Human Anatomy is one of the essential and basic sciences of Medicine. It is concerned with the study of structure of human body and its parts. Apart of conventional methods of teaching, use of modern technology like power point presentation, 3 Dimensional Imaging videos, helps the medical students to understand Anatomy better.
Department of Anatomy in this institution incorporates an effective combined use of newer techniques with older gold standard methods of teaching like use of chalk & board and power point presentations in lectures, small group teaching in dissection hall , histology slide photograph projected on screen for discussion, 3-D imaging videos showing development of embryo, embryology models prepared in the department for demonstration, museum equipped with well dissected labeled wet specimen with its catalogue guide.
The Department is well equipped with audiovisual aids needed for all the newer modalities of teaching – learning.
To develop good rapport between teacher and students we follow mentorship program which helps students to deal with their problems in a better way. Regular feedback about teaching –learning program from students helps department to make the program student centric and upgrade it based on their needs. Various activities like quiz, student seminar & part completion tests help students to build their confidence and provide scope for self analysis and improvement in their performance.
A separate E-mail group is formed comprising of all the students and HOD. In this group, study material is shared with students at regular interval which includes labeled radiographs, photos of embryology models with write up, microphotographs of histology slides, updated question bank including MCQs, guideline questions for practical examinations, which enables students to study this material at their leisure. Students can also ask their difficulties through this platform.
The parents are regularly informed about their ward’s attendance, academic performance and any other problem student might be facing. In response to this many parents meet the faculty and HOD, thus interaction between parents- teachers and students is ensured.
As a result of these efforts under the guidance of eminent faculty of department, students are achieving higher grades year by year. Last two years 6-7 students got distinction in anatomy and percentage of passing of students in Anatomy is above 90%.
Department also encourages body donation (Dehadan) for educational purposes and holds all the facilities for storage of the donated dead bodies. The body donation forms are made available in department.