conference held at Rural Medical College, Loni Prawaranagar, date 20/08/2011 & 21/08/2011
b) Dr. A. G. Wankhede delivered a lecture at 'Forensicon' a state level conference held at Rural Medical College, Loni Prawaranagar, date 20/08/2011 & 21/08/2011, on 'Forensic Photography Resoling Dilemma on Medico legal cases.
General Medicine
Dr.Nitin Suryawanshi & Dr.Shweta Deshmukh
Attended faculty development Program on Assessment of Clinical Skills on 4th Jan.2024 between 2:00 to 4:00 pm.Dr.Jitendra Ingole, Professor & HOD
Appointed as chairman of Surprise Inspection Committee for Continuation/ Extension of Affiliation for the academic year 204-25, has conducted MUHS Surprise Inspection at H.B.T Medical College & Dr.R.N.Cooper Municipal Hospital, Mumbai on 10.04.2024Dr.Shweta Deshmukh Associate Professor
Appointed as Committee Member of Surprise Inspection Committee for Continuation/ Extension of Affiliation for the academic year 204-25, has conducted MUHS Surprise Inspection at J.J.Medical College Mumbai on 11/01/2024Dr.D.D.Munde, Professor
Appointed as Committee Member of Surprise Inspection Committee for Continuation/ Extension of Affiliation for the academic year 204-25, has conducted MUHS Surprise Inspection at Atal Bihari Vajpaye homeopathic College Newasa, Ahmed Nagar on 10.01.2024Dr.Gajanan Kurundkar
Attended the second contact session of the 14th Advance course in Medical Education (Batch 2023 B) held from 12th to 15th Jan. 2024 at GSMC-KEMH NMC Nodel Centre, MumbaiDr.Gajanan Kurundkar
Presented e- poster titled :A Prospective Study of Objective Structured Long Examination Record (OSLER) – a Tool for formative Assessment in Medicine for Final year MBBS students compared with Conventional Long Case Examination”. From 12th to 15th Jan.2024 at GSMC- KEMHDr.Gajanan Kurundkar
Has participated as recourse faculty in Basic Course in Medical Education conducted at SKNMC & GH from 30th Jan. 2024 to 1st Feb.2024.Dr.Rushikesh Deshpande
Has attended Basic Course in Medical Education conducted at SKNMC & GH from 30th Jan. 2024 to 1st Feb.2024.Dr.D.B.Kadam
Conducted a training session for Physicians and Clinians of State on topic of “Clinical Management of Dengue and Malaria”on 11th & 12th Jan.2024Dr.Khalid Khatib
Took Lecture on “Clinical Management of Dengue and Malaria in State Level Workshop on Clinical Management of Dengue & Malaria on 23rd Feb.2024Dr.Jitendra Ingole
Attended Curriculum Implementation Support Program – III (CISP-III) conducted by NMC Regional Centre Institute of Medical Education technology & Teachers training from 27th to 28th Feb.2024, MUHS NashikDr.D.B.Kadam
Attended 50th Annual Conference of the Research Society , B.J. Medical College, Pune as chairperson on 14th March 2024Dr.D.B.Kadam
Attended Chellaram Diabetes Institutes 8th International Diabetes Summit as chairperson from 15th March to 17th March 2024Dr. Jitendra Ingole
Attended Chellaram Diabetes Institutes 8th International Diabetes Summit as chairperson from 15th March to 17th March 2024Dr.D.B.Kadam
Took lecture at Lipid Association of India 2024, on 16th to 17th March 2024Dr.Abhijit Pundkar
Has successfully completing Basic Course in Biomedical Research in Feb.2024.Dr.D.B.Kadam
Attended as member of Local Inquiry Committee Inspection to grant – First Time Affiliation for B.Sc Nursing College at Sakhar Kamgar Trust’s Seva Nursing College, Shrirampur, Ahmednagar. On 28th March 2024Dr.Khalid Khatib
1. Organized 19th Annual Intensive Care PG Refresher Course as Secretary ISCCM Pune Branch, at Pune on 15th March 2024 2. Was Faculty at 19th Annual Intensive Care PG refresher Course & conducted a lecture on “community Acquired Pneumonia: Assessment & Treatment at Pune on 15th March 2024. 3. was cp- faculty at webinar titled “Sarcopenia in critically ill” & took part in panel discussion on 15th Mar.2024.Dr.Dr.Jitendra Ingole, Dr.Shweta Deshmukh, Dr.Vilas Singare, Dr.Sukhadeo Phule & Dr.Abhishek Choure
Have participated as Faculty Instructor in “Basic Life Support & Advanced Cardiac Life Support (BLS & ACLS)Course” conducted on 15th & 16th April 2024Dr.D.B.Kadam
Has contributed as faculty in the LAICON NATIONAL 2024 held on 16th & 17th March 2024 at Pune.Dr.Gajanan Kurundkar
Has attended The Curriculum Implementation Support Program III conducted by NMC Regional Centre IMETTT from 25th to 26th April 2024 at MUHS, Nashik.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Has participated as a faculty in EUROASIA 2024 Advance Critical Care Ultrasound/ ECHO Workshop held from 22nd to 23rd June 2024 at Bengaluru.Dr.Jitendra Ingole
Has attended & participated as a Speaker 8th International Diabetes Experts Consortium from 5th to 7th July 2024.Dr.Yogesh Rasal
Has successfully completed Basic Course in Biomedical Research in July 2024.Dr.Ajinkya Maurya, Dr.Udayan Mantri & Dr.Alisha Sayyad
Has successfully completed Basic Course in Biomedical Research in July 2024Dr.Gajanan Kurundkar
Has Conducted Assessment of General Medicine Department at a hospital in Pune, Maharashtra on 30th Aug.2024.
Dr.Jitendra Ingole, & Dr.Sukhadeo Phule
Have participated as Faculty Instructor in “Basic Life Support & Advanced Cardiac Life Support (BLS & ACLS)Course” conducted on 20th & 21st Aug. 2024
Dr.Jitendra Ingole, & Dr.Sukhadeo Phule
Have participated as Faculty Instructor in “Basic Life Support Workshop” conducted on 13 September 2024.
Dr.Yogesh Rasal
Took Awareness session on Post Covid Health Care Awareness Program at SCOE Vadagaon on 24th Sept.2024
Dr.Jitendra Ingole
Has participated as Moderator (Panel Discussion Inflammatory Arthritis with Pharmaco Kinetics) in the 5th Annual Conference of Research society of SKNMC Pune on 20th & 21st Sept.2024
Dr.Jitendra Ingole
Has participated as Chairperson (Inauguration Ceremony and Keynote address) in the 5th Annual Conference of Research society of SKNMC Pune on 20th & 21st Sept.2024
Dr.Nitin Suryawanshi
Has participated as Chairperson (Robotic Surgery in Orthopaedics) in the 5th Annual Conference of Research society of SKNMC Pune on 20th & 21st Sept.2024
Has participated as Chairperson (Symposium topic: Osteoporosis) in the 5th Annual Conference of Research society of SKNMC Pune on 20th & 21st Sept.2024
Dr.Kurundkar Gajanan
Has participated as Chairperson (Essentials of Knee Strengthening) in the 5th Annual Conference of Research society of SKNMC Pune on 20th & 21st Sept.2024
Dr.Soham Kadam
Has participated as Moderator (Pannel Discussion Inflammatory Arthritis with Pharmaco Kinetics) in the 5th Annual Conference of Research society of SKNMC Pune on 20th & 21st Sept.2024
Dr.Jitendra Ingole
Attended 2nd Maha Endocrine Society Conference- MAHA ENDOCON 2024 as a faculty on 29th, 30th Nov & 1st Dec 2024 at the Pune.
Attended 2nd Maha Endocrine Society Conference- MAHA ENDOCON 2024 as a faculty on 29th, 30th Nov & 1st Dec 2024 at the Pune.
Attended Scientific Writing Workshop on November 21, 2024 at BJMC Pune.
Attended Academic Council meeting scheduled on 27th November, 2024
Dr.Khalid Khatib
Participated as a faculty in 7th Annual Conference of the Society of Neurocritical Care, SNCC 2024 held at Mumbai on 21st & 22nd Sept.2024
Dr.Khalid Khatib
Participated as a faculty in 19th Annual Conference of the Indian Society for Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition – ISPEN 2024 held at Pune on 30th & 1st Dec. 2024
Dr.Khalid Khatib
Participated as a faculty in CPD Workshop Crtical Care Nursing Workshop held on 21st Nov. 2024
Dr.Khalid Khatib
Participated as a faculty in Renal Replacement Therapy Workshop 2024 held on 5th & 6th Oct. 2024
Dr.Khalid Khatib
Participated as a faculty in Organ Donation Summit held on 4th & 5th Oct. 2024
Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was faculty at “the Sepsis Update 2024” held on 20th December 2024 at Muscat, The Sultanate of Oman. He was chairperson for lecture on advances in Source control and also Expert Panelist for the Panel Discussion on “Rapid Diagnostics: to choose from the myriad options.
Attended Annual Research Day Meeting of P D Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Center [PDHNHMRC], Mumbai on 13th and 14th December 2024
Dr.Pranav Sawant, Dr.Saurabh Padole, Dr.Alisha Sayyad, Dr.Udayan Mantri, Dr.Simran Dadhe, Dr.Tushar Waghmare, Dr.Aniket Jaybhaye, Dr.Pranav Shelke & Dr.Ajinkya Maurya
Completed Hospital Infection Control Certificate Course.Dr.Jitendra Ingole Professor & HOD
Organized session on “How to attempt Practical Examination” for Final MBBS Students on 7th Feb.2023.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Has participated as Conference Faculty in the 29th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine held from 24th to 26th Feb. 2023 at Indore.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Dr.Khalid Khatib won Presidential citation Award Criticare 2023 in the 29th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine held from 24th to 26th Feb. 2023 at IndoreDr.Jitendra Ingole
Has participated as Faculty in the 7th International Diabetes Summit-2023 10th -12th March 2023Dr.Shreyas Birar & Dr.Shubham Gaonkar
Have won Third prize in tough and intensly competitive KAPICON Conference Quiz at Kolhapur.Dr.D.B.Kadam
a. attended Meeting of Board of Studies in Medical Faculty constituted under Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University), Loni, on 10th April 2023b. attended as a Faculty MID Term DFSICON 2023 Pune of Diabetic Foot Society of Indian on 2nd April 2023. Topic: Why it’s important to learn diabetic Foot in India.
c. attended as a Chairperson for 49th Annual Conference of Research society at B.J.Government Medical College Pune on 19th April 2023 .He Chaired the session of “The Chemo free world of Blood Cancers”.
Dr.Khalid Khatib
Has participated as Faculty in Euroasia 2023 held on 10th & 11th June 2023 in Mumbai.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Has participated as a faculty Member in Mechanical Ventilation Workshop held on 5th & 6th July 2023.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Has participated as organizing Member of 11th Annual International Best of Brussels Symposium on Intensive Care & Emergency Medicine Held on 7th , 8th & 9th July 2023.Dr.Gajanan Kurundkar
Has attended Advance MET Course on 17th to 21st July 2023.Dr.Supriya Patil (Junior Resident- II)
Has successfully completed BCBR Certificate course in July 2023.Dr.Jitendra Ingole
Was resource faculty for Rational Antimicrobial use- Right Drug for Right Bug organized by Department of Microbiology, SKNMC & GH on 27th July 2023.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was awarded APICS 2023 Education Award at APICS 2023 held from 18 th to 20th Aug.2023 at Singapore. He also participated as Faculty in BRITE 2023 (Case Based Review in Critical Care Medicine for the Examinee) held from 25th to 27th August 2023.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was associate editor of a book titled critical care MCQs Problem based learning.. He is also section editor for sections Transplant “Nutrition” in book ISCCM Textbook of Critical Care Medicine.Dr.D.B.Kadam
Attended Academic Council Meeting on 04.09.2023 at 11.30 AM at MUHS Nashik.Dr.Jitendra Ingole & Dr.Yogesh Rasal
Attended CISP Workshop on 12th & 13th Sept.2023 conducted at SKNMC & GH Pune .Dr.Chirag Bhandari, Dr.Shubham Tarapure & Dr.Aditi Bawa
Has participated in Poster Completion and got 1st Prize on 21/09/2023 in National Medical Commission “ Patient Safety Program Celebration”17th to 25th Sept.2023 at SKNMC & GH (Guide: Dr.Ingole Professor & HOD Medicine)Dr.Shubham Gaonkar and Dr.Shreyash Birar
Have got second prize in Rheumatology State Level Quiz conducted by Indian Rheumatology Association (IRA) on 13th Sept.2023Dr Jitendra Ingole
Secured FIRST prize in Paper Presentation at 4th Annual Research society conference of SKNMC on 7 October 2023.Dr.Yogesh Rasal
Successfully completed the certification course in Palliative Care Medicine by PALLIUM INDIA Trivandrum.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was subject expert for conducting the interview for teaching posts to be filled in the department of General Medicine at “Prakash Institute of Medical Sciences &Research, Islampur on 01/09/2023.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was MUHS appointed inspector and conducted inspection to give consent of affiliation to the University for increase in intake of M.D. General Medicine course at Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s Medical College & Hospital, Ahmednagar on 07/09/2023.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was faculty at Expert colloguim on supplemental Parenteial Nutrition held at Pune on 21/09/2023.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was examiner for IDCCM exams conducted ISCCM held at Pune on 23-24/09/2023.Dr.Khalid khatib
Was faculty at PERT Update 2023 held at Pune on 15/10/2023. He was part of Panel discussion on Massive DVT.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was PG examiner for MD Medicine at D.Y.Patil Medical College, Nerul on 16/10/2023 at Nerul, Navi Mumbai.Dr.Khalid Khatib
was faculty at symposium on Antibiotic Update & was panelist on case discussion of Community Acquired Pneumonia held on 5th Nov.2023 held at Hotel Sayaji, Pune.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was Faculty at 11th Maharashtra State Critical Care Medicine Conference held at Nashik, between 24th to 26th Nov.2023. He was faculty in Mechanical Ventilation workshop and trauma workshop.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was Faculty at 18th AnnualConference of Indian Society for parenteral and Eternal Nutrition (ISPEN) held at Mumbai from 24th to 26th Nov.2023. He was part of panel discussion on Nutrition guidelines- controversy.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was Faculty at The Virtual Critical Care Clinics on 30th Nov.2023. He was moderator for the session on sepsis Management Current concepts and approach to MDR infections in ICU.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was faculty at International Expert Meet on Difficult Airway Management and Pulmonary care held at Colombo, Sri Lanka from 1st to 3rd Dec.2023. He was part of panel discussion on VAP prevention.Dr.Jitendra Ingole
Has attended the Basic Course in Medical Education conducted by NMC Regional Centre Institute of Medical Education Technology & Teachers’ Training from 4th Dec.2023 to 6th Dec.2023 at MUHS, Nashik.Dr.Nitin Suryawanshi
Has participated in the national symposium on Role of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in Quality Enhancement held on 9th Dec.2023 at MIMER Medical College Latur.Dr.Kishor Pawar
Successfully completing Basic Course in Biomedical Research on 24th Dec.2023Dr.Khalid Khatib
Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the The Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM), Pune Branch, to Dr.Khalid Khatib for his Dedication and Service provided to the Public and Society, in the fight against COVID 19.Dr.D.B.Kadam
Participated as speaker in Integrate 2022, held on27th March 2022.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the The Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM), Pune Branch, to Dr.Khalid Khatib for his Contribution to Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine as Secretary – Pune Branch.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the The Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM), Pune Branch, to Dr.Khalid Khatib for recognition as examiner for the CTCCM Examination conducted by Indian College of Critical Care Medicine.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the The Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM), Pune Branch, to Dr.Khalid Khatib for recognition as examiner for the IDCCM Examination conducted by Indian College of Critical Care Medicine.Dr.Jitendra Ingole
Participated as Chairperson for Session in 6th International Diabetes summit 2022, Pune on 4th to 6th March 2022.Dr.Jitendra Ingole (Professor& HOD)
Has successfully completed Ethics Review of Health Research NIE-ICMR e-Certificate course in July 2022.Dr.Abhishek Choure (Junior Resident)
Has successfully completed Ethics Review of Health Research NIE-ICMR e-Certificate course in July 2022.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was member of organizing Committee of 10th Annual International Best of Brussels Conference held at Pune from 13th to 17th July 2022.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Was Associate Editor of the Book Manual of Oxygen Therapy Published by Jaypee Brother Medical Publishers Book ISBN No- 978-93-5465-655-2.Dr.D.B.Kadam
Attended as Chairperson for Lecture Series IDEC 2022, which is held on 5th to 7th August 2022 at Symbiosis University, Pune.Dr.Vrushali Wagh
Passed MUHS Fellowship Course in Rheumatology.Dr.Abhishek Choure
Had successfully completing Basic Course in Biomedical Research.Dr.Radheya Khalate
Had successfully completing Basic Course in Biomedical Research.Dr.Piyush Agrawal
Had successfully completing Basic Course in Biomedical Research.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Attended as a faculty in the Basic / Advanced Workshop on Mechanical Ventilation held on 20th & 21st Aug. 2022 at Aurangabad.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Has participated as faculty in the SEPSISCON 2022 held on 17th to 18th Sept. 2022on Virtual platform.Dr.Dileep B Kadam
Took GUEST LECTURE SERIES KAIVALYADHAMA OUTREACH On Complimentary Therapies For HIV DATE: 25th September 2022 Time 5.00 pm .Dr.Shweta Deshmukh
Completed IDCCM course September 2022.Dr.Abhijit Chavan (Junior Resident- 3)
Has successfully Completed Ethics Review of Health Research (NIE- ICMR e- Certificate Course: NIeCer102) in Nov.2022Dr. D.B.Kadam (Professor)
Has participated as Faculty- Speaker in the MAPCON 2022 on 11th to 13th Nov.2022 Topic: Approach to Viral Pneumonia.Dr.Gajanan Kurundkar (Professor)
Has participated as Coordinator of Paper and Poster Presentation in MAPCON 2022 on 11th to 13th Nov.2022.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Attended “Mahacriticon – 2022” at Jalgaon from 18th -20th November as Faculty Took lectures on 1. Managing Trouble shooting in mechanically ventilated patient. 2. Acute Fulminant Hepatic Failure & Management 3. Newer Modes of Mechanical Ventilation 4. 10 commandments in ARDSDr.Khalid Khatib
Attended as organizing Committee and faculty comprehensive Neurocritical Care Course 2022 held from 5th to 6th Nov.2022 at Pune lecture taken 1. PBLD – Meningitis & Encephalitis 2. PBLD – Renal Problems (AKI)Dr.Khalid Khatib
Attended as Faculty 2nd world conference on Comprehensive Critical Care 9W4C) at Bareilly & JIM Corbett on 13th & 14th Oct.2022 Lectures on 1. Graphics 2. BPF 3. Panel Discussion on “Handling complicated Tropical Fever Deluge in ICU.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Attended as Chairperson 3rd Annual Conference of Research Society on 30th September& 1st October 2022 at Pune.Dr.Jitendra Ingole Professor & HOD
Has participated as Chairperson in the 56th Annual Conference Indian College of Allergy, Asthma and Applied Immunology”ICAAICON 2022” on 16th – 18th December 2022.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Attended as faculty 4th Conference of Nepalese Society of Critical Care Medicine (NSCCM) & 22nd Congress of Asia Pacific Association of Critical Care Medicine (APACCM) at Kathmandu, Nepal on 2nd to 4th Dec.2022. He gave Lectures on “Critical Illness Myopathy and another Lecture on “ Total Parenteral Nutrition Initiation & Discontinuation”.Dr.D.B.Kadam
Joint Organizing chairman & faculty from 1st Dec.2022 to 4th Dec.2022. Indian Society of Nephrology Conference at Pune.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Received presidential Citation Award 2020 for dedicated and outstanding contribution to ISCCM at 27th Annual Conference of ISCCM Criticare 2021- Virtual Conference on 27th Feb.2021Dr. Jitendra Ingole(Professor, MD Medcine)
On the occasion of world stroke day, an undergraduate Stroke Symposium competition was organized by the Department of Medicine and Department of Neurology at Bharti Hospital, Pune on 29th October 2021. Six colleges participated in this competition. Apoorv Nimbvikar (Final Year MBBS) and Yash Pargaonkar (Final Year MBBS) represented Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital. They presented the topic “Stroke in the Anterior and Posterior Circulation” and were guided in their preparation by Dr. Jitendra Ingole(Professor, MD Medcine) They won the first prize for their presentation which included a trophy and a cash prize.Dr.Siddharth Nimal
Has won Case presentation competition with First rank in the Internation Medical Conference Respirate 2021 at B.J.Medical College & Sassoon General Hospitals, Pune 29th Dec.2021. Topic: Cynosure .Dr.Khalid Khatib
Took Lecture on “Organ Transplantation “at 75th Platinum Jubilee of Annual Conference of the Association of Physicians of Indian on 6th to 9th Jan.2020 at Agra.Dr.D.B.Kadam
won “Master Teacher” award on 08th Jan. 2020 awarded by The Association of Physicians of India in recognition and appreciation for the outstanding contribution towards the Medical Education at Agra.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Won “Fellowship” in recognition and appreciation for the outstanding contribution towards the Association of Physicians of India on 7th Jan 2020Dr.S.M.Bhat
Won 1st Prize in Paper presentation at International Conference on “Lokmanya Tilak – Maker of Modern India” (Swasthyayog) on 23rd Jan.2020Topic:- Exploring Ancient Science of Yoga in the management of Stress with the help of modern Gadget – Heart Rate Variability
Dr.Dhairyasheel Patil (Junior Resident – 3)
Won “Award of the Tata Trusts Medical and Healthcare Scholarships for the Year 2019-2020”from Tata Development and Education Trust at 28th Jan.2020Dr.Owez Virani (Junior Resident – 3)
won “Award of the Tata Trusts Medical and Healthcare Scholarships for the Year 2019-2020”from Tata Development and Education Trust at 28th Jan.2020Dr.Khalid Khatib
Dr.Khalid Khatib won Presidential Citation Award at CRITICARE 2020, 26th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine, Held at Hyderabad from 26th February to 1st March.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Conferred Fellowship of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (FICCM)at CRITICARE 2019Dr.Dileep Kadam
Dr.Dileep Kadamhas participated as Chairperson at 3rd International Diabetes Summit 2019 From 8th Mar. to 10th Mar.2019 at PuneDr.Shreepad Bhat
Dr.Shreepad Bhat has participated as Chairperson at 3rd International Diabetes Summit 2019 From 8th Mar. to 10th Mar.2019 at Pune.Dr.Prachee Makashir
Dr.Prachee Makashir has participated as Chairperson at 3rd International Diabetes Summit 2019 From 8th Mar. to 10th Mar.2019 at Pune.Dr.Owez Virani
Won 1st prize in paper presentation at 5th Annual Conference of Aia Care DIACON on 27th to 29th Sept. 2019 at Ahmedabad, GujaratTopic:- QTc prolongation: As an indicator of Cardiac autonomic neuropathy.
Dr.Dhairyasheel Patil
Won “Young Scientist Award”at 21st Century Trends In Medical Education and Sciences 2019 International Conference, AIMST University Penang, Malaysia at 10th to 12th Oct.2019Dr.Sukhadeo Phule
Passed out CTCCM Course of ISCCM in Oct.2019Dr.Dnyaneshwar Cheke, Dr.Taseen Mustafa & Dr.Abhishek Agiwal
Won 2nd prize in API Quiz on 22nd December 2019 at Pune.Dr.Ashpak Shaikh
Won 1st prize outside institute for poster presentation at 44th Annual Conference of the Research society of BJMC & SGH held at Sasoon Hospital Pune. Dated 21st Feb. 2018 Topic:- MRI Brain in Evaluation of Late Onset Epilepsy.Dr.Pratik Wadhokar
Won 3rd prize in E- Poster presentation in 24th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine & 3rd Biannual Conference of Association of SAARC Critical Care Societies at Varanasi from 7th to 9th March 2018.Topic:-Correlation of olatelet count and Bipolar spleen size with oesophageal varices in patients of liver cirrhosis.Dr.Abhijit Chavan
Won 2nd prize in Case presentation at Mediace 2018 on 10th &11th Aug.2018.Topic:- A case of Hypokalemia Paralysis:Intractable scerario and rare cause.Dr.Siddharth Wable
Won 1st prize in Emconnect Online Quiz Diabetology at 4th Oct.2018.Dr.Owez Virani
won 2nd Prize in oral paper presentation in MAPCON 2018 at 27th Oct. 2018 at Solapur.Topic:- QTc prolongation:- As an indicator of cardiac Autonomic neuropathy in patients of type II Diabetes Mellitus.
Dr.Pratik Wadhokar
Won 2nd prize in ORAL Paper Presentation in the Clinical Diabetes session during the International Diabetes Summit 2017, for paper titled “Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy & Silent Myocardial Ischemia in type II Diabetes Mellitus - a Pilot study on 10th to 12th Mar. 2017Dr.S.M.Bhat, Dr.Dileep Kadam ,Dr.Khalid Khatib
Has participated as Faculty at workshop on Critical Care Skills for Physicians in 7th Annual conference of MAPCON 2017.Organized by Association of Physicians Nashik Held between 6th to 8th Oct.2017 at Nashik.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Participated as Faculty at workshop on Mechanical Ventilation at MAHACRITICON 2017 at Solapur on 17th Nov.2017.Dr.Khalid Khatib
Won 2nd prize in free papers oral presentation category at Diacon 2017 at Ahmadabad from 24th to 26th Nov. 2017.Title: Use of Glucometrics in MICU & SICU.Dr. Prachee Makashir, Asso. Prof.
Won prize in the essay competition on Yoga arranged on occasion of "International Yoga Day" on 21st June 2016. Topic - "Yoga Way of Life".Dr.Rajesh Karekar
Won the 1st prize Echo quiz competition conducted at "Echocardiography Conference at Pune on 20/03/2016.Dr.Tanvee Kulkarni
2nd Prize in International students conference held in Delhi,Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College on 10 Aug,2013 Guide-Dr Shreepad Bhat (prof and Held)Dr.Prachee Majkashir,Asso Prof.Dr.Jitendra Ingole, (Asso Prof)
Dr.Jitendra Ingole, (Asso Prof) on first Prize in clinical quiz competition held at Hypertension Conclave 2013 at Pune on 24th Nov,2013.Mr. Reinhard Bogle(Professor)
Department of Medicine in collaboration with Department of Physiology organized the inauguration of a highly equipped skill enhancement zone and Yoga research Lab with auspicious hands of German Adj.Professor ,Mr. Reinhard Bogle on 14th Dec 2013.The lab is situated near ICU complex in building no.3.The lab is equipped for sleep study, Video EEG,2 D Echo, Holder Monitoring, Stress test, and physiological parameters neurological, cardiac, Autonomic and other physiological parameters evolution of patients as well as for research purpose.Prof Y.D. Singh
(Book Contribution)1. Drowning and Near Drowning.In Siddharth N Shah.ed. Association of Physicians of India Text Book of Medicine (IX edition).
2. “Pathophysiology of Community Acquired Pneumonia”-Contribution to Special Issue of ‘Journal of Association of Physician of India’ 2011.
Prof B.B.Sanas
(Book Contribution)1) Home Care for HIV/AIDS Patient, 1St edition. 2008)
2) HIV/AIDS booklet for truckers (Hindi Version)
CME on Vertigo with Dept of ENT and physiotherapy-Medicine faculty Speaker
Dr. Neeta Pradhan and Dr. Prachee Deshpande
Dr. Neeta Pradhan and Dr. Prachee Deshpande participated as Faculty in WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION CME on 'Emerging & Re-emerging Infectious diseases, Epidemic & Pandemic Preparedness and Response' organized on 13 & 14th September 2012.Dr Jitendra Ingole, MD (Associate Prof)
Has been appointed as Consultant, Regional Centre (West) by Fluorosis Foundation Of India (FFI).General Surgery
Dr.Vasundhara Mokashi PG Resident
Won “ PRADHNYA THOPHY”award for poster presentation in “ 4th ANNUAL CONFERENCE RESEARCH SOCIETY OF SKNMC,PUNE”Dr.Snehal Purandare (Prof.&HOD)
Attended ‘ Basic Course in Medical Education ‘ NMC Regional Centre Institute of Medical Education Technology & Teachers Training at MUHS, Nashik from 04.12.2023 to 06.12.2023Dr. Anainah Patel PG Student
PG Student Batch-2019 achieved BEST OUTGOING PG STUDENT Award year 2022.Dr. Lizelle Rodrigues (PG –III)
Achieved 1st Prize for Paper Presentation- 2nd Virtual Annual Research Society Conference, SKNMC &GH ,Pune held on 6th & 7th August 2021.Dr. Anainah Patel (PG –III)
Achieved 2nd Prize for Paper Presentation- 2nd Virtual Annual Research Society Conference, SKNMC &GH ,Pune held on 6th & 7th August 2021.Dr. Rizwanuddin Khwaja (PG –III)
Achieved 1st Prize for Poster Presentation- 2nd Virtual Annual Research Society Conference, SKNMC &GH ,Pune held on 6th & 7th August 2021.Dr.Lizelle Amanda (PG Student)
Brusary Award in the Young Scholar Catagory at the AMASICON 2021.Dr.Sanober Sheikh (JR-I)
Won 1st Prize for Poster Presentation at MASICON 2020 at Amravati.Dr.Apoorva Sharma (JR-III)
Won 1st Prize for Poster Presentation in Research Society Conference, 17 & 18/02/ 2020 at SKNMCGH, Pune .Dr. Anandita Desai (PG - III)
Achieved 3rd Prize for National level quiz competition- National Talent Search for Plastic Surgery- 14th July 2019 in Ganga Hospital Coimbatore.Dr. Asmita Patil (PG - II)
Achieved 2nd Prize for Case Presentation “A large Plunging ranula”. MEDIACE-2019.Dr. Bhagyashri Talele (PG - III)
Achieved 2nd Prize for Paper Presentation “A Novel Technique of Reduction clitoroplasty”. MEDIACE-2018.Dr.Poorna Shetti (PG-II)
Achieved 3rd Prize For Case Presentation “Rare case Malignant Proliferating Trichilemmal Tumor ” MEDIACE-2018.Dr.Apoorva Makan (PG student)
won 1st prize for case presentation in Mediace-2017,SKNMC, pune.Dr.Abhishek Barve (PG Student)
Won 2nd paper presentation in Mediace-2017,SKNMC, pune.Dr. Bhagyashri Talele (PG Student)
Won 1st prize Poster presentation in Mediace-2017,SKNMC, puneDr.Apoorva Makan (JR-II)
Won 2nd prize in paper presentation in Mediace-2016.Dr.Raunak Shewale ,
INVENTUM 2016 at Loni(Ahmednagar)31st March - 1st April,2016.Dr. Apoorva Makan (JR-II)
Won 2nd prize in paper presentation in Mediace-2016.Dr.Ashish Yevale (PG student)
Won 1st prize for paper on GIST in national conference Mediace 2015 in pune.Dr.Ajay Naik (Prof.&HOD) & Dr.S.N.Purandare (Professor)
Invited as a faculty in woundcon 2014 at D.Y.Patil Medical College, Pimpri Chincwad and O G Junction 2014 at Surya Hospital,Pune.-Dec.2014.Dr. Prasanna Yavalkar
Was invited to speak on ‘Role of Lap Cholecystectomy for GB Dyskinesia’ at annual conference of society of Laproscopic surgeons at Boston USA.Dr.Prasanna Yavalkar
Was invited in hernia society conference in Honkong.Dr. Prasana Yavalkar
Was invited in hernia society conference in Hong kongMicrobiology
Dr. Vrishali Muley
Certified professional For Hospital Infection Control (CPHIC BASIC), after successful completion of online training program held on 10 Aug 2024.
Dr.Ratna Prasad
Has secured 2nd place in the Paper presentation competition-Faculty at the 4th Annual Conference of Research Society of SKNMC, Pune on 6th &7th October2023.Dr.Archana Tandale
Research awards- 2022 Best Editor IP International Journal of Medical Microbiology and Tropical Disease an Official journal of KERF.Dr. Sachinkumar Wankhede, Prof & Head
Was invited as Judge for paper presentation at MAHAMICROCON XXVI-Maharashtra Chapter conference of IAMM held at BJ Government Medical College, Pune on 17th & 18th September 2022.Dr. Muley Vrishali -Professor
Was invited as Judge for poster presentation at MAHAMI CROCON XXVI-Maharashtra Chapter conference of IAMM held at BJ Government Medical College, Pune on 17th & 18th September 2022.Dr. Muley Vrishali -Professor
Was invited as Judge for poster presentation at MAHAMI CROCON XXVI-Maharashtra Chapter conference of IAMM held at BJ Government Medical College, Pune on 17th & 18th September 2022.Dr. Archana Tandale
Associate Prof was invited as Judge for paper presentation at MAHAMICROCON XXVI-Maharashtra Chapter conference of IAMM held at BJ Government Medical College, Pune on 17th & 18th September 2022.Dr Ranta Prasad
Basic course in Biomedical Research .Dr.Archana Choure
Received prize in Mycology Quiz conducted by Indian Society of Medical Mycologist (ISMM).Dr. Rajeev Saxena
Attended by 10th &11th 2017 Notation Conference of Health Professional Education 2017 ,at jorhat assam as a chair person for IPE session Poster presentation on faculty perception on workshopsDr. S.V.Wankhede is a Member of editorial board for internationally index journal Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research.
Dr. S.V.Wankhede is a Member of Medical Education Unit of at SKNMC&GH ,Narhe ,Pune.
Dr.V.A.Muley is reviewer for Journal of Medical & Dental sciences
Dr. Archana Choure was Subject expert on judging panel for National level Quiz Genesis in MediACE 2016.
Dr. Archana Choure .Ist prize in the Quiz competition held at CME on Infections diseases organized by Golwilkar Metropoils on 18th &19th June 2016 at Pune.
Ms. Deepali Kamble .Ist prize in the Quiz competition held at CME on Infections diseases organized by Golwilkar Metropoils on 18th &19th June 2016 at Pune.
Dr. D.P. Ghadage, HOD- Microbiology, received 3rd prize in the category of publications done in the last five years (Total no. of publications- 33), in National level conference, MediAce , SKNMC &GH.
Dr. S.V.Wankhede received Best Teacher Award by Shivpratap Foundation, Pune.
Dr. T.R.Patil, Post graduate student received 1st Prize in Poster competition for the poster titled the study of Acinetobacter in tertiary care Hospital: To prevent of Emergence of Multidrug resistance in State level conference HIV CON -2015 held at SKNMC & GH, Narhe, Pune.
Successfully Participated in External quality assessment scheme (EQAS) -in clinical microbiology and serology under the auspices of the IAMM.
Successfully Participated in External quality assessment scheme ( EQAS)of Mycology conducted by centre of advance research in Medical Mycology & WHO collaborating Centre Department of Medical Microbiology ,Postgraduate institute of medical education and research, Chandigarh
Participated in External quality assessment scheme (EQAS) of Parasitology conducted by Indian academy of tropical Parasitology (IATP) JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Dr.V.A.Muley is reviewer for Journal of Medical & Dental sciences.
Dr. S.V.Wankhede is a Member of editorial board for internationally index journal Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research.
Dr. S.V.Wankhede is a Member of Medical Education Unit of at SKNMC&GH ,Narhe ,Pune
Successfully Participated in External quality assessment scheme( EQAS) -in clinical microbiology and serology under the auspices of the IAMM .
Successfully Participated in External quality assessment scheme ( EQAS)of Mycology conducted by centre of advance research in Medical Mycology & WHO collaborating Centre Department of Medical Microbiology ,Postgraduate institute of medical education and research, Chandigarh
Participated in External quality assessment scheme (EQAS) of Parasitology conducted by Indian academy of tropical Parasitology (IATP) JIPMER, Pondicherry.
Dr.V.A.Muley is reviewer for Journal of Medical & Dental sciences.
Dr. S.V.Wankhede is a Member of editorial board for internationally index journal Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research.
Dr. S.V.Wankhede, is a Member of Medical Education Unit of at SKNMC&GH ,Narhe ,Pune
Dr. S.V.Wankhede, invited as a resource person for Basic Workshop on medical education technology organized by Institute of Medical Education Technology & Teachers training regional centre Aundh ,Pune from 9/3/14 to 11/3/14
Dr. S.V.Wankhede as a resource person for the Workshop on (i) PPCT during Pregnancy, Delivery & Infant feeding (ii) On Antiretroviral therapy organized by NACO at Pune .
Dr. S.V.Wankhede as a resource person deleivered a lecture on ‘Laboratory diagnosis of Malaria & recent advances’ at CME on World Malaria Day Organized at SKNMC, Pune by Dept. of Medicine on 25/4/2014.
Dr. S.V.Wankhede participated in training progarmme of PLWHA on (i) ART (ii) Prevention Care & Support in HIV/AIDS organized by Family Planning Association at India at Pune on 28/04/2014.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr. Sharvari Pote JR III
Awarded “Best Paper” Presentation by FOGSI-Mrs.Indumati Jhaveri Prize at 67th AICOG Conference at Mumbai from 8 to 12 Jan.2025
???Dr. Sanika Kanhe JR III
Awarded 2nd Prize in E-Poster Presentation at 67th AICOG Conference at Mumbai from 8 to 12 Jan.2025.
Dr. Uditi Harjai JR III
Awarded by AICOG Free Paper session Award at 67th AICOG Conference at Mumbai from 8 to 12 Jan.2025
Dr. Sharvari Pote JR III
Awarded by AICOG Free Paper session Award at 67th AICOG Conference at Mumbai from 8 to 12 Jan.2025
Dr. Surekha Gawade
Invited as a Guest Lecturer at Sinhgad College of Arts & Commerce, Warje, Pune for Seminar on “ Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan”on 29.01.2024Dr. Ketaki Junnare, Dr. Shilpa Chaudhari, Dr. Sameer Darawade & Dr. Surekha Gawade
Invited as a Judge in AMOGS Conference 2024 at Westin, Pune on 15 to 18 Feb.2024Dr. Revati Rathod JR III
Awarded as 2nd prize in AMOGS Conference 2024 at Westin, Pune on 15 to 18 Feb.2024Ms. Reshma Babar
Clerk of Dept of OBGY awarded by 1st prize in Essay Writing at Organ Donation Awareness Program on 04.08.2024
Ms. Reshma Babar
Clerk of Dept of OBGY awarded by 2nd prize in Poster Presentation at Organ Donation Awareness Program on 04.08.2024
Dr. Revati Rathod & Dr Divya Menghrajani JR III
Awarded 1st prize in POGS Quiz Competition at IMA Hall Pune on 21.08.2024
Mrs.Archana Shah Social worker
Awarded by 1st prize in Essay competition conducted by Community Medicine dept on the occasion of India Space week celebration.
Dr Anjali Kadam JR
Awarded by Pradnya Trophy at 5th annual research Conference on 20 &21 Sept 2024.
Dr. Revati Rathod & Dr. Divya Menghrajani JR III
Awarded 1st Runner up in Quiz conducted by FOGSI West Zone Conference with Yuva-2024 at Aurangabad on 4 to 6 Oct 2024.
Dr. Shraddha Shastri
Attended “POGS Outreach CME” as Panelist at Hotel Deccan Pavilion, Pune on 30.05.2023Dr Surekha Gawade – Assoc. Prof
Awarded by 2nd prize in Slogan Competition on 21.09.2023.Dr. Sanika Kanhe JR I
Awarded by 1st prize in Poster Competition on 21.09.2023.Dr. Shravani Rautmare JRII
Awarded by 3rd prize in Poster presentation at ENDOART OBGY International Conference on 16 Sept.2023.UG Student Varsha Mukund Ambelar
Awarded by 1st prize in POGS – AFMC Inter-Collegiate Rotatory UG Quiz Competition held on 09 sept.2023 at AFMC, Pune in association with FOGSI Quiz Committee.Dr. Surekha Gawade Assoc. Prof
Awarded by 3rd prize in Faculty Paper presentation at 4th Annual Research Conference on 6th & 7th Oct.2023Dr. Shravani Rautmare JRII
Awarded by 2nd prize in PG Paper presentation at 4th Annual Research Conference on 6th & 7th Oct.2023.Dr. Manali Chaudhari JRII
Awarded by 3rd prize in Paper presentation at 4th Annual Research Conference on 6th & 7th Oct.2023.Dr. Divya Menghrajani JRII
awarded by 1st prize in Poster presentation at 4th Annual Research Conference on 6th & 7th Oct.2023.Dr. Sonali Ingole
Invited as speaker for guidance on topic “womens Health” under Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan scheme of Board of studentwelfare, SPPU, on 28th Feb.2022Dr. Sameer Darawade
Professor secured 1st place in the Paper presentation competition at 3rd Annual Conference of Research Society of SKNMCGH, Pune on 01.10.2022Dr. Shilpa Chaudhari
Invited as Judge for Poster Competition on 30 th Aug. 2021 (Dept.of Paediatric).Dr. Ketaki junnare, Dr. Shraddha Shastri, Dr. Sonali Ingole, Dr. Surekha Gawade
Completed Online Training Course on Basic Infertility Management for Healthcare Professional from 4th Aug. to 6th Aug. 2021Dr. Hemant Damle
Attended Revised Basic Course workshop as Faculty from 10th Aug. to 12th Aug. 2021.Dr.Kiran Khemani
Best PowerPoint presentation at “POGS Postgraduate Trophy case Presentation competition” on 23rd sept 2021 at Shereton Grand. Topic- “An unusual case of Hyperreactio luteinalis with hirsutism and hyperandrogenism ina singleton pregnancy”.Dr.G.S.Shekhawat
Teacher’s day felicitation by POGS (Pune Obst & Cynic society) to Dr.G.S.Shekhawat , Professor & HOD OBGY.Dr.Saloni Savaskar & Dr.Saloni Manwani
Achived 1st prize organized by AMOGS 2019.Topic:- Medical disorders of pregnancy.Dr.Shweta Mishra
Recived 3rd prize in paper presentation AMOGS 2019.Dr.Kalyani Pawar
Recived 3rd prize in poster presentation AMOGS 2019.Dr.Nikita Yedge
Dr.Nikita Yedge Achieved 1st Prize in Paper presentation in “TEDD ZONAL CONFERENCE BARAMATI “Dr.Arti Wagle
Achieved 1st Prize in poster presentation in “TEDD ZONAL CONFERENCE BARAMATI.Dr.Nikita Yedage, Dr.Anvita Singh, Dr.Arti Wagle
Received 1st Prize as a team for Gynaec JR- 3 Oncology quiz at AFMC, Pune.Dr.Anvita Singh, Dr.Monali Sonone
First best oral Presentation Dr.Anvita Singh & First best case Presentation Dr.Monali Sonone at POGS PG Trophy 2019.Dr.Saloni Savaskar & Dr.Saloni Manwani
Achieved 2nd Prize in Quiz organized by AMOGS 2018. Topic:- High Risk Pregnancy.Dr.Shruti Ghavane
Achieved 2nd prize in poster presentation in AMOGS 2018Topic :- Huge Ovarian cyst adenoma during First trimester of Pregnancy : a Case Report.
Dr. S. N. Chaudhari
Judge for case presentation for UG MEDIACE Aug 2016Dr.Jyotsna Potdar
Dr.Jyotsna Potdar - Pregnancy & child Birth -safe Birthing 20th & 21st Aug 2016 AMOGS WEST ZONE Organizing Secretary .Dr. Jyotsna Potdar (Associate Professor)
Certificate of appreciation for hosting and being faculty for Comprehensive Certificate Course in Diabetes in Pregnancy (DIP). Prevention, Detection and management of Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy (HIP) on 18/09/2016Invited as Jude for POGS rotating for PGs of all Medical College on 18/09/2016
Dr. Hemant Damle
Felicitation from Govt Of Maharashtra for outstanding workin the area of Family Planning PPIUCD program
to the team of Smt Kashibai Navale Medical College
on 11 Jul 2014 ( World Population Day )at Sahyadri Guest House
Malabar Hills Mumbai
Dr. Hemant Damle, Dr Shilpa Bhat and Sister Savant were present at the Function.
Chief Minister could not come so the function was presided by Health Minister Mr Shetty. Health Secretory Ms Sujata Saumik, Director NHM Dr K H Govindraj,Director Dr Satish Pawar and Additional Director VD Khanade along with UNFPA Representative were present
1. Dr. Jyostna potdar Dr Hemant damle: Time Motion of hysterolaparoscopy in endoscopy OT of a teaching institution ,Global Research Analysis, Feb -2013,Vol-2,Issue -2, ISSN No.2277-8160 . Impact factor 0.2714
2. Dr.Shilpa Bhat :Dr.Pushpalata Naphade: Case of precocious puberty dlt hypothalamic hematoma - Global Research Analysis -Impact factor of GRA -02714 ,July 2013 ,Vol-2 Issue -7.
3. Dr.Arti Shirsath Dr Vidula kulkarni: Acute uterine inversion Case report- IJAR Aug 2013 ,Valume -3 ,Issue -8 ,National Journal.
4. Dr. Neelesh Risbud : Mrs.Archana Shah(MSW): Use of exit interview of women undergoing Caesarean section for self appraisal of maternity services.International journal of scientific research ,Nov -2013,Vol-2,Issue - 11,ISSN No.2277-8179. Page No.50-51.
5. Dr. Kishor Hol : Dr.G.S.Shekhawat ; A Case of Invasive Mole with Uterine Rupture Presenting as a Hemoperitoneum Global Reasearch Analysis,.Volume -2,Issue-12,Dec-2013,ISSN No.2277-8160,PageNo-195-196.
6. Dr. Ashish Kale : Dr. G S Shekhawat : Ovarian Ectopic Pregnancy managed : A case report . Valume - 3, Issue- 12,dec-2013,ISSN No.2249-555X ,Page No. 396 -397
7. Dr Shilpa Joshi:Weightgain, correlation with obstetric outcome-Volume-3,Issue-5,May 2013,ISSN-2249-555X
Dr.Hemant Damle
1.Examiner at J.J. Hospital MUHS university for MBBS 4/5 July 2011.2. Examiner for CAP at SKNMC Pune Jul 2011
3 Faculty training for PPIUCD
Dr.Neelesh Risbud
1.Examiner at MGM university for MBBS Jan 2011.2. Examiner for CAP at SKN.
3.Examiner for CAP B.P TH
4. Ext Examiner at MUHS Exam at G.S.M.C. Mumbai.
5. Faculty for Anemia vision 2011 by Sakl foundation.
Dr.Priyamvada Shah
1. 29th March Pannel Discussion on Euhtenesia at SKN2. TB Quiz 24th March 2011.
3.Co-ordination of SBA training & BEMOC training
4.Co- ordination of UG Examination
5.Update Departmental Library .
Dr.Jyotsna Potdar
Paper Presentation1. 11th ,12th.13th Feb 2011 AMOGS
Conference + workshop Nagpur
A )Presented Paper on HPV subtype prevalence in selected women.
B) Chair Person
2nd 3rd April 2011 26 POGS CME
Paper presentation on capacity SKNMC & GH
3. Faculty on 19th June Cancer Experts on PROG or cervix.
Dr.Mukta Rayate
1. Preparation of master chart for UG Teaching.2. Paper presentation in Journal club in July 2011.
3. Talk on Pune Aakashwani in 25,26,27,28, May 2011.
Dr. Shilpa Bhat
1. Euthenesia Pannel Discussion2. 2. Post partum IUD Insertion programme at SKN 4th May 2011.
3. 17ht May 2011 Critical Care Seminar at SKN Auditorium.
4. Paper presentation In Journal club on 30th July 2011
5. Checking & Maintaining MTP,TL Register.
Dr. Prachi Joshi
1. Pannel Discussion 29 th March 2011.2. Post partum IUD Insertion programme at SKN 4th May 2011.
3. World TB Day TB quiz attendance 24.03.2011.
4. Maintaining MTP ,TL forms
5. Gyn OT Supervision.
Dr .Sonali Ingole
1. Pannel Discussion on Ethunesia at SKN 29th March 2011.Dr.Pramod Tajane
Passed Part -1MRCOG (UK)March 2011.
Department museum update & conducting UG practical exams
Participated in departmental clinical presentation (journal club)
Dr.Gulab Singh Shekhawat
1. Dept Portfolio for UG training programme2. VIth Term inter college competition on fertility to infertility helped in preparation of debate and students won first prize.
3. Faculty for colposcopy at SKN
Dr.Ketaki Junnare
1. Coordination of UG exam2.preparation of question bank for UG
3. Gyn ward supervision
Dr. Arti Shirsath
1. ANM teaching2. Physiotherapy Teaching
3. Museum Specimen & Charts .
4. Maintenance of MTP & TL register
Dr. Chandni Badlani
1st prize in scientific paper presentation “Ovarian Malignancy”.???????Dr Anjali Kadam JR
- Awarded by Pradnya Trophy at 5th annual research Conference on 20 &21 Sept2024
Dr.Veerendra Godbole Professor
Jan. 2025 cleared FRCS Ophthalmology Examination of Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow, UK
Dr.Keya Shahani JR-2
Has participated in ESCALDES 2024 owned 1st prize in Girls Doubles Table Tennis at SKNMC &GH Pune.Dr.Keya Shahani JR-2
Has participated in ESCALDES 2024 owned 2nd prize in Girls singles Table Tennis at SKNMC &GH Pune.Dr.Srushti Kolte (JR 3)
Passed International Council of Ophthalmology Exam 2024 Part -A (Visual Sciences).
Dr.Shashank Ghawate
Participated in Basic Course in Medical Education conducted by NMC Regional / Nodal Centre MUHS Nashik on 09/07/2024 to 11/07/2024 .Dr.Stuti Agarwal
Completed the WETLAB Course as a Trainee Course Name – SICS, Phaco organized in CCC2024, the 1st Zonal Conference (West) held on 17th – 18th Aug. 2024 at Jio World Convention Centre, Mumbai.
Dr.Divya Thakur, Dr.Srushti Kolte & Dr.Aishwarya Gadewar JR 3
Has successfully completed Basic Life Support & Advanced Cardiac Life Support (BLS & ACLS) Course conducted on 20th & 21st Aug. 2024 at Central Skill Lab, Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College & General Hospital, Pune.
Dr.Swapnagandha Halikar, Dr.Mithila Nitnaware, Dr.Asawari Chavan, Dr.Bhaktee Thipase, Dr.Aakash Satav, Dr.Saloni Sahu, Dr.Harshali Valvi
Completed online certificate course on Basic Course in Biomedical (BCBR) at Sept. 2024
Dr.Srushti Kolte (JR 3)
Passing the International Council of Ophthalmology Examination (ICO)
Dr.Divya Thakur (JR-I)
completed Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery Simulation –Based Training Course (MSTC) at Dr.D.Y.Patil Medical College Hospital & Research Centre in Pune at 9/01/203 to 13/01/2023.Dr. Srushti Kolte (JR-1)
Completed Manual Samll Incision Cataract Surgery Simulation –Based Training Cours (MSTC) at Dr. D.Y.Patil Medical College Hospital & Research Centre in Pawai Mumabi at 06/02/2023 to 10/02/2023.Dr.Divya Thakur, Dr.Srushti Kolte, Dr.Aishwarya Gadewar, Dr.Keya Shahani, Dr.Pratibha Khandare & Dr.Stuti Agarwal
Completed online certificate course Basic Course in Biomedical (BCBR) Research on 3rd Sept. 2023.Dr.Divya Thakur (JR-2)
Participated in Laxmi Eye Institute Online written MCQ test on 09/09/2023. successfully done the MCQ part of the Golden Hands award attempted 99 questions & have scored 66/100 & topped this part of the exam.Dr.Bhaktee Thipase
National Medical Commission “Patient Safety Program celebration on 17th Sept. to 25th Sept. 2023. Participated in poster competition & got prize on 21/09/2023 at Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College & General Hospital, PuneDr.Srushti Kolte
Secured 2nd rank in the Cornea – National level Junior resident Online Quiz conducted by N.K.P. Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre & Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, NagpurDr.Arundhati Pande (Asso.Professor)
She has finished the CYCLE ON BUDDIES SIGNATURE EVENT Active 2022 Winter Edition challenge under category 2- Frosty.Dr.Rhuta Bhide
Secured 2nd place in Poster Presentation competition in Mediace -2022Dr.Swapnagandha Halikar
Prof & HOD department of Ophthalmology : as inspector for LIC MUHS inspection for BSC optometry & Diploma in Ophthalmic Science on 18/08/2022 H.P. Desai Eye Hospital Pune.Dr.Arundhati Pade
Information management system (IMS) and Medical Records Committee Member.Dr.Swapnagandha Halikar
Was Chairperson of 3rd Annual Conference of Research Society Scientific Programme on 30/09/2022 at SKNMC & GH at Pune.Dr.Veerendra Godbole
Was Judge for “Free Paper Presentation” of 3rd Annual Conference of Research Society Scientific Programme on 30/09/2022 at SKNMC & GH at Pune.Dr.Bhaktee Thipase
Received an award for “Best flash note in MOS SNIPPETS at Maharashtra Ophthalmology Society conference 2022 held at Nashik on 16/10/2022.Dr. Veerendra Godbole, Professor
Distinction in Clinical science ,International Council of Ophthalmology Examination ResultsDr. Arundhati Pande , Associate professor
Distinction in Visual science, International Council of Ophthalmology Examination ResultsDr .Trupti Gholap, Senior Resident
Merit in Visual science ,International Council of Ophthalmology Examination ResultsDr.Arundhati Pande (Asso. Professor)
Admitted to the membership of the collage by due to success in International Council of Ophthalmology and was elected a member at a meeting of the Council of college held on 15th July 2021 by Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.Dr.Mithila Nitnaware (Senior Resident)
Admitted to the membership of the collage by due to success in International Council of Ophthalmology and was elected a member at a meeting of the Council of college held on 15th July 2021 by Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.Dr. Arundhati Pande
Successfully completing the Monsoon Edition of the COB active 2021 challenge under Endurance category.Dr. Suhas Kulkarni
Has participated in the Revised Basic Course Workshop & AETCOM held during 10th to 12th Aug.2021Dr. Tushar Shevale
PG Resident has participated in Certificate Course in Contemporary Medico legal Practices held from 13th Sept. 2021 to 17th Sept. 2021 at SKNMC Pune.Dr.Madhura Mali ( Asso.Professor)
Has completed online Basic Course in Biomedical Research conducted by ICMR(Indian Council of Medical Research).Dr.Shonal Pathak ( Senior Resident)
Has completed online Basic Course in Biomedical Research conducted by ICMR(Indian Council of Medical Research).Dr.Arundhati Pande ( Asso.Professor)
Has completed Swayam online Basic Course in Guidance and Counselling conducted by NITTTR (National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research),ChennaiDr.Madhura Mali (Asso.Professor)
Has passed the ICO Advanced Examination. She has received Fellow of the International Council of Ophthalmology (FICO).Dr.Mithila Nitnaware (Asst.Professor )
Has passed the ICO Advanced Examination. She has received Fellow of the International Council of Ophthalmology (FICO).Dr.Arundhati Pande (Asso.Professor)
Cycle On Buddies K2K Challenge Maximum Distance Swimming Award She has received.Dr. Pratik Surushe(JR-III)
OPHTHALMOLOGY QUIZ- POS Spectrum 2021- 3rd PrizeDr.Arundhati Pande (Asso.Professor)
She has finished Half Ironman at Kolhapur on 30thJan 2022. It consists of 1.9 km swim, 90 km cycling, 21.2 km run. She finished it strongly with second runner up position.Dr Kruti Shah III yr, PG
2nd place in Golden Hands awards, Laxmi Eye Institute (State level Ophthalmology Competition of final year PG Ophthalmology students. First level was MCQs test and the top 5 were selected for surgical round for Cataract surgery.)Dr. Mithila Nitnaware PG Student , Dr. Shashank Somani PG Student
1st Runner Up POS Late Mrs. Shubhada Kulkarni Award for Ophthalmic Quiz.1st Prize Winner ( Inter college postgraduate Ophthalmic Quiz in Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical college, Pune. 7th April 2018)
Dr. Anil Dudhbhate
Dr. Anil Dudhbhate, Assistant Prof is selected as editorial board member of IJBAMRAvani Patil, Anandita Desai, Guravnd Das, and Chandan Sakharam
Ophthalmology Quiz : Second Prize : Avani Patil, Anandita Desai, Guravnd Das, and Chandan Sakharam participated in AFMC Quiz in eye donation fortnightOrthopedics
Dr. Nikhil Duthade & Dr. Shivam Juneja
Received 2nd prize for PG Poster Presentation during 5th Annual Research conference.
Dr. Harshal Nawale (PG-I)
Stood 2nd in poster presentation at MEDIACE-2023 .Dr. Pramod Lokhande
Invited faculty -1)Annual Conference of Association of Spine Surgeons of India (ASSICON) 2018 held in Chennai from 19th to 21st Jan 18
2)SPINE conference 2018 held in Delhi 02nd to 03rd Feb 18
3)Medtronic OLIF course held in Bankok 10th to 11th Feb 18
4)The Spine weekend 2018 held in Pune 31st Aug to 01st Sep 18
Dr. Pramod Lokhande
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons of India (MISSI) held in Bangalore from 07th to 08th April 17.Invited faculty Annual Conference of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeons of India (MISSICON) 2017 held in Chennai from 26th to 28th Oct 17.
Dr. Gaurav Pawar & Dr. Nitin Kumar (PG)
Winner of MOACON State Level PG Quiz in Mahabaleshwar Nov 17.Dr Abhijit Gholap
Fellowship in Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine under Dr Ramon Cugat, Hospital Quiron Salud, Bracelona, Spain, 1st Sept 2017-31st Oct 2017Dr. Nilesh Darawade, Dr. Yogesh Gaikwad, Dr. Darshan Sonawane, Dr. Madhav Khadilkar
Medial clavicle physeal disruption with posterior displacement - Case report. The Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association, 2013;8(4):27-28The above mentioned publication received the award for most frequently visited article on the web site at MOACON 2013.
Dr. Nilesh Darawade,Dr. Yogesh Gaikwad Dr.Darshan Sonawane,Dr.Madhav Khadilkar
Medical clavicle physeal disruption with posterior displacement-Case reportThe Journal of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association, 2013;8(4):27-28
The above mentioned publication received the award for most frequently visited article on the web site at MOACON 2013.
Dr. Madhav S. Khadilkar
Maharashtra Orthopedic Association Annual quiz conducted by Dr. Madhav S. Khadilkar at MOACON 2012.Dr.Pramod Lokhande
Co author of book Endoscopic spine Procedure” edited by DanielKeam and published by Thieme Publication.
Dr. Sanjana Nemade
Advance course in Medical Education from 5th to 8th July 2024 at GSMC-KEMH NMC Nodal Centre , Mumbai .Dr. Sanjana Nemade & Dr. Pravin Misal
Completed Basic course in Biomedical Research on 1 December 2024.
Dr. Sanjana Nemade
Paper presentation “Management Covid Associated Sino Nasal Mucormycosis – From Frying pan to fire”. 1st prize (Pradnya Trophy) 2nd Annual virtual Conference of Research Society SKNMC& GH, Pune. 7th august 2021.Dr. Sanjana Nemade & Dr.Kiran Shinde.
Book published “Granulomatous diseases in Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck” 2021 - ISBN 978-981-16-4046-9 publisher –Springer USA.Dr. Aditya Yeolekar
Chapter in Book, “Contemporary Rhinoplasty”, Intech Open Publishing House,London, UK.Dr.Netra Pathak
Oral Paper presentation “screening of auditory acuity in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.” 2nd prize under faculty category at 1st Annual Research Society Conference 18/02/2020 at SKNMC& GH, Pune.Dr Aditya Yeolekar (Assoc Prof )
Was invited to deliver lecture on "Nasal Valve Collapse", on 28.5.20 ,International Webinar organised by Indian Society of FacialDr Aditya Yeolekar (Assoc Prof )
As Secretary of AOI, Pune, organised and moderated international webinar on Closed Rhinoplasty attended by 820 viewers around the world on 6.6.2020 .Dr Aditya Yeolekar (Assoc Prof )
As Secretary of AOI, Pune, organised and moderated International webinar on Robotics in ENT- Present and Future attended by 650 viewers around the world on 19.7.2020Dr. Aditya Yeolekar
Invited as Foreign International Faculty for demonstating Rhinoplasty at Sir Salimullah Medical College and Mitford Hospital, Dhaka, Jan 26-30 ,2019.Dr Aditya Yeolekar
Dr Aditya Yeolekar Assoc. Prof received Best Paper, Consultant Category at the Annual Conference of AOI Pune, Dec 2019. He is also elected as Secretary of AOI Pune for the year 2020Dr Radhika Shukla,PG student
Won prize in paper presentation for pg students at MENTCON 2018 ,Nashik.Dr Danish Andrabi.
Best Paper Award Junior Consultant. Annual AOI Punecon,Oct 2018Dr Aditya Yeolekar-
Mentorship Program in Closed Rhinoplasty under Prof Pietro Palma, Italy- Nov.2018Dr Danish Andrabi
Guest Lecture Delivered : A glimpse into Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery with focus on Trans Sphenoid Approach, at Bharati Vidyapeeth medical college, Pune.Dr Aditya Yeolekar
won First prize, Consultant category- Dr A R Bhide Award at METCON-2017,49th Annual Ear,Nose & Throat conference on the 15th , 16th and 17th of Dec, 2017 at Grand Hyatt Mumbai for his research on vertigo.Dr. Aditya Yeolekar
Participated in Rhinoplarhy workshop at stutgart, Germany . organized by Prof . Gubisch in April 2016.Dr. Chetana Naik
National speaker on Vertigo for BMJ masterclass on 2nd April 2016 at Ahmedabad, 9th April 2016 at PuneDr. Aditya Yeolekar
Participated in Rhinoplarhy workshop at Stutgard, Germany, organized by Prof. Gubisch in April 2016.Dr. Chetana Naik
National speaker on Vertigo for BMJ masterclass on 2nd April 2016 at Ahmedabad,, 9th April 2016 at PuneDr. Mohit Sinha
Fellowship on Rhinoplasty with Prof Gubisch at Stuttgart Germany for 1.1/2 months ( Mar- April 2015)Dr. Netra Pathak
Fellowship in Laryngology and voice at Deenanath Mangeshkar hospital from 15th July 2015 to 31st Aug 2015.Dr. Aditya Yeolekar
2nd prize (A. R. Bhide award) for consultant award paper at MENTCON-2015, December 2015Dr. Chetana Naik
MENTCON 2014 “Speaker on Symposium on Vestibular disorders, 5th,6th 7th Dec 2014.Dr. Chetana Naik
IAOHNS conference of Indian Academy of otolarygologists :”invited as Panelist on Vertigo session 12 to 14 th Dec 2014, Chennai.1. National ENT conference of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India at Mysore in Jan2014 and presented a paper titled ,”Atypical thyroglossal cyst.” Dr. Aditya Yeolakar
2. Attended Maharashtra State ENT Conference- MENTCON 2014, Sangli, 5-7 Dec 2014 and presented a paper titled,”Open Rhinoplasty: An analysis of initial 19 cases.”Dr. Aditya Yeolekar.
3. Won Young Doctors Award and presented a paper titled” Precise Excision of Nasofrontal Dermoid in a child employing a Novel Approach : A Pictorial Case Report” , at joint meeting of the ISIAN (International Society of Infection and Allergy of the Nose) and the IRS (International Rhinology Society) is supported by the PARS (Pan Arab Rhinology Society)Nov. 20-24, 2014 at Dubai.Dr. Aditya Yeolekar
4. Guest lecture on “ Stapedotomy using nasal endoscope” at Workshop on “Endoscopic Ear Surgery and Master class in Cartilage Tympanoplasty Course “ MIMER, pune, 24th& 25th May 2014. Dr. Chetana Naik
5. AOICON 2014. “Panelist on Vertigo”, 9th,10th,11th & 12th Jan 2014, Mysore. Dr. Chetana Naik
6. MENTCON 2014 “ Speaker on Symposium on Vestibular disorders , 5th,6th 7th Dec 2014. Dr. Chetana Naik.
7. IAOHNS conference of Indian Academy of otolarygologists : Panelist on Vertigo session 12 to 14 th Dec 2014, Chennai. Dr. Chetana Naik.
Dr Aditya Yeolekar , Dr Haris Qadri
Selected for Life Membership of Laryngology and Voice Association of India.Dr.Gautam Purohit
Aoi Sports meet table tennis 2nd Prize (Runner up).Dr.Danish Andrabi
Aoi Sports meet badminton 2nd Prize (Runner up).Pathology
Dr. Bageshri Gogate, Prof. & Hod of Pathology.
Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM - Organized by Dept of Pathology Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune has participated as Chairperson in the Midterm CME in Gastrointestinal Pathology held at 23rd March 2019.Dr. Avinash Joshi, Dr. Bageshri Gogate
Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital in collaboration with International Society of Oncopathology lead by Dr. Prashant Jani organized 9th International CME on Oncopathology on 3rd and 4th February 2018 with Dr. Avinash Joshi as Chairman and Dr. Bageshri Gogate as organizing secretary. Total participants were 175. 3 credit points were awarded by MMC.Dr. Bageshri Gogate, Prof. & Head
was invited as chairperson for CPC session in MAPCON 2018 organized by AFMC, Pune.Dr. Neha Newadkar
Presented Poster titled Clear cell adenocarcinoma of Urinary bladder- A rare case report in 9th International CME on Oncopathology 2018 as post Graduate student, held on 3rd & 4th February 2018 as Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College, Narhe Pune She has won First Prize.Dr. Aakriti Aggarwal
Presented Poster titled Sertoliform Endometrioid Carcinoma of the ovary in a young female a rare case report in 9th International CME on Oncopathology 2018 as post Graduate student, held on 3rd & 4th February 2018 as Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College, Narhe Pune She has won Third Prize.Dr. Gargi Patil
Presented Poster titled Warthin like variant of PTC – a diagnostic challenge in 9th International CME on Oncopathology 2018 as post Graduate student, held on 3rd & 4th February 2018 as Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College, Narhe Pune.Dr. Neelam Mohanapure
Presented Poster titled Primary Leiomyosarcoma of kidney showing aberrant expression of epithelial markers - rare case report, in 9th International CME on Oncopathology 2018 as post Graduate student, held on 3rd & 4th February 2018 as Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College, Narhe Pune.Dr. Neha Dhananjay Newadkar
Won 1St Prize International Oncopathology CME 3rd & 4th February 2018 at Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital, Pune.Dr. Aakriti Sunil Aggarwal
Won 3rd Prize International Oncopathology CME 3rd & 4th February 2018 at Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital, Pune.Dr. Gargi Madhukar Patil
Won 2nd Prize in MEDINET, Medical Photography Competition in MEDIACE, A National UG & PG Research Conference 9-11th August 2018 at Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital, Pune.Dr. Gargi Patil
Presented Paper titled Stromal expression of CD 10 in Breast carcinoma and its correlation with Clinicopathological parameters, as post graduate student in the 39th Annual Conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM – MAPCON 2018 held at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune from 7th to 9th September 2018Dr. Gargi Madhukar Patil
Presented a photo Titled Medusa head appearance of Microfilariae in Peripheral Blood Smear of patient - in MEDINET, Medical Photography Competition in MEDIACE, A National UG & PG Research Conference 9-11th August 2018 at Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Hospital, Pune. She won 2nd Prize for the same.Dr. Neha Newadkar
Presented Paper titled Clinicopathological study of carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater special references to MUC1, MUC2, MU5AC expression, as post graduate student in the 39th Annual Conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM – MAPCON 2018 held at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune from 7th to 9th September 2018Dr. Aakriti Aggarwal
Presented Paper titled Immunohistochemical study of ER, PR, K167, and P53 in endometrial hyperplasias and endometrial carcinomas, as post graduate student, in the 39th Annual Conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM – MAPCON 2018 held at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.Dr. Neelam Mohanapure
Presented Paper titled Clinical and Cytological Spectrum of Granulomatous Mastitis & Utility of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in picking up tubercular mastitis, as post graduate student in the 39th Annual Conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM – MAPCON 2018, held at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.Dr. Ketan Narkhede
Presented Paper titled Immunohistochemical Study of MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC expression in primary breast carcinoma, as post graduate student, in the 39th Annual Conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM – MAPCON 2018Dr. Pradnya Saragade
Presented case for discussion titled Primary Ovarian Signet Ring Cell Adenocarcinoma – a rare occurrence in the 39th Annual Conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM – MAPCON 2018, as Assistant Professor, held at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.Dr. Bhagyashree dhande (student)
In MAPCON 2017 38th Annual conference of the Maharashtrian chapter of the IAPM held on 9th & 10th September 2017 at Dr. VMGMC, Solapur, Oral Paper presentation topic: - Clinico-pathological study of malignant ovarian surface epithelial tumor with ER, PR and Her 2 neu immunoreactivity in this event of MAPCON 2017, our student Dr. Bhagyashree dhande got 2nd rank for oral paper presentation with certificate.Dr. Lokesh Fegade, Student
In APCON 2017 66th Annual conference of Indian association of pathologists & microbiologists held on 8th & 10th December 2017 at Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal: Poster presentation topic- “Malignant melanoma of the brain - a rare entity” in this event of APCON 2017, our student Dr. Lokesh Fegade got selected in best 10 Poster presentation.Dr. Anuja S. Nasare
A P.G. Quiz in haematology was organized jointly by ‘Regional haemaglobinopathy detection & management center, Dept. of Pathology, Indira Gandhi Govt. Med. College, Nagpur & ‘Sickle cell association (SCAN) Nagpur, on 4th march 2017, In this event named ‘HEMFEST 2017’, our P.G. Student Dr. Anuja S. Nasare got 3rd Prize along with a trophy & certificate.Dr. Prashant Jani, Asso.Prof.
Lecture on ‘Immunohistochemistry in cases of breast cancer’ by Dr. Prashant Jani, Asso.Prof. Thunder by hospital Canada. On 07/02/2017.Dr. Bageshri Gogate, Prof. & Head,
was invited as chairperson for the mid year Teaching Programme of MAPCON on 29th & 30th April 2017 at AFMC, Pune.Ashwini somani & Omkar Poredi - Students from II MBBS –
Presented scientific Paper titled “Comparison of FNAC & Excision Biopsy in the Diagnosis of lymphadenopathy’ at MediACE 2016- National level Undergraduate & Postgraduate medical research conference .They secured 1st place in scientific paper session. These Students were guided by Dr.Siddhi Khandeparkar (Asso.Prof.)& Dr.Avinash R.Joshi (Prof.Head) of Dept.of Pathology.Kalyani Chikaskar & Siddrath Damle- UG Students
Presented pathology research papers in MediACE-2016.Guide - Dr.Siddhi Khandeparkar .
Title - Histopathological spectrum of ovarian neoplasms with Special reference to immunohistochemical Studies .
Janhavi Shah - UG Students
Presented pathology research papers in MediACE-2016.Guide - Dr. Maithili Kulkarni & Dr.Avinash Joshi .
Title - “Fine needle aspiration cytological Study of breast lesions & their histopathological correlations wherever.
Shreyas Bhise & Swapnil Karnik-UG Students
Presented pathology research papers in MediACE-2016.Guide - Dr.Aditya Nesargi.
Title -“Clinicopathological study of uterine Leiomyomas in hysterectomy specimens among rural patients in tertiary care center”
Dr Siddhi G S Khandeparkar
Participated as faculty in “Basic workshop in Research Methodology” conducted by SKNMC & GH, Narhe, Pune and MUHS, IMETTT, Regional Centre, Aundh, Pune from 27/7/2016 to 29/7/2016 and delivered a talk on “Evaluation of Diagnostic test” on final day of the workshop.Dr. Bageshri Gogate, Dr. Avinash Joshi
Organized MAPCON 2015- Annual State conference of Maharashtra Chapter of IAPM with Dr. Avinash Joshi as Chairman and Dr. Bageshri Gogate as organizing secretary.Dr. A. R. Joshi,( Prof& HOD), Dr. S. D. Deshmukh (Professor), Dr. B. P. Gogate (Asso Prof)
Dr. A. R. Joshi,( Prof& HOD), Dr. S. D. Deshmukh (Professor), Dr. B. P. Gogate (Asso Prof) werre invited as judges for Poster competition at APCON 2014 held at AFMC, PuneParticipated in the External Quality Assurance Programme of Histopathology conducted by All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
Dr Vandana Gaopande, Professor
Presented oral paper titled “Post-transfusion Parvovirus B19 infection - A case series” on 21st February.Dr Vandana Gaopande, Professor
Co-author of an Interesting case presentation entitled "Megaloblastic anaemia due to folic acid and vit. B12 deficiency? Not always!" which was presented by Medicine resident Dr. Siddharth Wable on 21st February.Participated in ISHTM- Haematology: External Quality Assurance Programme conducted by AII Indian Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
Dr. Bageshri Gogate (Associate Professor)
Invited as judge for Poster competition at Annual Research Society Conference held at MIMER,Talegaon, Pune.Dr. Bageshri Gogate Prof. HOD of Pathology
Was invited XXth International Academy of pathology Indian Division (IAP-ID) Annual CME UPDATE ON SALIVARY GLAND PATHOLOGY.Dr. Bageshri Gogate, Prof. & Head
was invited as MMC observer for many Pathology CME/Conferences.Pediatric
Khushi Gopaldas Bang & Mayuri Anand Arutla, (Final Year UG Students)
Won 3rd Prize in IAP UG Paediatrics Quiz- 2024, divisional on 28/08/2024 at AFMC, Pune.
Nupur Deshpande & Dr. Rohan Patwardhan (Final YearUG Students)
Won 2nd prize in IAP UG quiz -2023, divisional round on 23/08/2023 at AFMC, Pune.Dr. Sharvari Kulkarni (PG Resident)
Won 2nd prize in paper presentation in national conference PEDNUTRICON 2022 at Sheraton Garden, Pune on 24th – 25th Sept. 2022.Dr. Sanjay Natu
Elected IAP (Pune Branch) President for the year 2021.Aditya Thete & Rujula Upadhye (Final Years UG Students)
Of our college won 3rd prize in IAP UG Pediatrics Quiz – 2021 in AFMC Medical College Pune.Dr. Aleena
Has awarded 3rd prize for paper presenting at “3rd West Zone PEDICON & MAHAPEDICON 2021” 31st Annual conference of Indian Academy of Paediatrcs, Maharashtra State, Raigad Branch, Alibag on 26th – 28th Nov. 2021.Dr Rachna Shanbhag & Dr Mustafa Captain.
Dr Rachna Shanbhag and Dr Mustafa Captain PostGraduate students from Dept of Pediatrics, SKNMC, were Runners Up in the 13th Indian Academy of Pediatrics, National PG Quiz conducted during PEDICON at Indore on 10th Jan 2020 after winning the Divisional round as well as the West Zonal round. They received a prize of Rs 50000/- at the hands of IAP National President Dr Bakul Parikh.Dr. Mustafa Captain & Rachana Shanbhag
Win the all India IAP PG Quiz competition in Pedicon 2020 in Indore & got the 2nd prize.Dr. Meenakshi Dey (PG Residents)
Won the 1st prize in poster presentation Cong Rubella Syndrome.Dr. Bhimsing Misal & Dr. Meenakshi Dey (PG Residents)
Won 2nd prize in IAP Post graduate quiz divisional round held online on 12/12/2020.Dr. Nikita Mankar, Dr. Shubhangi Kedar & Dr. Anmol Virani
has successfully completed “PALS & BLS” (Pediatric Advanced life Support & Basic Advance life Support Workshop) in Paediatrics conducted at Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical college, Pune on 29th & 31st March 2019.Dr. Mustafa Captain & Dr. Rachana Shanbhag (PG Resident)
Won 2nd Prize first in Pediatric Infectious Disease Quiz - 2019 at AFMC, Pune on 11/08/2019Chaitany Khiste & Chitra Pednekar (UG Students)
Won 3rd prize in IAP UG Quiz - 2019 at Bharthi Vidyapeeth Medical College, Pune on 20th Aug. 2019.Dr. Mustafa Captain & Dr. Rachana Shanbhag (PG Residents)
Won 2nd prize in NNF PG Quiz - 2019 at Deenanath Mageshkar Hospital, Pune on 28/08/2019.Dr. Mustafa Captain & Dr. Rachana Shanbhag (PG Residents)
Won 1st prize in IAP PG Quiz - 2019 at KEM Hospital, Pune on 25/09/2019.Dewansh Gupta (UG Student)
under guidance of Dr. Sameer Mhatre (Professor, Pediatrics ) & Dr. M. K. Behera (Professor & HOD, Pediatrics) won second prize in case presentation at Inventum Conference - 2018 on 28 March 2018 at Rural Medical College, Loni.Varun Rao & Siddharth Damble (UG Students)
Won 3rd Prize in IAP UG Paediatrics Quiz at Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune on 07/09/2018.Dr. Sayali Ramkar & Dr. Kartik Arora (PG Residents)
Won 3rd Prize in IAP PG Paediatrics Quiz at D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune on 21/09/2018.Dr. Sayali Ramkar & Dr. Kartik Arora (PG Residents)
Won 3rd Prize in the NNF PG Quiz at Deenanath Mageshkar Hospital Pune on 06th Sept. 2018.Dr. Amita Lokhande
Won 3rd Prize in Poster Presentation at the National Conference of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, (NCPID 2016).Dr. Sanjay Natu
Elected as secretary of Indian Academy of Pediatrics Pune branch for 2015.Five research papers from the department have been accepted for presentation in Pedicon 2015, the National Conference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
Dr. Ajinkya Kale- PG Resident
Pediatrics for winning the Torrentz Young Scholar Award 2015 for West Zone (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa and MP)Dr. M. K. Behera, Professor & HOD
Invited as Guest Speaker, Pedicon - 2015 & attended the CME, Workshop & ConferenceDr. Sanjay Natu, Professor
Invited as Guest Speaker, Pedicon - 2015 & attended the CME, Workshop & Conference.Dr. Meghna Chawla
Selected by Indian Society of Pediatrics and adolescent Endocrinology for the Pediatrics Endocrinology Training program at Bengaluru in Nov.2013.Dr. Sanaa Khan (PG Resident, Pediatrics), Dr. Ashish (PG Resident, Pathology & Dr. Anuja (PG Resident, Medicine)
Team SKNMC & GH got 3rd Prize in Clinico-Haematological Quiz at Nagpur.Pharmacology
Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor
Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor Dept. of Pharmacology invited as Guest Speaker at Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad on 10 January 2025. Delivered Lecture on Ethics In Medical Research.
Dr. Uma Bhosale Professor & HOD
Successfully completed the “PHFI: Certificate Course in Antimicrobial Stewardship (CCAMS)” 22 to 26 January 2024.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor
Successfully completed the Online Training on “Prescribers’ Module” by NAP-AMR, NMC From dt. 23/07/2024 to 26/07/2024 for NAP-AMR nodal officers.
Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology,
Conducted interview for staff Selection as ‘Subject Expert for Pharmacology’ on 27th Aug 2024 at MAEER MIT Pune’s MIMER Medical College & BSTR Hospital, Talegaon Dabhade, Pune.
Dr. Yogita Karandikar, Professor & HOD
Appointed as a Chairperson for the guest lecture “Innovation in Orthopaedics Technology” held in 5th Annual Conference Research society, Dept. of Anatomy & Dept. of Orthopaedics, SKNMC&GH, Pune on 21st Oct. 2024.
Dr. Uma Bhosale Professor,
Appointed as a Chairperson for the guest Lecture “Biomechanics of Shoulder & Its applications in Preventing & Treating Shoulder Injuries & Other Shoulder Disorder” held in 5th Annual Conference Research society, Dept. of Anatomy & Dept. of Orthopaedics, SKNMC&GH, Pune on 21st Oct. 2024
Dr. Sarang Deshmukh, Professor & Dr. Shahu Ingole, Associate Professor,
Invited as Judge for Poster Competition during 5th Annual Research Conference on 20 & 21 September 2024.
UG Student Vishwa Shinde & Behram Motafram, (Guide, Dr. Yogita Karandikar)
Received 3rd Prize in Poster presentation in 5th Annual Conference Research society, Dept. of Anatomy & Dept. of Orthopaedics, SKNMC&GH, Pune on 21st Oct. 2024
UG Student Ms. Neha Dharap, 2nd Prize and Shreya Gade, 3rd Prize (Guide Dr.Uma Bhosale)
Received in Paper presentation in 5th Annual Conference Research society, Dept. of Anatomy & Dept. of Orthopaedics, SKNMC&GH, Pune on 21st Oct. 2024
Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor
Conducted interview for teaching posts to be filled in ‘Subject Expert in Pharmacology’ for Staff Selection on 9th Oct. 2024 at Prakash Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Urun-Islampur, Tal. Walwa, Dist. Sangli.
Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor
Invitation to be a Guest Speaker in MUHS “ Health Sciences Education” Technology Workshop for teachers from 15th Oct. 2024 in Sinhgad college of Nursing, Narhe, Pune 411041
Dr. Yogita Karandikar, Professor & HOD
Invited as Chairperson in 3rd National conference NAPTCON – 2024 at AIIMS, Nagpur on 22 & 23 November 2024.
Dr. Uma Bhosale
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture on, GCP Principles in Good Clinical Practices Workshop Conducted by Department of Pharmacology, SKNMC&GH, Pune, on 4th and 5th December 2024.
Dr. Yogita Karandikar
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture on, “Pharmacolovigilance and Patient Safety” in Good Clinical Practices Workshop conducted by Department of Pharmacology, SKNMC&GH, Pune, on 4th and 5th December 2024
Dr. Sarang Deshmukh
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture on, “Medication Errors and Rational Prescribing” in Good Clinical Practices Workshop conducted by Department of Pharmacology, SKNMC&GH, Pune, on 4th and 5th December 2024
Dr. Vinod Shinde
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture on, “New Drugs and Clinical Trial Rules, 2019” in Good Clinical Practices Workshop Conducted by Department of Pharmacology, SKNMC&GH, Pune, on 4th and 5th December 2024
Dr. Shahu Ingole
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture on, Clinical Trials in Good Clinical Practices Workshop Conducted by Department of Pharmacology, SKNMC&GH, Pune, on 4th and 5th December 2024
Dr. Uma Bhosale Professor & HOD
Was invited as guest speaker at “Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technology” held at SKNMC&GH, Pune in 17th to 19th January 2023.Dr. Uma Bhosale Professor & HOD
Appointed on MUHS Judges Panel for Research Competition on 10/1/2023.Dr. Uma Bhosale Professor & HOD
Dept. of Pharmacology was invited as guest speaker at “KVV’s Medical College and Hospital, Karad , Delivered lecture on “Challenges in new drug discoveries and development” on 17th February 2023.Dr. Vinod Shinde
Has participated as Faculty for Certificate course in Hospital Infection Control ( JR –I Batch) organized by Dept. of Microbiology & NABH Cell, SKNMC& GH, Narhe, Pune, from 27th December 2022 to 14 th February 2023.Dr. Yogita Karandikar,
Was invited as Judge for Poster Presentation for Pharmacology CME “Medsafecon” 2023 on 23rd & 24th March 2023 Organized by PIMS, Puducherry.Dr. Uma Bhosale
Was invited as Guest speaker at Sinhgad Dental College & Hospital, Pune, delivered a lecture on “Biomedical Research and Ethical Issues” in PhD Orientation program organized on 27th March 2023 to 29th March 2023.Dr. Vinod Shinde
Was invited as guest speaker at “GCP & NDCTRs 2019” workshop organized by Sinhgad College of Nursing, Pune, Delivered Lecture on “New Drugs and Clinical Trial Rules 2019” on 20th March 2023.Dr. Uma Bhosale Professor & HOD
Dept. of Pharmacology was invited as Examiners for poster making competition on the occasion of “Anti-Ragging Week” on 12th to 18th August 2023.Dr. Sarang Deshmukh, Professor
Dept. of Pharmacology, conducted training of Senior Nursing staff on Prescription errors, High risk Medicines and drugs to be kept in refrigerator on 29 & 30 August 2023.Dr. Yogita Karandikar Professor,
Attended “Panel Discussion on Generic v/s Branded Drugs –What is Right For India?”, held on 27th Aug 2023. By Pharma State Academy.Dr. Vinod Shinde , Associate Professor,
Has participated as Speaker in the guest lecture “Pharmacovigilance” conducted for II MBBS, by Department of Pharmacology, B.K.L. Walawalkar Rural Medical College & Hospital, Sawarde, Dist. Ratnagiri on 25/ 07/2023.Dr. Shahu Ingole
conducted Training of Senior Nursing Staff on Management of Code Blue on 29 & 30 August 2023.Dr. Shahu Ingole
conducted Training of Senior Nursing Staff on Management of Code Blue on 29 & 30 August 2023.Dr. Shahu Ingole
conducted Training of Senor-Nursing Staff on Management of Crash Cart on 29 & 30 August 2023.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD
Appointed as Nodal Officer at AEFI, MoHFW, Government of India.Dr. Uma Bhosale
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture on, GCP Principles in Good Clinical Practices Workshop Conducted by Department of Pharmacology, SKNMC&GH, Pune, on 12 and 13 Oct. 2023.Dr. Uma Bhosale
Appointed as a Chairperson for the guest lecture held in 4th Annual Conference 2023 by Department of OBGY, SKNMC&GH, Pune on 7th Oct. 2023.Dr. Yogita Karandikar
Delivered lecture on Importance and need of Pharmacovigilance. This was followed by Hands on training about reporting and filling of ADR form. This session was conducted by Dr. Yogita Karandikar and Dr. Poonam Tayade.Dr. Vinod Shinde
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture on, “New Drugs and Clinical Trial Rules, 2019” in Good Clinical Practices Workshop Conducted by Department of Pharmacology, SKNMC&GH, Pune, on 12 and 13 Oct..2023.Dr. Shahu Ingole
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture on, Clinical Trials in Good Clinical Practices Workshop Conducted by Department of Pharmacology, SKNMC&GH, Pune, on 12 and 13 Oct. 2023.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & Head
Appointed as Chairman, LIC by MUHS Nashik to inspect HBT Dr. R.N.Cooper, Vile Parle (West) for affiliation of PG Course in Pharmacology, on 31.01.2022.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & Head
Appointed as member on Board of Studies (BOS) at Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad w.e.f. 28/01/2022 for 2 years.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & Head
Dept. of Pharmacology, appointed as external member on Institutional Ethics Committee of SKNCOPT, w.e.f.15/01/2022Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & Head
Appointed as Nodal officer NAP- AMR on behalf of SKNMC & GH at NMC w.e.f. 17/02/2022. ( Ref. No. SKNMC/Estt./E/ 2022/330)Mr. Suhrud Panchawagh UG Student, Guide Dr. Yogita Karandikar, Professor
Screening and timely detection of mild cognitive impairment in geriatric patients taking antihypertensive drugs suing the Montreal cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Mr. Suhrud Panchawagh UG Student, Guide Dr. Yogita Karandikar, Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, Approved for ICMR – STS programme 2022.Dr. Uma Bhosale
Appointed as judge for Poster Presentation in MediACE Conference from 8th to 9th July 2022 in Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College.Dr. Uma Bhosale
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture on, GCP Principles in Good Clinical Practices Workshop Conducted by Department of Pharmacology, SKNMC, Pune, on 12 and 13 Sept. 2022.Dr. Yogita Karandikar
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture on, Pharmacovigilance and Rational Pharmacotherapeutics in Good Clinical Practices Workshop Conducted by Department of Pharmacology, SKNMC, Pune, on 12 and 13 Sept. 2022.Dr. Vinod Shinde
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture on, “New Drugs and Clinical Trial Rules, 2019” in Good Clinical Practices Workshop Conducted by Department of Pharmacology, SKNMC, Pune, on 12 and 13 Sept. 2022.Dr. Shahu Ingole
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture on, Clinical Trials in Good Clinical Practices Workshop Conducted by Department of Pharmacology, SKNMC, Pune, on 12 and 13 Sept. 2022.Dr. Uma Bhosale
Appointed on Chairperson on IEC of Dr. Dada Gujar Hospital w.e.f. on 21 Sept. 2022Dr. Uma Bhosale
Appointed as a Chairperson for the guest lecture held in 3rd Annual Conference 2022 by Department of Surgery, SKNMC&GH, Pune on 30th of September 2022.Dr. Yogita Karandikar
Appointed as governing council member of Research society of SKNMC& GH for next three years.Department of Pharmacology
Department of Pharmacology, SKN Medical College Conducted guest lecture on “Medication errors in therapeutics” by Dr. Chitra Khanwelkar, Prof. & HOD, Dept of Pharmacology, KIMS, Karad on 21st January 2021 for all Nursing staff, Pharmacists, Residents and Teaching faculties.Dr. Vinod Shinde
Has attended the Virtual “16th Skill Development programme on Pharmacovigilance for Medical Products” organized by National Coordination Centre, Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (NCC – PvP1), Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, Ghaziabad, India from 15th to 19th March , 2021Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD
appointed as 'Editorial Board Member ' on an International Journal, ACTA SCIENTIFIC NEUROLOGY.Dr. Vinod Shinde
Successfully Completed 'Basic course in Biomedical Research' conducted by ICMR-National Institute of epidemiology(ICMR-NIE)Dr. Vinod Shine
Successfully Completed MSCIT CourseDr. Vinod Shinde
Rational Use of Drugs in Internship orientation programme conducted at SKNMC & GH, Narhe, Pune on 30th April 2021 to 4 May 2021.Dr. Vasundhara Bhople
"Medical Prescription” for interns in Internship orientation programme conducted at SKNMC & GH Narhe, Pune on 1May 2021.Dr. Uma Bhosale Professor & HOD
Awarded with a fellowship (FSASS) by Scholars Academic and Scientific Society (SAS, Society) for immense contribution in Academics and Research on 7th July 2021.Dr.Uma Bhosale Professor & Head
Was Invited as Judge for Poster presentation 2nd Annual Virtual Conference of Research Society of SKNMC & GH ,Pune on Aug. 2021Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & Head
Participated as Faculty & delivered a lecture in Revised Basic Course Workshop and Training in Attitude, Ethics & Communication (AETCOM), NMC Regional Centre for Medical Education Technologies conducted on 10 to 12 Aug. 2021.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & Head
Successfully completed ‘Basic course in Biomedical Research’ conducted by ICMR –National Institute of Epidemiology (ICMR – NIE); Chennai ( online by NPTEL/ Swayam portal).Dr. Vasundhara Bhople, Assistant Professor
Successfully completed ‘Basic course in Biomedical Research’ conducted by ICMR –National Institute of Epidemiology (ICMR – NIE); Chennai ( online by NPTEL/ Swayam portal).Dr. Vinod Shinde, Associate Professor
Was invited for a guest lecture on topic Äntimicrobial stewardship” on 10/10/2021, for Hospital Infection Course Certificate organized by Microbiology Department.Dr.Yogita Karandikar, Professor
Successfully completed ‘Basic course in Biomedical Research’ in Mar-June 2021 conducted by ICMR –National Institute of Epidemiology (ICMR – NIE); Chennai ( online by NPTEL/ Swayam portal).Dr. Makarand P. Jadhav
Online CME from Stanford university school of Medicine Title Type 2 Diabetes Management, 31 Jan. 2020.Dr Uma Bhosale Professor & Head,
Invited as guest speaker at SIOP in SPPU sanctioned 2 days National Level Seminar on "Molecular Pharmacology: A Voyage from DNA to Drug Discovery" 13th – 14th Feb. 2020. Delivered a lecture on Drug discovery and development.Dr Uma Bhosale Professor & Head,
Invited as Judge for models & Chart competition organised by Anatomy-Physiology-Biochemistry and Community Medicine departments on 14th February 2020.Dr Uma Bhosale Professor & Head,
Participated as scientific committee member in Research society conference on 18th February 2020. Conducted a scientific session (oral paper presentation) for PGs.Dr. Sarang Deshmukh, Professor
Delivered a lect. On Rational use of Drugs in Internship Orientation Programme on 24/2/2020.Dr. Vinod Shinde, Associate Professor
Selected for and attended the “Bioethics Teaching Faculty Development Workshop” held at Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik on 26th & 27th February 2020.Dr. Namrata R. Pawar, PG – II,
Oral Presentation done on 18th of Feb. 2020, Title “Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of Injection Tramadol Vs Injection Diclotenae for Post hysterectomy Analgesia. Guides : Dr. Uma Bhosale, Dr. Yogita KarandikarDr. Uma Bhosale Professor & HOD
Appointed as external memberof college scientific committee at Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College , Hospital & Research Centre, Pimpari, Pune. Appointment Letter dated on 06/03/2020; Ref. No. DYPMC/EST/1297/2020Dr. Uma A. Bhosale, Professor & Head
Attended the “IAP Training Program on Good Clinical Practices and Research Ethics” on 22nd – 23rd August 2020 and successfully completed the training program.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD
MEU faculty and Member Curriculum Committee participated as faculty in 2nd MCI approved CISP workshop at SKNMC & GH from 23rd - 24th September 2020. Delivered lectures on, 1.ATECOM Module 2.Aligning assessment methods with competency objectives and TL methodsDr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD
Invited as guest speaker in a Webinar on ''Heart Care'' organized by Lions Club of Rourkela Prime in association with Wockhardt Foundation on 29th September 2020. Delivered lecture on Immune Boosters in COVID 19, Myths & Facts.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD
Worked as organizing chairperson for Webinar on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and New Drugs and Clinical Trial Rules, 2019 (NDCTR) for Clinicians, Researchers and Ethics Committee Members was organized by Department of Pharmacology on 12/10/2020 and 13/10/2020.Dr. Yogita Karandikar, Professor & Dr. Vinod Shinde, Associate Professor
Successfully completed “Learn Moodle 3.9 Basics”course.Dr. Vinod Shinde, Associate Professor
Successfully completed 3 months ‘Certificate course in Pharmacovigilance’ conducted by Medical Education Unit (MEU), India.Dr. Vinod Shinde, Associate Professor
Dept. of Pharmacology delivered a lect. on Rational use of Drugs in Internship Orientation Programme on 08/10/2020.Dr. Vasundhara Bhople, Assistant Professor
Delivered a lect. on Medical prescription in Internship Orientation Programme on 09/10/2020.Dr. Namrata R. Pawar, JR III, Guide:, Dr. Uma Bhosale & D. Vasundhara Bhople
Presented a paper titled: “An observational study to evaluate knowledge against adverse effects of medications used in Covid-19 patients in tertiary care hospital” in ISRPT Webicon 2020 on Evidence Based Medicine : Potential Treatment targets for COVID-19 on 10/10/2020 at TMMC & RC, MoradabadDr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD
Has successfully completed “3 Day Certificate Workshop on Patent Drafting” on 2-4 November 2020 Organized by: Tech Ex in and GNANLex Hermeneutics Pvt.Dr. Yogita Karandikar , Dr. Vasundhara Bhople
Lecture delivered in PG Orientation Programme for JR -1 on 11/11/2020. Topic : Pharmacovigilance Speaker : Dr. Yogita Karandikar Topic : Prescription Writing Speaker : Dr. Vasundhara BhopleDr. Vinod Shinde
“Presented a paper entitled, “Evaluation of effect of Promethazine on seizure activity and its interactions with antiepileptic drugs Sodium Valproate and Lorazepam in rats” in Oral Experimental presentation in Col Ram Nath Chopra Session in 51st Annual conference of Indian Pharmacological Society (IPSCON-2019) held on 5th to 7th Dec. 2019 at National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) Hyderabad.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD
Appointed as a member of Central Research Advisory Board Committee SKNMC & GH, w.e.f. 30/01/2019.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor HOD & Member Secretary Institutional Ethics Committee
Invited as a guest speaker at a MUHS Approved Workshop on “Research Methodology”, at Sinhgad Nursing College on 05th January 2019 and delivered lecture on ‘Ethical issues in Medical Research’.Dr. Vinod Shinde
Invited as a Keynote speaker at “Techtonic - 2019”a national level technical extravaganza organized by STES, Pune at Sinhgad Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lonavala on 21st Feb. 2019.Dr. Vasundhara Bhople
Invited as a Keynote speaker at “Techtonic - 2019”a nationallevel technical extravaganza organized by STES, Pune at Sinhgad Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lonavala on 21st Feb. 2019.
Guide : Dr. Uma Bhosale, Dr. Yogita Karandikar
Mr. Rohan Nitin Pai and Mr. Suhrud Jayadev Panchawagh (IV Semester students ) selected for the final round of the 1st Dr. Shyambalaji Achuthan Memorial Pharmacology Quiz at PGIMER, Chandighad.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor HOD & member Curriculum Committee
participated in the 4th training workshop on Curriculum Implementation and Support Program (CISP) at Wardha, Savangi (Nodal centre) on 3rd-5th April 2019.Guide : Dr. Uma Bhosale, Dr. Yogita Karandikar
Mr. Rohan Nitin Pai and Mr. Suhrud Jayadev Panchawagh (IV Semester students Won Second Prize in 1st Dr. Shyambalaji Achuthan Memorial Pharmacology Quiz at PGIMER, Chandighad.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD
Invited as Subject Expert in Pharmacology for MUHS staff selection at Prakash Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Islampur, Dist. Sangli on 15/04/2019.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD
Invited as Subject Expert in Pharmacology for MUHS staff selection at MIMER, Talegaon, Dist. Pune on 15/07/2019.Dr. Yogita Karandikar
Delivered lecture on Pharmacovigilance in Resident Orientation Programme at SKNMC&GH on 9th July 2019Dr. Vasundhara Bhople
Delivered lecture on Prescription error in Resident Orientation programme at SKNMC &GH on 9th July 2019Dr. Vinod Shinde
Appointed as a member of Institutional Ethics committee SKNMC & GH, w.e.f. 18/07/2019Dr.Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD
Invited as Judge for Oral paper presentation (PG) on 23rd & 24th August 2019 at MediAce 2019; An international level Undergraduate & Postgraduate medical conference organized by SKNMC & GH.Dr. Sarang Deshmukh, Professor
Delivered a lect. On Rational use of Drugs in Internship Orientation Programme on 26/8/2019Dr. Prachi Jain PG – III, Guide: Dr. Uma Bhosale
Presented a Poster on “Prescription errors by resident doctors” on 24th Aug. 2019, at SKNMC & GH, Pune,Dr. Namrata Pawar PG – II, Guide: Dr. Yogita Karandikar & Dr. Uma Bhosale.
Presented a case “Causality Assessment of ciprofloxacin induced Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis - A step towards awareness” on 23rd Aug. 2019 at SKNMC & GH , PuneMs. Aarya Kshirsagar UG Student, Guide: Dr. Yogita Karandikar & Dr. Leena Phadake
Delivered oral presentation at titled Effect of Statin on cardiac antonomic neuropathy in diabetes patient on 23rd Aug. 2019 at SKNMC & GH , PuneDr. Yogita Karandikar
Appointed as members of the Editorial board of Journal of Research Society of SKNMC& GH.Dr. Vasundhara Bhople
Worked as subject expert & Quiz master for Genesis( Undergraduate Pre & Para clinical quiz) in Mediace 2019.
Dr. Vasundhara Bhople, Assit. Prof.
Delivered a lect. On Prescription error in Internship Orientation Programme on 27/8/2019Dr. Namrata R. Pawar PG II, Guide: Dr. Yogita Karandikar, Dr. Uma Bhosale
Presented a poster on “ Injectable Tramadol Vs Diclofenac as analgesic for post operative Hysterectomy” on 29th Nov. 2019, at ISRPTCon 2019, Kolkata.Dr. Uma A. Bhosale, Professor & Head
Received “MEDICAL EXCELLENCE AWARD” 2018 of Indian Solidarity Council (ISC) for outstanding achievements and remarkable role in Medical Sciences (Medical Research and Education).Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & Head, Dr. Yogita Karandikar, Asso. Prof., Dr. Ramanand Patil, Assist. Prof.
Attended seminar on Promotion of Generic Medicines at BJ Medical College Organized by Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India on 19/03/2018.Dr. Uma A. Bhosale
Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology, is empanelled on the “Review Board” of MUHS Health Sciences Review on 13/04/2018Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor HOD & Member Secretary Institutional Ethics Committee
Delivered a lecture on “ Ethical issues in Medical Research” in Research Methodology Workshop in SKNMC & GH on, 27th, 28th &29th June 2018Dr. Prachi Jain
PG resident Pharmacology has attended Advanced Training Workshop on Pharmacovigilance on 5th May 2018 at KEM Hospital, Seth G S Medical College , MumbaiDr. Namrata Pawar
PG resident Pharmacology has attended Research Methodology Workshop held from 27th June 2018 to 29th June 2018 at SKNMC & GH, Pune.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor HOD & Member Secretary Institutional Ethics Committee
Delivered a lecture on “ Ethical issues in Medical Research” in Research Methodology Workshop in SKNMC & GH on, 5th, 6th & 7th July 2018.Dr. Yogita Karandikar
Delivered Lecture in Interdisciplinary meeting Symposium on central Nervous system & Pain management at Sinhgad Dental College & Hospital on 6th Sept. 2018Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD,
Appointed as a member of the “NABH Core Committee” of SKNMC&GH w.e.f. 02/07/2018.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD,
Appointed as a member of Curriculum Committee w.e.f.10/09/2018.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & HOD
Appointed as a member of Board of Research studies(BORS) SKNMC & GH, w.e.f. 26/11/2018.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor HOD & Member Secretary Institutional Ethics Committee
Invited as a guest speaker at a MUHS Approved Workshop on “Research Methodology”, at SKNMC & GH on 14th November 2018 and delivered lecture on ‘Ethical issues in Medical Research’.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor HOD & Member Secretary Institutional Ethics Committee
Invited as a guest speaker at a MUHS Approved Workshop on “Research Methodology”, at SKNCOP on 27th November 2018 and delivered lecture on ‘Ethical issues in Medical Research’.
Dr. Alpesh Chauhan Assistant Professor
Delivered lecture on "Drugs used in thyroid diseases" on 23rd March 2017 in Interdisciplinary meeting at Sinhgad Dental College, Pune.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor HOD & Member Secretary Institutional Ethics Committee
Delivered a lecture on “ Ethical issues in Medical Research” in Research Methodology Workshop in SKNMC & GH on 30th Aug. 2017.Dr. Yogita Karandikar Asso. Prof
Worked as subject expert & Quiz master for Genesis Undrgraduate Pre & Para clinical Quiz) in Mediace 2017.Delivered a Lect. On Rational Drug in the Internship Orientation Programme on 1.08.2017
Dr. Ashwini Patil, PG resident
Secured third position in poster presentation in MediACE 2017 held at SKNMC & GH, PuneTitle : Screening and assessment of polyneuropathy in diabetic patients and the effect of vitamin B12 administration on the course of neuropathy
Authors : Dr. Alpesh Chauhan1, Dr. Ashwini Patil1, Dr. Uma Bhosale1, Dr. Shreepad Bhat.
Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor HOD
Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor HOD & Member Secretary Institutional Ethics Committee delivered a lecture on “ Ethical issues in Medical Research” in Research Methodology Workshop in “Physiotherapy College SKN on, 27th, 28th , 29th, Nov. 2017Acceptance of Pharmacovigilance Centre under National Programme-PvPI in April 2016
Dr. Uma Bhosale
Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor and Secretary Institutional Ethics Committee delivered a lecture on “ Ethical issues in Medical Research” in Research Methodology Workshop for PG students on 28th July 2016.Dr. Sarang Deshmukh
Dr. Sarang Deshmukh Worked as Subject expert and Quiz Master for National level Quiz for MBBS in Mediace2016.Dr. Yogita Karandikar, Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan
Paper Presentation titled- Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of antisecretory agents in tertiary care hospital at Mediace 2016 (20th & 21st August) at Smt. Kashibai Navale Medical College and General Anagha Dhore Guide -Dr. Yogita Karandikar, Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan. Secured 3rd Prize in Scientific Paper PresentationDr. Sarang Deshmukh
Dr. Sarang Deshmukh, Associate Professor delivered a lecture on “Rational Drug Use” in the Internship Orientation Programme on 29/2/16Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan
Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan served as resource faculty for the ‘Research Methodology Training Workshop’ for PG students & faculty conducted by the Sinhgad Dental College Dept from 10-13 August2015. She delivered a talk on “Ethics in Medical Research”on 13//8/15Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan
Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan participated in the “ Indo Global Healthcare Summit-Innovations &Advances” International Conference at Hyderabad from20-22June 2014.Dr.Radha Yegnanarayan
Dr.Radha Yegnanarayan participated in the MUHS sponsored MET training workshop at SKNMC Pune from 6-8 August 2014Two PG students presented their research work in the Oral Presentation Section in MEDIACE2014 at SKNMC Pune
a.Evaluation of Anidepressant activity of Flunarizine in comparison with standard Antidepressant Drug Fluoxetine in rats using Modified Tail SuspensionTest-Dr.Priyank Shah, Dr.Radha Yegnanarayan, Dr.Vinod Shinde
b.The study of adverse effects of statin therapy on various organ systems, haematological & biochemicalparameters in hypertensive patients on ACE inhibitor therapy-Dr, Rahul Khobragade,Dr.Uma Bhosalle
Dr.Khyati Doshi & Dr.Akhil Agarwal
Dr.Khyati Doshi & Dr.Akhil Agarwal 1 yr PG students received Student Scholarships from DIA to participate in the DIA 2014 9th Annual India Conference on ‘Future of Indian Healthcare: Patients Access, &Innovation’ from 16-18 October2014 at Mumbai.Dr.Radha Yegnanarayan & Dr. Abhijit Shinde
Dr.Radha Yegnanarayan & Dr. Abhijit Shinde were resource persons for the Internship Orientation Programme conducted between 11-16August 2014Dr. Abhijit Shinde gave a talk on Rational Drug Use on 11/8/14
Dr.Radha Yegnanarayan gave a talk on Ethical Guidelines in Research” on13/8/14
Dr. Priyank Shah
Dr. Priyank Shah -2nd year PG Resident presented a research paper entitled“A prospective observational study of drug induced contact dermatitis in patients attending tertiary care hospital” at the 3rd International Conference & Exhibition on Pharmacovigilance & Clinical Trials organized by OMICS Publishing group at Hyderabad from 27-29 October 2014Dr.Radha Yegnanarayan
1a. Dr.Radha Yegnanarayan served as resource faculty for the ‘Research Methodology Training Workshop’ for PG students conducted by the Community Medicine Dept from 11-14 August2014. . She delivered a talk on “Ethics in Medical Research”on 14/8/141b. Dr.Radha Yegnanarayan served as resource faculty for the ‘Research Methodology Training Workshop’ for PG students in Dentistry conducted by the Community Medicine Dept SKNMC& Sinhgad Dental College. She delivered a talk on “Ethics in Medical Research”on 14/8/14 at Sinhgad Dental College .
Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan, Professor & Head Dr. Keche Associate Professor, Second year MD PG Student Dr. Nitin Zalte
Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan, Professor & Head Dr. Keche Associate Professor, Second year MD PG Student Dr. Nitin Zalte attended the Sixth International Annual conference of the South Asia Chapter of American College of Clinical Pharmacology(SAC ACCP Conference) on 21st & 22nd April 2013at Mumbai.Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan, Professor & Head &MD PG students- Dr. Nitin Zalte, Dr. Nilofar Quraishi, Dr. Mohammed Ali Kotal ,Dr. Rahul Khobragade
Attended IPSCON 2013 the 46th Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society & International Conference on Translational Pharmacology’Translating Research to Therapy”at Bangalore from 16-18 December 20131a.The following papers were presented:
i.“Assessment of risk of drug induced metabolic syndrome- A prospective study in patients attending S.K.N. Hospital” : Dr. Nitin Zalte, Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan
ii.“Preclinical study of antidepressant, nootropic and anti-anxiety activity of flunarizine, a calcium channel blocker”.Dr. Mohammed Ali Kotal Dr. Nitin Zalte, Dr. Nilofar Quraishi, Dr. Prachi Doiphode. Dr. Shahu Ingole Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan
iii.Evaluation of cardiovascular risk of selective and nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitors (COX-Is) in arthritic patients”: Dr. Nilofar Yasmin, Dr. Uma Bhosale Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan
iv.“Therapeutic repositioning of flunarizine in neuropsychopharmacological disorders by studying its effects in experimental animal models”
Dr. Rahul Khobragade , Dr. Mohammed Ali Kotal Dr. Nitin Zalte, Dr. Nilofar Quraishi,) Dr. Prachi Doiphode. Dr. Shahu Ingole, Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan
Dr.Radha Yegnanarayan
Dr.Radha Yegnanarayan participated in the training workshop on ;Latest Regulatory Framework”at Mubai on 29 th November.Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan, Professor & Head &MD PG students- Dr. Nitin Zalte, Dr. Nilofar Quraishi, Dr. Mohammed Ali Kotal ,Dr. Rahul Khobragade
Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan participated as a Resource Person at AICTE sponsored QIP - Two weeks faculty development Programme on “Research and Practice in Metabolic Disorders : Past Present & Future.” Organized by Sinhgad College of Pharmacy, Vadgaon. She delivered a lecture on‘Diabetes :An Overview’in JulyDr. Radha Yegnanarayan Professor & HOD
Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan Professor&Head, delivered a lecture on “ Ethical issues in Medical Research” in Research Methodology Workshop for faculty on 11th August & for PG students on 24th Sinhgad Dental College & HospitalDr. Khyati Doshi
Dr. Khyati Doshi- JR was one among the 20 students across the globe and only one from India selected to present her research work at the Annuathe l Conference of DIA, with all expenses borne by DIA International.Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan
Dr. Radha Yegnanarayan Professor & Head was appointed Chairperson of Local Inspection Committee appointed by MUHS for inspection of the Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology Seth G.S.Medical College Mumbai for continuation of the course of Ph.D. in Clinical Pharmacology.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & Head
Appointed as Chairperson of Local Inspection Committee appointed by MUHS for inspection of MIMER Medical College Talegaon for starting the certificate course in modern Pharmacology.Dr. Uma Bhosale, Professor & Head
Appointed as Chairperson of Local Inspection Committee appointed by MUHS for inspection of MIMER Medical College Talegaon for starting the certificate course in modern Pharmacology.Dr. Uma A. Bhosale, Professor & Head
Dr. Uma A. Bhosale, Professor & Head, Dept. of Pharmacology, Appointed as member on Board of studies (BOS) at D. Y. Patil Medical College, Kolhapur, & KIMS Karad.Physiology
Dr. Leena Phadke (Professor) :
Invited as a Faculty & Convenor/Speaker for Integrative Medicine Consortium Leadership Development Conclave Pune, 4-5 January 2025 Venue: Amanora The Fern, Amanora Park Town, Magarpatta Road, Hadapsar, Pune, 411028.
Dr. Leena Phadke (Professor) :
Invited as a Expert member on “Brainstorming Session On Multidisciplinary Minor (MDM) In Biomedical Domain” On 23rd February 2024 , Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering (PCCOE), Nigdi, Pune.Dr. Mrunal Shenwai
Got selected for the GSMC FAIMER 2024, 2 year fellowship program.Dr. Leena Phadke (Professor)
Invited as a guest Speaker on ‘’Biological Time Series and Pattern recognition ‘’. On 12th March 2024 at Cummins College of Engineering for Women Pune.Dr. Leena Phadke (Professor)
Invited as a Faculty on Online certificate course titled ‘’Basics of Yoga therapy for mental health professionals’’ Neuroscience of Yogasanas’’ On 13th March 2024 at Department of Integrative Medicine Research , NIMHANS.Dr. Leena Phadke (Professor) :
Invited as a guest Speaker on ‘’ Mind Body Workshop during 8th International Diabetes Summit 2024 ‘’ on 15th March to 17th March 2024,at Hotel J W Marriott, Pune.Dr. Leena Phadke (Professor) :
Invited as a guest Speaker on ‘’ Obesity in Women’’ 3rd International Obesity Summit INTEGRATE 2024. on 27th March 2024.Dr. Deepali Khatri (Tutor):
Invited as a Speaker in the webinar hosted by Academy of Sleep Wake Science on the topic “HRV in different sleep stages” on 30th March 2024.Dr. Priya Mardikar (Professor & Head)
Invited as Resource Faculty in 5th International Conference of On Mind Body Medicine in Endocrinology & Diabetes by SPHERE (Online) on 27th & 28 April 2024Dr. Leena Phadke (Professor)
Invited as a faculty in an International Conference of Research Society for Study of Diabetes In India (RSSDI), 3rd RSSDI Research Retreat 2024’’ at Rajasthan International Center , Jaipur ,on 13th & 14th April 2024.Dr. Leena Phadke (Professor)
Has attended the Integrative Medicine Research NIMHANS Banglore on 19th & 20th April 2024., delivered lecturer for PGs students and Research Associates at NIMHANSDr Leena Phadke
Was invited as a Guest Speaker at Bharati Vidyaspeeth Deemed to be University, IRSHA, Katraj, Pune to guide the faculty, students and yoga enthusiasts on the topic “Neuroscience of Yoga” from 21.06.2024 on occasion of International Yoga Day.Dr Leena Phadke
Invited as a faculty at the residential Workshop on “MIND BODY AND MEDICINE IN ENDOCRINOLOGY & DIABETES” on 18th July 2024 to 21st July 2024 at the Amanora, Fern Club,Pune.Dr. Santosh Rohidas Bokre
Has successfully completed “Certificate Course in Evidence Based Diabetes Management” delivered by Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi and Dr.Mohan’s Diabetes Education Academy, Chennai from January 2022 to December 2022Dr. Leena Phadke
Has participated in the educational activity titled 7th Annual Heart in Diabetes Congress CME Activity on 09-11 June 2023.Dr. Chandralekha Pramod Singh
Effects of Training on Pulmonary Function Test in Long Distance Runners. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, June -2023Dr. Priya Mardikar, Professor & Head
Invited as a Guest Speaker for VIRTUAL NATIONAL WEBINAR On “Mind Body Medicine’’ 31st JULY 2023 at Prakash Institute of Medical Sciences & Research URUN IslampurDr. Leena Phadke, Professor
Invited as a Guest Speaker for VIRTUAL NATIONAL WEBINAR On “Mind Body Medicine’’ 31st JULY 2023 at Prakash Institute of Medical Sciences & Research URUN Islampur.Dr. Leena Phadke, Professor
Invited as a Faculty/Speaker for the 4N/5D residential workshop on Mind Body Medicine in Endocrinology and Diabetes from 20th July to 24th July 2023 at the Amanora Fern Club, PuneDr. Leena Phadke (Professor)
Invited as a guest Speaker on‘’ Exercise Physiology ‘’on 8thAugust 2023, Department of Shoulder & Sports Injury, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune.Dr. Leena Phadke (Professor)
Invited as a guest Speaker on ‘’Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease using HRV’’ on 16th August 2023, Lokmanya Hospital LHSS, Senapati Bapat Road PuneDr. Leena Phadke (Professor)
Invited as a Guest Speaker on ‘Research Project. Ahead in a Better Way.’’ On 16th September 2023, Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Swami Kuvalyananda Marg, Lonavla .Department of Physiology
Has participated in Poster Competion and got Best Poster Prize for “Alarm Safety” on 21/09/2023 at SKNMC & GH.The Competition was held during Patient Safety Week Celebrations as per NMC mandate.Dr. Chandralekha P Singh
Successfully completed the Basic Course in Biomedical Research conducted by NPTEL on 3rd December 2023.Dr. Deepali Khatri
Has been awarded for best Paper presented on Cardiac Autonomic Modulation Assessed By heart Rate Variability (HRV) in Normal Pregnancy: A Prospective Long Itudinal Cohort Study.Dr. Priya Mardikar & Dr. Deepali Khatri
Successfully completed the NPTEL course on ‘Stress management’ offered by Swayam plat form.Dr. Mrunal Shenwai
Successfully completed the Basic course in Biomedical Research (with 85% Marks) conducted by NPTEL in Jan 2021.Dr. Smita Wali
Appointed as CAP Custodian for MUHS Examination at SKNMC & GH, Pune.Dr. Smita Wali
Appointed as IVS for MUHS Examination at SKNMC & GH, PuneDr. Smita Wali
Took over charge of Nursing Department as Incharge of Nursing Administrator From 22 April 2021Dr. Smita Wali
Got appointment order as CAP custodian on 29th May 2021.Dr. Minal Kusalkar
Got appointment order as Assistant CAP custodian on 29th May 2021.Dr. Minal Kusalakar
Appointed as center observe, for Ist MBBS ,SUMMER 2020 (Supplementary) MUHS, Nashik, Theory Examination from 09-06-2021 to 22-06-2021 at Government Medical College, Baramati.Dr. Priya Mardikar
Appointed as Subject Expert for Online Approval of staff at MIMER Medical College,Talgaon (D), Dist.:Pune.Dr. Smita Wali
Appointed as CAP custodian Winter -2020 MUHS, Nashik Examination.Dr. Minal Kusalkar
Attended CPD on “Physiological aspects on covid-19” on 23rd July 2021. (Online)Dr.Mrunal Shenwai ( Associate Professor)
Participated & won 1st prize in poster competition organized by 1st Annual Conference of Research Society, SKNMC & GH on 17th & 18th February 2020Dr.Priya Mardikar (Professor & HOD)
Appointed as a faculty by MUHS for “ Local staff selection” on 2nd January 2020 at Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s Medical College, Ahmednager.Dr. Monika Gavali (Associate Professor)
Presented oral paper in Scientific session of 1st Annual Conference of Research Society, SKNMC & GH on 17th & 18th February 2020.Dr. Smita Patil & Dr. Minal Kusalkar (Assistant Professors) , Dr. Deepali Khatri (Tutor)
Participated as a faculty for ‘Pre Conference workshops’ on 17th February 2020.Dr. Deepali Khatri & Dr. Poonam Tayade
Actively involved in COVID 19 duties in the COVID ward from June 2020.Dr. Deepali Khatri & Dr. Poonam Tayade
Actively involved in COVID 19 duties in the COVID ward from June 2020.Mrs. Pooja Shilimkar (Lab Technician)
deputed for Antibody testing of COVID patients under Microbiology department.All Faculty members
All faculty members completed the 4 week certificate course on ‘Learn Moodle 3.9 basics from 5th October to 1st November 2020.Dr. Nitin Joshi (Professor)
Appointed as a Deputy Dean (Academic activity & MCI cell)Dr. Mrs. Priya Mardikar (Professor & HOD)
Attended workshop on ‘AUTLS’ - Provider Course - Empowering Trauma Resuscitation, as a MMC Observer at the Department of Anesthesia & Critical care, SKNMC & GH on 6th& 7th September 2019.Dr. Mrs. Priya Mardikar (Professor & HOD):
1.MMC Observer for MEDUACE conference.Dr. Mrs. Priya Mardikar (Professor & HOD)& Dr. Nitin Joshi (Professor)
Judge for Debit (MEDIACE conference )Dr. Deepali Khatri (Tutor) :
Worked as a Subject Expert & Quiz Master (MEDIACE conference)Dr. Mrs. Leena Phadke (Professor)
Invited as a Chief Guest for Inauguration function of State Level AICTE Approved FDP on “ Advanced Techniques for IT Enabled Healthcare” and this occasion a keynote address delivered to motivate the participants for their research in healthcare on 14th October 2019 at Pimpari Chinchwad College of Engineering (PCCOE) , Pune.Dr. Mrs. Leena Phadke (Professor
Guest Speaker at CME “National Workshop on Mind - Body Medicine” ( NIMHANS, BengaluruDr. Monika Gavali (Associate Professor)
Researchmet Resource Person at SKNPT College of MUHSDr.Priya Mardikar( Professor & HOD)
LIC Inspector at Vikhe Patil Medical College, Ahmednagar on 13th December 2019.Dr. Mrs. Monika Gavali (Associate Professor)
Conducted LIC Inspection of MUHS , Nashik at GMC, Miraj for various courses on 19th December 2019Dr. Mrs. Monika Gavali (Associate Professor)
LIC Inspector at Prakash Institute of Medical Science & Research, Uran, Islampur on 20th December 2019.Dr. Mrs. Leena Phadke (Associate Professor)
Invited as Guest Speaker at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpari, on topic: “fitness Medicine : An approach to Exercise Prescription “ on 15th June 2017Dr. Krishnakant B. Patil (Professor & HOD)
Visited at RCSM & GMC Kolhapur,as a (MUHS) LIC Inspector for Ph.D. Course on 4th October 2017.Dr. Smita Patil ( Assistant Professor)
Celebrated “Yoga Day” on 21st June 2016. Poster presentation - 1st prizeDr. Mrs Suvarna Mandke & Dr. Rahul Magar
Of Physiology conducted teaching session for O.T. Assistants in month of March 2015.Dr.Mrs. Monika Gavali
Invited as a faculty to conduct a Quiz for UG /PG /Interns students at “Yo - Medicon Conference” IMA Dhule, on 28th February 2015.Dr. Krishnakant B. Patil ( Professor & HOD)
Received “Best UG Teacher” Award in 2015Dr. Mrunal Shenwai
Invited as a guest faculty for MUHS “Basic workshop in Research Methodology” organized at Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Physiotherapy between 6th to 8th January 22nd to 24th September 2015.Dr. Mrunal Shenwai
Worked as a faculty/ resource person for MCI Basic course workshop in MET organized at SKNMC & GH between 29th to 31st July 2015.Dr. Mrs. Mrunal Shenwai
Invited as a guest speaker for MUHS “Basic Workshop on Research Methodology” conducted by Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Physiotherapy between 6-8 January 2015Dr. Leena Phadke ( Asso. Prof)
Attended workshop at JSS Medical college at Mysore, on topic “ Heart Rate variability during yogasana under standing the process” as a Guest Speaker on 14th Feb 2015.Dr. Nitin Joshi ( Professor )
Received "Outstanding Performance Award" in the year 2015Dr. Leena Phadke ( Asso. Prof)
Attended workshop at NIMHANS, Bangalore ,on topic “Autonomic Dysfunction” as a Guest Speaker on 12th Feb to 13th Feb 2015Dr. Mrs. Monika Gavali
Invited as Anchor at Inter Colligate in Physiology organized by IMA, Pune branch at Nitu Mandke Hall, Pune on December 2014Dr. Mrs. Mrunal Shenwai
Was invited as a guest speaker for MUHS “Basic Workshop on Research Methodology” at Sinhgad Dental College & Hospital, Pune organized between i) 10-12 September 2014 and ii) 10-12 December 2014Dr. Mrs. Mrunal Shenwai
Worked as a Resource person / faculty member for MET cell, SKNMC&GH for the MCI “Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies” organized between 6-8 August 2014 at SKNMC&GHDr. Mrs. Leena Phadke
Visited as Principle Investigator ofr research project “Aerobic exercise & Yoga : Respiratory gas analysis a Comparative study” at Regensurg University, Germany on 17th to 27th September 2014Dr. Mrs. Leena Phadke
Invited as a guest speaker - topic “Yoga & Autonomic Nervous System” at Munich, Germany on 17th to 27th September 2014Dr. Mrs. Monika Gavali
Done M.M.C. Observership for live workshop of “Coblation Therapy” organized by ENT department on 28th March and & at UG national conference MEDIACE 21st & 22nd August SKNMC & GH.Dr.Mrs. Monika Gavali
Was selected as a reviewer fori National journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology
ii IJMSRP ( International Journal of Medical Science & Practice )
Dr. Bhushan Mhetre
Attended the Basic Course in Medical Education conducted by NMC regional centre MUHS Nashik, on 09th July 2024 to 11th July 2024.Dr. Manasvi Kotkar and Dr. Juilee Borade
Completed online certification Basic course in Biomedical Research.Dr. Manasvi Kotkar and Dr. Juilee Borade
Completed online certification Basic course in Biomedical Research.
Dr. Aaron Zachariah, Dr Mansi Patel & Mihir Kshirsagar
“Basic Cardiac Life Support” course on 30th June 2022 at SKNMCGH Pune.Dr.Aaron Zachariah ,Dr. Mansi Patel & Mihir Kshirsagar
“PG Residents Update Program ” course on 15th July 2022 at SKNMCGH PuneDr. Afnan Sayad
Has awarded 2nd prize E-poster(PG category) in the 2nd Annual virtual Conference Research Society of SKNMCGH Pune.Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande
Completed online course on ‘Yoga in Mental Health’ organized by World Psychiatric Association Education with Indian Psychiatric society and NIMHANS Bangalore on 30th November 2021, 7th December 2021 and 11th, 18th December 2021.Dr Chinmay Deshpande
Participated as panelist /expert guest “HELLO DOCTOR” orgnised by the “IIT BOMBAY ALUMNUS ASSOCIATION”Dr. Bhushan Mhetre
Was resource person in the webinar Psychosocial Well-Being During COVID-19 Crisis’ organized by Sinhgad College of Nursing, Narhe, Pune on 24th July 2020.Dr. Sharmishtha S. Deshpnade
Delivered lecture for students of Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Pharmacy Kondhav for newly admitted B.Pharm students on 13th August 2019.Dr. Amol Badekar
Presented free paper presentation in ANCIPS 2018 titled ‘Prevalence, severity of tobacco use and accrues to tobacco cessation among psychiatric in patients.’Dr. Sufiyan Sirkhot
Presented free paper presentation in ANCIPS 2018 titled ‘to study pattern of sleep disorders in patients with mood disorders and compare the perceived sleep with alcohol PSQI score.Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande
Delivered a lecture on “Psychotropic drugs dermatologist ought to know” in Psychodermatology 2018 conference held at KMC, Manipal on 1st July 2018.Dr. Avinash waghmare, Bhushan Mhetre , Dr. Amol Badekar . Dr. Sharmishtha deshpande
49th ANCIPS WZB 2018 - organizing committee members Dr. Avinash waghmare, Bhushan Mhetre , Dr. Amol Badekar . Dr. Sharmishtha deshpande judge for competitive paper and post session.Dr. Nikhil mankar and Dr. Sufiyan Sirkhot
Winners of Dr. Govind Bang post-graduate quiz in 49th ANCIPS WZB -2018.Dr. Avinash waghmare
“World Mental Health Day” -Dr. Avinash waghmare was delivered lecture on 10th October 2018 on this occasion for the Nursing College of our institute and Sinhgad College of physiotherapy. Theme for this year is “Young people and mental health in changing world”.Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande and Dr. Vinod Chaugule
Delivered lecture on “Stress management” for First year MBBS students of SKNMC & GH.Dr. Chinmay Deshpande
Presented paper on “Screening for sleep disorders and comorbid psychiatric conditions in medical outpatients at tertiary care hospital” in the 48th annual conference Indian Psychiatric Society West Zone Branch annual conference held at Rajkot from 29 th Sept. to 1th October 2017.Dr. Bhushan Mhetre and Dr. Trupti Torne
A lecture was delivered on Stress management for teachers of Sinhgad Spring Dale Public School by Dr. Bhushan Mhetre and Dr. Trupti Torne on 5th Dec 2017.Mrs. Purva Deshpande
Lectures were delivered on Positive Mental Health and Effective Study Skills by Mrs. Purva Deshpande for Students of VI, VII, and VIII STD of Sinhgad Spring Dale Public School on 6th and 7th Dec 2017.Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande
Participation person in Capacity Building Training Programme organized by NGO Resource Center, Karve Institute of Social Service and Tech Mahindra Foundation on ‘Early Identification of Psychiatric Symptoms an Integrative approach’ on 5th April 2016Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande
Presented Symposium on ‘Clinical Practice and research in Psycho dermatology at a tertiary Hospital’ at World Psychiatry Association Regional Congress conference held in Kochi, India, September 25th-27th, 2015.Dr. Avinash Waghmare
Presented a Symposium on “Caregivers education and support groups: NIMHANS Institute and experiences” at Indian Association of Social Psychiatry conference in Agra on 6th, 7th, 8th November 2015.Dr. Avinash Waghmare
Presented a symposium on ‘Recovery oriented services: success stories and lessons learned’- Evolving a teaching programme for psychiatric rehabilitation in 67th annual national conference of Indian psychiatric Society (ANCIPS 2015)Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande
Presented a paper on ‘Psychiatric Morbidity and Perceived Stress in Patients with Melasma’ at World Psychiatry Association Regional Congress conference held in Kochi, India, September 25th-27th, 2015.Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande
World Psychiatry Association Regional Congress conference held in Kochi, India, September 25th-27th, 2015. Dr. Sharmishtha Deshpande has presented a free paper on “Psychiatric Morbidity and Perceived Stress in Patients with Melasma” and Symposium on “Clinical Practice and research in Psycho dermatology at a tertiary Hospital”.Radio-diagnosis
Dr. Jui Tasgaonkar, Dr. Sarvesh Murade, Dr. Saba Alam
Following three Junior Residents won Quiz Competition Organized by PCMCRA held on 28/07/2024 at Adity Birla Memorial Hospital, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Pune.
1st Prize – Dr. Jui Tasgaonkar
2nd Prize Dr. Sarvesh Murade
3rd Prize Dr. Saba Alam
Dr. Prashant Naik, Prof. & HOD,
Radiology Department conducted interview for Staff Selection as ‘Subject Expert for Radio-dignosis’ on Monday 27th August – 2024 at MIMER Medical College and Dr. BSTR Hospital, Talegaon Dabhade,Pune.