Department - Anatomy

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    Anatomy - Research

    Dr. Deepti Kulkarni, Dr. Nutan Mandke
    The Study Of Eruption Of Teeth In Children From Birth To 12 Years Of Age In Western Maharashtra Region.”: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS): International: October. 2024, Volume 23, Issue 10 Ser. 3: PP 01-05.
    Dr Kirti Solanke, Dr Deepti Kulkarni, Dr Archana Shekokar
    Perception of Phase I MBBS students on implementation of pandemic management module: Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine Published By Kuwait Scientific Society, Nov. 2024, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, Page no. 1-5, International, Doi Prefix: Website: https://dialogues- ISSN (Print): 1272-9949 & ISSN (Online): 2608-3515
    Dr. Deepti Kulkarni, Dr. Kirti Solanke, Dr. Archana Shekokar
    “Use of Near Peer Interactions for Anatomy teaching by Online Method During Covid 19 Pandemic” International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Research: Volume: 4 Issue:4: page- 414-418, July-Aug 2023.ISSN: 2958-3675, Online ISSN: 2958-3683,
    Dr. Deepti Kulkarni, Dr. Kirti Solanke, Dr. Archana Shekokar
    Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on 1st MBBS Students in Learning Anatomy; A Students perspective. IJMSCR: Volume 5,Issue2,page- 249-256,March-April 2022.
    Khanapurkar Sonali, Deepti Kulkarni, Archana Shekokar
    Morphometry of Menisci of Human Knee Joint, A Cadaveric study. Indian Journal of Anatomy. Indexed pISSN: 2320.0022.9320.2, Volume-9, Number-3, pp 191-196
    Dr. Archana Shekokar, Dr. Kirti Solanke, Dr.Deepti Kulkarni, Dr.Pallavi Kulkarni
    Reverse Rotation of Gut with Hiatal hernia of Stomach- A Rare Anomaly. Medical Journal of Basic & Applied Research(Vol-2, No.1) PP 24-26 (Feb.2021)
    Kirti Sudhakarrao Solanke1 , Rajan Bhatnagar2 , Boruah Dibyajyoti3 , Tandon Aseem4
    Morpho–Metrical and Stereological Analysis of Human Fetal Kidney . During Mid-Gestation Period Ranging from 12th to 35th Weeks to Study Growth Pattern of Kidney in Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects (Oct-Dec 2020). Indian Journal of Anatomy,Volume 9 Number 4, pp 243-250
    Dr. Ajit Holkunde, Dr. Supriya Sakhare
    Histological study of spleen in human features. Indian Journal of clinical Anatomy & Physiology(Vol. 5, Number-2) Pp 260-265 Apr-June 2018.
    Dr. Supriya Sakhare Dr. Ajit Holkunde
    Effect of obesity on parasympathetic nervous system.Indian Journal of clinical Anatomy & Physiology(Vol. 5,Number-2)Pp 154-156(Apr-June 2018).
    Pallavi A Kulkarni1*, Avinash D Shewale2, Rohini R Karambelkar3
    Variations in carotico clinoid foramen in human skulls in western Maharashtra region and its clinical Significance. MedPulse - International Journal of Anatomy, PISSN: 2550-7621, EISSN: 2636 -4557 Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 33-36 June 2018.
    Dr. Netra Gadre, Dr. Kulkarni Pallavi
    Comparative study of effectiveness of group discussion and didactic lectures for Medical UG students. MedPulse - International Journal of Anatomy,PISSN: 2550-7621, EISSN: 2636 -4557 Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 26-27 June -2018.
    Kirti Solanke1, Deepti Kulkarni2*, Archana Shekokar3
    Role of traditional cadaveric dissection in learning -Perceptions of 1st MBBS students.MedPulse - International Journal of Anatomy, PISSN: 2550-7621, EISSN: 2636 -4557 Volume 7, Issue 1, pp 07-09 July 2018.
    Renuka S. Ahankari1, Sudhir M. Sant2
    Study of attitude of first year medical students towards teaching and learning embryology (Sept. 2018)MedPulse - International Journal of Anatomy.PISSN: 2550-7621, EISSN: 2636-4557 Vol. 7, Number-3, pp 23-27
    Kirti Solanke, Rajan Bhatnagar, Boruah Dibyajyoti, Tandon Aseem And Pokhrel Rishi
    To study the sequence of microscopic changes occurring during development of kidney in 12wk-35wk human fetuses.International Journal of Current Research.ISSN: 0975-833X Vol. 9, Issue, 08, pp.55808-55813, August, 2017
    Dr. Bhaudas Jadhav, Dr. Sant Sudhir Dr. Pandave Harshal
    Study Of Human Placenta in Normal Pregnancies ( July- Dec. 2016) (International)
    International Journal f Contemporary Surgery; ISSN No. 2320-9615 (Print) , 2321- 1024 (Electronic) , Vol. 4, No.2
    Dr. Bhaudas Jadhav, Dr. Sant Sudhir Dr. Pandave Harshal
    Weight of Human Placenta and Maternal and Fetal Parameters : An observational
    Study ( Accepted 2016) (National); Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology (IJCAP); ISSN No. 2394-2118 (Print) , 2394- 2126(Online) , Vol. 6, Issue 2
    Dr. Bhaudas Jadhav, Dr. Sant Sudhir
    Study of Common Patterns of the Segmental Bronchi in Right and Left Human Lungs (July- September 2015); Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development; ISSN No. 0976-0245 (Print); 0976- 5506 (Electronic); Vol. 6 No.3; Pages 31-36
    Dr. Bhaudas Jadhav, Dr. Sant Sudhir
    Study of Common Patterns of the Subsuperior Bronchi in Right and Left Human Lungs (July- September 2015;)International Journal of Contemporary Surgery; ISSN No. 2320-9615 (Print); 2321-1024 (Electronic); Vol. 3 No.2; Pages 13-17
    Dr. Ramakrishna Ghubde, Dr. Archana Shekokar
    Non invasive positive pressure ventilation strategy in acute respiratory failure - predictors outcome in intensive respiratory care unit in tertiary care center. (June 2015)
    Medical Science ISSN: 2249-555x Vol-5 Issue-6, Pages 102-107
    Dr. Ramakrishna Ghubde, Dr. Archana Shekokar
    Evolution of Central Venous Catheterization for its Complications in Intensive Respiratory Care Unit in a Tertiary - Level Centre.(June 2015)Medical Science ISSN: 2277-8179 Vol-4; Issue-6; Pages 456-459.