Anatomy - Research
Dr. Deepti Kulkarni, Dr. Nutan Mandke
The Study Of Eruption Of Teeth In Children From Birth To 12 Years Of Age In Western Maharashtra Region.”: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS): International: October. 2024, Volume 23, Issue 10 Ser. 3: PP 01-05.Dr Kirti Solanke, Dr Deepti Kulkarni, Dr Archana Shekokar
Perception of Phase I MBBS students on implementation of pandemic management module: Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine Published By Kuwait Scientific Society, Nov. 2024, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, Page no. 1-5, International, Doi Prefix: Website: https://dialogues- ISSN (Print): 1272-9949 & ISSN (Online): 2608-3515Dr. Deepti Kulkarni, Dr. Kirti Solanke, Dr. Archana Shekokar
“Use of Near Peer Interactions for Anatomy teaching by Online Method During Covid 19 Pandemic” International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Research: Volume: 4 Issue:4: page- 414-418, July-Aug 2023.ISSN: 2958-3675, Online ISSN: 2958-3683,Dr. Deepti Kulkarni, Dr. Kirti Solanke, Dr. Archana Shekokar
Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on 1st MBBS Students in Learning Anatomy; A Students perspective. IJMSCR: Volume 5,Issue2,page- 249-256,March-April 2022.Khanapurkar Sonali, Deepti Kulkarni, Archana Shekokar
Morphometry of Menisci of Human Knee Joint, A Cadaveric study. Indian Journal of Anatomy. Indexed pISSN: 2320.0022.9320.2, Volume-9, Number-3, pp 191-196Dr. Archana Shekokar, Dr. Kirti Solanke, Dr.Deepti Kulkarni, Dr.Pallavi Kulkarni
Reverse Rotation of Gut with Hiatal hernia of Stomach- A Rare Anomaly. Medical Journal of Basic & Applied Research(Vol-2, No.1) PP 24-26 (Feb.2021)Kirti Sudhakarrao Solanke1 , Rajan Bhatnagar2 , Boruah Dibyajyoti3 , Tandon Aseem4
Morpho–Metrical and Stereological Analysis of Human Fetal Kidney . During Mid-Gestation Period Ranging from 12th to 35th Weeks to Study Growth Pattern of Kidney in Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects (Oct-Dec 2020). Indian Journal of Anatomy,Volume 9 Number 4, pp 243-250Dr. Ajit Holkunde, Dr. Supriya Sakhare
Histological study of spleen in human features. Indian Journal of clinical Anatomy & Physiology(Vol. 5, Number-2) Pp 260-265 Apr-June 2018.Dr. Supriya Sakhare Dr. Ajit Holkunde
Effect of obesity on parasympathetic nervous system.Indian Journal of clinical Anatomy & Physiology(Vol. 5,Number-2)Pp 154-156(Apr-June 2018).Pallavi A Kulkarni1*, Avinash D Shewale2, Rohini R Karambelkar3
Variations in carotico clinoid foramen in human skulls in western Maharashtra region and its clinical Significance. MedPulse - International Journal of Anatomy, PISSN: 2550-7621, EISSN: 2636 -4557 Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 33-36 June 2018.Dr. Netra Gadre, Dr. Kulkarni Pallavi
Comparative study of effectiveness of group discussion and didactic lectures for Medical UG students. MedPulse - International Journal of Anatomy,PISSN: 2550-7621, EISSN: 2636 -4557 Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 26-27 June -2018.Kirti Solanke1, Deepti Kulkarni2*, Archana Shekokar3
Role of traditional cadaveric dissection in learning -Perceptions of 1st MBBS students.MedPulse - International Journal of Anatomy, PISSN: 2550-7621, EISSN: 2636 -4557 Volume 7, Issue 1, pp 07-09 July 2018.Renuka S. Ahankari1, Sudhir M. Sant2
Study of attitude of first year medical students towards teaching and learning embryology (Sept. 2018)MedPulse - International Journal of Anatomy.PISSN: 2550-7621, EISSN: 2636-4557 Vol. 7, Number-3, pp 23-27Kirti Solanke, Rajan Bhatnagar, Boruah Dibyajyoti, Tandon Aseem And Pokhrel Rishi
To study the sequence of microscopic changes occurring during development of kidney in 12wk-35wk human fetuses.International Journal of Current Research.ISSN: 0975-833X Vol. 9, Issue, 08, pp.55808-55813, August, 2017Dr. Bhaudas Jadhav, Dr. Sant Sudhir Dr. Pandave Harshal
Study Of Human Placenta in Normal Pregnancies ( July- Dec. 2016) (International)International Journal f Contemporary Surgery; ISSN No. 2320-9615 (Print) , 2321- 1024 (Electronic) , Vol. 4, No.2
Dr. Bhaudas Jadhav, Dr. Sant Sudhir Dr. Pandave Harshal
Weight of Human Placenta and Maternal and Fetal Parameters : An observationalStudy ( Accepted 2016) (National); Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology (IJCAP); ISSN No. 2394-2118 (Print) , 2394- 2126(Online) , Vol. 6, Issue 2
Dr. Bhaudas Jadhav, Dr. Sant Sudhir
Study of Common Patterns of the Segmental Bronchi in Right and Left Human Lungs (July- September 2015); Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development; ISSN No. 0976-0245 (Print); 0976- 5506 (Electronic); Vol. 6 No.3; Pages 31-36Dr. Bhaudas Jadhav, Dr. Sant Sudhir
Study of Common Patterns of the Subsuperior Bronchi in Right and Left Human Lungs (July- September 2015;)International Journal of Contemporary Surgery; ISSN No. 2320-9615 (Print); 2321-1024 (Electronic); Vol. 3 No.2; Pages 13-17Dr. Ramakrishna Ghubde, Dr. Archana Shekokar
Non invasive positive pressure ventilation strategy in acute respiratory failure - predictors outcome in intensive respiratory care unit in tertiary care center. (June 2015)Medical Science ISSN: 2249-555x Vol-5 Issue-6, Pages 102-107